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Originally posted by kidmost:
Ya'll funny fuh real! Some of what Rohee says about Moses is true. Moses remained silent when Cheddi and Janet were screwing up big time. He is angry Janet annointed Jagdeo over him. Even if Cheddi named Moses as next in line after Janet she , janet would have done what she wanted . What she did not expect and what shocked her was when jagdeo marginalized her role and influence call it a backkick. Now Moses realizes AFC is upsetting the banana cart he looking fuh ah free ride. The AFC should make use of Moses in the capacity of Commentator but not allow him into the executive of the party . Guys like Moses , Ramoutar, Texeira , Rohee are toxic.

Rama bai the democratic system of the PPP in choosing a leader is the biggest blatant joke everyone knows except fools like you PPP guys who indulge in self delusion.

Kiddie, I see you still haven't gotten over the Moses obsession.

Just remember the situation with Colin Powell and his disagreement with G. W. Bush (and its not just over being misled about the uranium enrichment thing). ?Using Moses' example you would trample on Colin Powell too.

I think Moses employed the right timing. Any move vis-a-vis with him had to be timed for maximum impact. Sticking it out all this time while pushing back for years (and even with Janet)v is something you need to reconcile with all those COs in the National Service in the 70s who later in life jumped ugly with Burnham.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

Could you tell us where is the forensic lab?

What are you planning to do about Marai's accusation that top members of the police have narco connections?

What is the status of your US visa? Why was it revoked?

What is the status of Henry Green's US visa? Why was it revoked?

TK Bhai...can you show us the AFC list of candidates and while you at it can you post the pictures o fthe rally yall had at the Parade ground where Moses was the main speaker...we want fu see how many thousands showed up..please do dis fu mee naa cheers
Originally posted by Nehru:
And how did you conlude that the KFC is going to be successful??? Talk is CHEAP.
Originally posted by kidmost:
Ya'll funny fuh real! Some of what Rohee says about Moses is true. Moses remained silent when Cheddi and Janet were screwing up big time. He is angry Janet annointed Jagdeo over him. Even if Cheddi named Moses as next in line after Janet she , janet would have done what she wanted . What she did not expect and what shocked her was when jagdeo marginalized her role and influence call it a backkick. Now Moses realizes AFC is upsetting the banana cart he looking fuh ah free ride. The AFC should make use of Moses in the capacity of Commentator but not allow him into the executive of the party . Guys like Moses , Ramoutar, Texeira , Rohee are toxic.

Rama bai the democratic system of the PPP in choosing a leader is the biggest blatant joke everyone knows except fools like you PPP guys who indulge in self delusion.

Pandit Nehru I am hoping the AFC will garner enough seats to break the PPP/PNC domination but if they WIn hell then thats good for them but I dont think blacks and indians in Guyana have fully evolved past race as yet, most are still two faced talking with forked tongues.

But you rite bannas ! talk is cheap so AFC set a historic precedent last election this election they might very well set a miracle.
Originally posted by Kari:
Kiddie, I see you still haven't gotten over the Moses obsession.

Bai I am not obsessing with Moses I am just stating that the man is lame ass duck. Big bark no bite .

Just remember the situation with Colin Powell and his disagreement with G. W. Bush (and its not just over being misled about the uranium enrichment thing). ?Using Moses' example you would trample on Colin Powell too.

Colin Powell was an a55 to be misled by a goofball like GWB and so is Moses for being the obedient watchdog for Janet Jagan. Let me tell dude , Moses help Janet assassinate nuff decent Xpppites so Moses got what he deserves . Jagdeo did to him when he helped janet do to others . I think they call it retribution .

I think Moses employed the right timing. Any move vis-a-vis with him had to be timed for maximum impact. Sticking it out all this time while pushing back for years (and even with Janet)v is something you need to reconcile with all those COs in the National Service in the 70s who later in life jumped ugly with Burnham.

kari I will bet you Moses lost his watch and sense of timing ! Moses had a right to come out openly and publicly when the Jagdeo gang refused to adhere to concerns over direction of the party . In failing to do so he failed the party and supporters and the people but this is not surprising since all these PPP guys are narrow minded selfish guys . They , including Joey Josef Stalin etc , believed they had a devine right to the leadership of the PPP when CBJ died . Thats why I admire Rai because he challenged CBJ when he was alive and younger but these leeches all waited the CBJ to dead fuss for fight over the dried up bone . Dude I dont know if you are aware but MANY OF THOSE COs you are referring to were dedicated supporters of Eusi , Rodney. Most of them left to support Rodney when he started his challenge of the PNC . These were the guys who neutralized the GPF , GDF and House Of Israel many of them had to leave Guyana when Rodney was assassinated . I thought you were on the up and up on this ??? Do I need to throw you a life line ?
Originally posted by Wally:
Kidmost, I remember those early days. Janet was running around like a little girl. Bringing this for Jagdeo bringing that for Jagdeo. She even baked him a cake. How many guys on this board got a complete cake from Janet baked by Janet. I don't even think Bookman ever got that.

She was kissing Bharrat a5s while complaining to old party backers that Bharrat was misbehaving and not obeying or recognizing Mama. She knew she was kicked to the curb by young aspiring Putin!
Since the 1970's when Ranji Chandisingh, Vincent Teekah, Halim Majeed, Balram Singh rai and others defected to the opposition,,,Moses Nagamotoo was a fact of that faction, but he later decided to stay, so the jumping of the ship now, came as no surprise for the P.P.P/ stated before...yes Moses will lead the A.F.C...but straight into the political wilderness...
Originally posted by D2:
Rohee recalled that after PPP founder-leader, Dr. Cheddi Jagan died in 1997, Nagamootoo had told a local newspaper that Dr. Jagan had identified him as the man to become the next president because he had been already running the country. Nagamootoo was also accused of lobbying and influencing delegates and observers by seeking to benevolent to comrades who had grievances such as poor ministerial performance.

On the issue of Dr. Jagan’s ideals, Rohee charged that “It appears as though Nagamootoo is only upholder and defender of Dr. Jagan’s legacy” while all other members of the party are dishonest, indecent, dishonorable and lack integrity.

Rohee, who is also Guyana’s Home Affairs Minister, confirmed that concerns about death squads, corruption, drug trafficking and relations with convicted drug trafficker, Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan had been raised by Nagamootoo and other party members.

He said those concerns were ventilated thoroughly by the party but Nagamootoo had been adamant that his position was the only valid one rather than the collective majority conclusions. Pressed on what was Nagamootoo’s position, Rohee said his former senior party colleague had been leaning towards the opposition.

“He was pushing the party to agree with what the opposition was saying in relation to corruption, in relation to Gajraj issues, in relation to the jail-break issues and so forthâ€Ķ(including concerns about Roger Khan and so on?) â€Ķ the entire gamut,” Rohee said.

My apology to Mr Nagamotto if he has been saying the things as Rohee claims he was saying with respect to corruption that theY did not address ( for failing to acknowledge they exist!) He was indeed a better man than I considered him to be.

I will admit I have a copy of a crumpled one page hand written note somewhere that was supposedly signed by Cheddi and witnessed by nurse claiming JJ was the heir to the PPP dynasty.

I doan think Moses was much liked by the Jagans. Janet would show her displeasure, but Cheddie Jagan comaflauged(sp)his. But actions sometimes speaks louder than words

The body langauge towards him is all documented on film.

The documentary on Janet exposes that comtempt towards Moses.

As Information Minister, Moses and Cheddie was on TV answering questions. Moses chaired the news confrence. Everytime Moses attempted guide the procedures, Cheddie just ignored him and did as he pleased.

On the personal side, I find him to be stand-offish. I trust he would have changed by now-after all the humility he has endured.

I was at function in Toronto where the ACG had organized a gala for Janet and PPP members of the superior lot. The head of the local chapter of the ACG decided I should be introduced to Moses -being I was finacial contributer to the party. I should have listened to that inner voice and objected to the introduction.

Anyway, I trust the AFC benefits from all humble experiences.

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