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Rohee defends ‘phantom bloggers’; says their employment was legal


June 9, 2015 6:28 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Fareeza Haniff

General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee [right) and Executive Secretary, Zulficar Mustapha. [iNews' Photo]

General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee (right) and Executive Secretary, Zulficar Mustapha. [iNews’ Photo]

[] – The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has defended the twenty employees who were recently fired with immediate effect by the APNU+AFC administration.


iNews understands that the fired individuals were on the payroll of the National Communications Network (NCN) but were actually tasked with doing propaganda work for the PPP out of Office of the President.

When questioned about this issue at a press conference on Monday, June 08, General Secretary of the Party, Clement Rohee pointed out that the employees were not “illegally” hired.

“The main point that is being missed is that there was nothing illegal in the way people were employed. It was open,” Rohee told the news conference.

But while he condemned the government for firing the employees, Rohee acknowledged that changes are expected to be made when a new government takes office.

“Every time there is a change of government, there will be things which it did not agree with from the previous government. There is no government that comes in that takes up lock, stock and barrel.

“The APNU+AFC coalition came into government; they found certain things they were not happy with and they decided that they are not going to run with that,” Rohee said.

What the PPP has a problem with is the way in which the firing was done, the General Secretary clarified.

“They can change whatever they want to change; the question is how you go about doing it. We are against the method or the methodology that is being applied to dispense the services of people in an institutionary unit that you have a difficulty with. These people have signed contracts.”

When informed that the 20 individuals never turned up NCN even though they were listed on the payroll, Rohee reasoned that technology now makes it possible for persons to work away from their office.

“The way how technology is today, you don’t have to be at a location to be working.”

He further noted, “Every government sets up institutional arrangements as it deems fit to deal with issues. All I’m saying what they were doing is nothing illegal. If you’re questioning the modus operandi under which they received salaries, well that’s a matter for the people who employ them to answer.”

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Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:

 De man was on GNI himself! Rohee leading the charge...REFORM!!!!

Sarcasm is all you can  contribute.  Isn't reform a good thing?


Yea...reform by defending fake bloggers who attach other people. How is your cousin Liz these days?


Once again the PPP will likely be led by another incompetent leader. Rohee seems to be imposing himself as the Opposition How many of the 200,000+ PPP voters will support that.


Those phantom bloggers were wutliss people. They hacked the Facebook pages of anti-PPP folks and posted porno videos therein. Three weeks ago I had to alert Ralph Ramkarran that his Facebook page got a sexually explicit video. Those PPP bloggers who used to call us "goons" continued to operate even after President Granger was sworn in. Rohee's daughter was among them.


Rohee as opposition leader with vision of becoming the next President, will further destroy Guyana.

Mustapha as his sidekick,will make it worse, if someone don't stop him.

These people are do disliked, how do they ever show their faces in public.     


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