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[] – The People’s Progressive Party says it has taken note of the “comical and nonsensical statement made by Minister of Communities, Ronald Bulkhan that local government elections will be held in November 2015.      

According to General Secretary, Clement Rohee, “Mr. Bulkan needs to have his head examined. He is fully aware of the reality that local government elections cannot be held in this year.”

Rohee told a news conference at Freedom House on Tuesday, July 07 that the Minister is “throwing dust in the eyes of the electorate by making them believe that the APNU/AFC coalition administration is sticking to its first hundred days commitment by holding local government elections before the end of the year.”

But according to the PPP, “through a slight of hand arrangement the coalition will attempt to fool the people by telling them that while they want local government elections this year as was promised it could not proceed because GECOM is not ready and fully prepared to do so.”

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee

General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee


“The PPP wishes to state that with the 2015 budget calculated to be presented in August and considering all the implications for the annual Parliamentary recess, the Nation should be expecting the elections to be held in the second half of the next year.”

Rohee said compounding the situation further is the need for GECOM to finalize the boundaries of each of the 71 NDCs and to ensure that the electors in each of the legally demarcated NDCs are properly registered to vote.

“In addition, there are certain non-assented bills that must be brought back to the National Assembly for passage. Then there is the preparation of over five hundred digital ballot papers for each of the six municipalities that must be printed not to mention those for the seventy one NDC’S. All of this is contingent on information provided to GECOM as regards the candidates contesting the elections in the municipalities and the NDC’s.”  

Rohee said the PPP is ready to contest these elections as provided for in the new laws whenever enacted. However, he restated the Party’s position as regards contesting any elections with Dr Steve Surujbally still ensconced as Chairman of GECOM.

“He cannot be trusted,” Rohee said.


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