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Parliament boycott to continue; PPP mum on Jagdeo as Opposition Leader

June 22, 2015 2:06 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Parliament[] – The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) says it will not be heading into the National Assembly on Thursday, June 25 to debate the President’s speech nor is it sure when it will be going to Parliament.

In fact, the Party’s General Secretary Clement Rohee at a press conference on Monday made it clear that the Party is uncertain whether it will be in Parliament before August 24 – when the APNU+AFC’s deadline for its 100 day plan expires.

He said that the PPP intends to be a part of parliament “but I can’t say with certainty that it will be within the first 100 days.”

Speaking directly to the issue of the Party’s participation in the upcoming meeting of Parliament, Rohee said that the PPP wants to stay clear of a debate on President David Granger’s speech.

“In any event, a cursory perusal of Granger’s speech slated for debate would show that it is replete with platitudes and back-sliding on AFC+APNU election campaign promises that makes the Cummingsburg Accord look like a tattered and useless document,” Rohee stated.

The General Secretary went on to berate the coalition’s 100-day-plan asserting that most of the promises will not be met.

“As it stands, it appears that nothing they promised will now be delivered and, once again, the Guyanese people have been deceived,” affirmed Rohee.

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo. [iNews' Photo]

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo. [iNews’ Photo]

Meanwhile, responding to recent reports that Former President Bharrat Jagdeo has been named Opposition Leader, Rohee said that the general public would have to “wait and see who sits where” when the PPP decides to go to Parliament.


There has also not been any confirmation on who will be the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, which is to be nominated by the PPP/C.

Ow the bwoy Rohee - badding up like a bad man.




From Dem Waves


The party has promised to be forceful and combative. "We have to go in there as a fighting force. We have to go in there in a very combative way in the confines of the standing orders; articulate, defending the policies and programs of the PPP/C administration and exposing government in all their short comings," General Secretary Clement Rohee said during the party's weekly press briefing, Monday June 22.


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