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The Bharrat Jagdeo Presidency: A dozen years of degeneration and decay

November 7, 20112 comments


Arif Bulkan teaches human rights law at the University of the West Indies in Barbados.

What would an honest evaluation of the Jagdeo Presidency reveal? Its genesis lay in naked constitutional manipulation, for in the 1997 general elections Bharrat Jagdeo had not been elected as President or Prime Minister by the People. Thus when Janet Jagan disclosed in August 1999 that she could no longer continue as President due to her declining health, Jagdeo’s succession was contrived through a circuitous route. First, Sam Hinds was required to resign so that Jagdeo could be sworn in as Prime Minister on August 9th, and this was followed by Janet Jagan’s resignation and Jagdeo’s assumption of the Presidency on August 11th. This process gave fair warning to the Guyanese people of how slender national β€˜democracy’ was, for in a country where one party has a stranglehold on power, the only hope of forestalling imperial rule is if that party’s internal structure has processes and mechanisms by which its leader(s) can be held accountable. But Jagdeo was a handpicked successor, revealing the imperial nature of the power possessed by the head of the ruling party and that party’s fundamentally undemocratic nature. More troubling was that his installation in office required the circumvention of the supreme law of the land, but this did not seem to give the PPP as an institution any cause for discomfort. All this was an ominous portent of things to come. Janet Jagan may have thought that she was installing a puppet – but just as she was able to exercise maximum power as President, so too was her creation eventually able to function, uncontainable even by her (there’s a lesson there for Jagdeo and Ramotar, but that’s another story).


The PPP on trial

October 8, 2012Leave a comment

The PPP on trial
Dear Editor,
Some in the PPP like to claim how effective the government is, even when little or no evidence of such exists. Moreover, when challenged to provide proof, they create the context, and in some instances turn to propaganda and distortions to justify their self-assessed effectiveness with a view to persuade the masses about how hard they have been toiling on their behalf.
And even when the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime is drowning in their own manufactured hogwash, they become so immune to it that they are not bothered or shaken by the views of the opposition or by the sentiments and perceptions of the people.
This kind of stubbornness and narcissistic behaviour by the PPP regime is bordering on being insensitive to the needs of the youths and the poor and the working class.
The Jagdeo/Ramotar PPP regime is on trial because they have displayed a sense of heartlessness toward the youths and the poor and the working class in Guyana. Based on their actions, we are convinced that the PPP cabal is completely removed from the reality that exists beyond the glass casing that separates them from the masses they pretend to serve.
The truth is that even on their best days their pretence is so obnoxious that they drive away their own supporters in droves. It is indisputable that this type of behaviour by the Jagdeo/ Ramotar regime is predictable and reactive as if they are at a Grand Opera.
The PPP regime has shown total contempt for Parliament and the combined opposition in that the Attorney General Anil Nadalall has not only challenged the no-confidence motion against the Minister of Home Affairs Mr. Rohee in the courts but he and the PPP cabal have also distorted the decision of the Chief Justice Ian Chang in the budget case to mislead the public.
The opposition is aware of this but they have done nothing to prevent the Minister of Finance Ashni Singh from using the Contingency Funds to pay the contract workers at the Office of the President.
The majority opposition must end their lackadaisical posture and stand up and represent the people as Sharma Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon did at Linden. We believe that if the people of Linden had waited for APNU to represent them in the manner Solomon and Kissoon did, they would have waited in vain because it was the leaders of APNU who in April cut backroom deals with the PPP to increase the electricity rates at Linden that led to the protest and the subsequent murders of three unarmed young men.
For one reason, the opposition parties need plenipotentiaries to coordinate their policies and to maintain the same or similar line of argument/criticism against the PPP. For another, both the AFC and APNU should start the process of developing a shadow budget in order to have an estimated amount of the cost of next year’s budget.
It is our understanding that the PPP intends to bloat the budget in excess of $40 billion with the expectation that the opposition will cut part of that amount and still leave them with the required amount needed for fiscal year 2013. And the leader of the Parliamentary opposition who prides himself as a security Czar is yet to present a security plan/bill to Parliament.
The minority PPP-led government has had enough time to improve the standard of living in Guyana but they have failed to demonstrate to the masses that they are the stewards who are worthy of their trust. The regime has had enough time to formulate an economic development plan to create employment for the youths and those willing to work, a crime prevention program, an Anti-Corruption Agency to reduce corruption, and an educational curriculum to shrink the failures at examinations. But so far, the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime has not even come close of achieving any of the above. In fact, the Minister of Education Priya Manickchand should stop masquerading over inconsequential issues such as the flogging of students and focus on the bigger issue of reducing failures to a minimum.
It may appear to Mr. Ramotar and his government that things are hunky-dory, but nothing could be further from the truthβ€”times are extremely hard for the youths and the poor and the working class who are at their wits end to put food on the table. The Jagdeo/Ramotar regime should know by now that the clock is ticking, the tension is building and the poor and the working class are about to explode under the enormous pressure.
These are tough times. Crime and violence, narcotics trafficking and corruption are on the upswing, unemployment continues to rise to new heights, real wages have declined, frustration and misery are peaking, and yet the government seems clueless as to the seriousness and extensiveness of the plight of the poor and the working class. Still, some in the PPP and their wealthy friends appear to live so comfortable that one wonders which country they live in.
In conclusion, for those who continue to harbour doubts about which political party we support, one thing remains clear: we are not beholden to any party. We shall always be guided by truth and honesty. And while we do not aspire to assume any meaningful role, we remain grounded in our conviction and steadfast love for Guyana, sufficient to declare that any criticisms of the opposition are not that we love them less, but that we love Guyana and Guyanese more. Our conscious is our guide.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish . Singh

Originally Posted by KishanB:

The Bharrat Jagdeo Presidency: A dozen years of degeneration and decay

November 7, 20112 comments


Arif Bulkan teaches human rights law at the University of the West Indies in Barbados.

What would an honest evaluation of the Jagdeo Presidency reveal? Its genesis lay in naked constitutional manipulation, for in the 1997 general elections Bharrat Jagdeo had not been elected as President or Prime Minister by the People. Thus when Janet Jagan disclosed in August 1999 that she could no longer continue as President due to her declining health, Jagdeo’s succession was contrived through a circuitous route. First, Sam Hinds was required to resign so that Jagdeo could be sworn in as Prime Minister on August 9th, and this was followed by Janet Jagan’s resignation and Jagdeo’s assumption of the Presidency on August 11th. This process gave fair warning to the Guyanese people of how slender national β€˜democracy’ was, for in a country where one party has a stranglehold on power, the only hope of forestalling imperial rule is if that party’s internal structure has processes and mechanisms by which its leader(s) can be held accountable. But Jagdeo was a handpicked successor, revealing the imperial nature of the power possessed by the head of the ruling party and that party’s fundamentally undemocratic nature. More troubling was that his installation in office required the circumvention of the supreme law of the land, but this did not seem to give the PPP as an institution any cause for discomfort. All this was an ominous portent of things to come. Janet Jagan may have thought that she was installing a puppet – but just as she was able to exercise maximum power as President, so too was her creation eventually able to function, uncontainable even by her (there’s a lesson there for Jagdeo and Ramotar, but that’s another story).

 Stale dhall. See me tell you dem go trow you in Canje mad house.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Skelly, dem boys are now getting  dose of their own medicine and are now losing their minds.

Dis man hand muss ah get tired from ghotaying stale dhall. Getting desperate????


He needs a dhall ghotney as a Christmas gift.


They are positioning themselves as if they are running against Bharat who gave them licks like peas.



Bharat brought back dignity to Indo Guyanese who were marginalized by PNC thugs and bullies.


The PPP is now dishing out a dose of medicine that will terminate the AFC.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Skelly, dem boys are now getting  dose of their own medicine and are now losing their minds.

Dis man hand muss ah get tired from ghotaying stale dhall. Getting desperate????

Look at Rohee press conference and then you will see who is desperate?  One week he shouting, next wee he laughing.  signs of insanity.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Skelly, dem boys are now getting  dose of their own medicine and are now losing their minds.

Dis man hand muss ah get tired from ghotaying stale dhall. Getting desperate????

Look at Rohee press conference and then you will see who is desperate?  One week he shouting, next wee he laughing.  signs of insanity.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Bharat brought back dignity to Indo Guyanese who were marginalized by PNC thugs and bullies.

Indeed, Bharat brought back dignity to Indo Guyanese.

Look at this photo, yuji.

The Indo Guyanese show dignity. But Bharat shows something else.





Bharat is telling the AFC in the PNC in that picture that they can .... his balls.

To date this went right over AFC/PNC heads.


Bharat brought back dignity to Indos who were treated like third class citizens in their own country.


God bless Bharat for standing up for his people unlike traitors like yourself who are ready and willing to sell their souls to the rotten and racist PNC.


Bharat ki Jia. Bharat ki Jai.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Bharat brought back dignity to Indo Guyanese who were marginalized by PNC thugs and bullies.

Indeed, Bharat brought back dignity to Indo Guyanese.

Look at this photo, yuji.

The Indo Guyanese show dignity. But Bharat shows something else.





Bharat is telling the AFC in the PNC in that picture that they can .... his balls.

To date this went right over AFC/PNC heads.


Bharat brought back dignity to Indos who were treated like third class citizens in their own country.


God bless Bharat for standing up for his people unlike traitors like yourself who are ready and willing to sell their souls to the rotten and racist PNC.


Bharat ki Jia. Bharat ki Jai.

Somebody said he mentioned something about " come ova hey yugi I got lunch for you

Originally Posted by KishanB:

come on rohee, tell we more.


Which PPP minista hire inspector gadjet to terrorism rural east indians to drive fear on the east coast and berbice to keep them in the PPP camp?


Yes Rohee which Minista?




With all due respect, you need to take a course in political science. 

At least, try to take some notes from Gil. It may do you a lot of good.


You sound like a five year old. Since you are an AFC advisor, yuji has done you some good.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

come on rohee, tell we more.


Which PPP minista hire inspector gadjet to terrorism rural east indians to drive fear on the east coast and berbice to keep them in the PPP camp?


Yes Rohee which Minista?




With all due respect, you need to take a course in political science. 

At least, try to take some notes from Gil. It may do you a lot of good.


You sound like a five year old. Since you are an AFC advisor, yuji has done you some good.

YUJI, let me make it clear to you azz, I never advised any political party from Guyana.  I was never a member of any political party in Guyana.


So you clearly got me mixed up with someone else.


What has the PPP got you smoking these days?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

come on rohee, tell we more.


Which PPP minista hire inspector gadjet to terrorism rural east indians to drive fear on the east coast and berbice to keep them in the PPP camp?


Yes Rohee which Minista?




With all due respect, you need to take a course in political science. 

At least, try to take some notes from Gil. It may do you a lot of good.


You sound like a five year old. Since you are an AFC advisor, yuji has done you some good.

YUJI, let me make it clear to you azz, I never advised any political party from Guyana.  I was never a member of any political party in Guyana.


So you clearly got me mixed up with someone else.


What has the PPP got you smoking these days?


You are digging yourself further into a hole.


Carefully read what you post.


I understand that you are not qualified to enter a college but at least try to take some notes form Gil.


It will do you lots of good.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

come on rohee, tell we more.


Which PPP minista hire inspector gadjet to terrorism rural east indians to drive fear on the east coast and berbice to keep them in the PPP camp?


Yes Rohee which Minista?




With all due respect, you need to take a course in political science. 

At least, try to take some notes from Gil. It may do you a lot of good.


You sound like a five year old. Since you are an AFC advisor, yuji has done you some good.

YUJI, let me make it clear to you azz, I never advised any political party from Guyana.  I was never a member of any political party in Guyana.


So you clearly got me mixed up with someone else.


What has the PPP got you smoking these days?


You are digging yourself further into a hole.


Carefully read what you post.


I understand that you are not qualified to enter a college but at least try to take some notes form Gil.


It will do you lots of good.

I also never went to college.  But that does not mean I could not self teach myself like Cheddi jagan who self taught himself economics?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Bharat brought back dignity to Indo Guyanese who were marginalized by PNC thugs and bullies.

Indeed, Bharat brought back dignity to Indo Guyanese.

Look at this photo, yuji.

The Indo Guyanese show dignity. But Bharat shows something else.





Bharat is telling the AFC in the PNC in that picture that they can .... his balls.

To date this went right over AFC/PNC heads.


Bharat brought back dignity to Indos who were treated like third class citizens in their own country.


God bless Bharat for standing up for his people unlike traitors like yourself who are ready and willing to sell their souls to the rotten and racist PNC.


Bharat ki Jia. Bharat ki Jai.

Being a traitor to the corrupt PPP is like wearing a CROWN OF HONOR.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

come on rohee, tell we more.


Which PPP minista hire inspector gadjet to terrorism rural east indians to drive fear on the east coast and berbice to keep them in the PPP camp?


Yes Rohee which Minista?




With all due respect, you need to take a course in political science. 

At least, try to take some notes from Gil. It may do you a lot of good.


You sound like a five year old. Since you are an AFC advisor, yuji has done you some good.

YUJI, let me make it clear to you azz, I never advised any political party from Guyana.  I was never a member of any political party in Guyana.


So you clearly got me mixed up with someone else.


What has the PPP got you smoking these days?


You are digging yourself further into a hole.


Carefully read what you post.


I understand that you are not qualified to enter a college but at least try to take some notes form Gil.


It will do you lots of good.

I also never went to college.  But that does not mean I could not self teach myself like Cheddi jagan who self taught himself economics?




Read up, West on Trial.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

come on rohee, tell we more.


Which PPP minista hire inspector gadjet to terrorism rural east indians to drive fear on the east coast and berbice to keep them in the PPP camp?


Yes Rohee which Minista?




With all due respect, you need to take a course in political science. 

At least, try to take some notes from Gil. It may do you a lot of good.


You sound like a five year old. Since you are an AFC advisor, yuji has done you some good.

YUJI, let me make it clear to you azz, I never advised any political party from Guyana.  I was never a member of any political party in Guyana.


So you clearly got me mixed up with someone else.


What has the PPP got you smoking these days?


You are digging yourself further into a hole.


Carefully read what you post.


I understand that you are not qualified to enter a college but at least try to take some notes form Gil.


It will do you lots of good.

I also never went to college.  But that does not mean I could not self teach myself like Cheddi jagan who self taught himself economics?




Read up, West on Trial.

Read it! and Love it!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

 Stale dhall. See me tell you dem go trow you in Canje mad house.

This is simply a matter of laying out the context in which the PPP operate and to illustrate that the standard text coming from them about democracy and progressive credentials is farce.


One would expect a more substantial critique from you given you insist there is more to you than the casual pettiness that one sees in the obviously stupid ones here.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Skelly, dem boys are now getting  dose of their own medicine and are now losing their minds.

What a simpleton! you apparently live in some fictive realm fabricated solely in your mind. We do not know that place and while from you we get glimpses of its bizarre construct as in the above statement; it serves only to instruct us on how completely dessicated the PPP world is. That you rank yourself among one of its most informed and ardent supporter is of their isolation from reality more than anything else.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Skelly, dem boys are now getting  dose of their own medicine and are now losing their minds.

Dis man hand muss ah get tired from ghotaying stale dhall. Getting desperate????


He needs a dhall ghotney as a Christmas gift.


They are positioning themselves as if they are running against Bharat who gave them licks like peas.



Bharat brought back dignity to Indo Guyanese who were marginalized by PNC thugs and bullies.


The PPP is now dishing out a dose of medicine that will terminate the AFC.

Bharat has done more destruction the the provenance of the archetypal Indian than any other in recent history. The typifies the compulsion for the corrupt; extrajudicial malice,  petty vindictiveness, wife abuse, money hungry grasping existence and lies.


It is but with a twisted self concept that any Indian mindful of his history and legacy forge solely in the crucible of the Guyanese experience, will repudiate instantly. The typical Guyanese indian is a reconstruction from the best of indian cultural ideals. There is no Indian culture in Bharat that mirrors ours. Jagdeo represent the legacy disease that forced our ancestors to flee a religiously subaltern existence devoid on any possibility for a meaningful life experience. He is the disease we excised. The PPP in its present kleptocratic instance is his disease vector.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

come on rohee, tell we more.


Which PPP minista hire inspector gadjet to terrorism rural east indians to drive fear on the east coast and berbice to keep them in the PPP camp?


Yes Rohee which Minista?




With all due respect, you need to take a course in political science. 

At least, try to take some notes from Gil. It may do you a lot of good.


You sound like a five year old. Since you are an AFC advisor, yuji has done you some good.

What an idiot? Your response to Krishan is undistilled bull-piss. I know Brahmins like to drink of of it but us dalits are mainly wise to the lies. There in no politics much less science the craven, retrogressive behavor of hiring mentally damaged people as enforcers. Gadget, while still in the employ of Gajrag, robbed raped and murdered many. He was so much diseased his own gang was forced to kill him.


You can put yourself on an intellectual pedestal all you want but it only means a place where others can get a clear view of how truly stupid you are. If ever anyone is lacking in some formal instruction it would be you. One would begin with a lecture on the nature of ethics and progress to principles of reasoning and then to the full spectrum blast of the liberal arts. But even then one may fail since you have to be of the mental disposition to receive the instruction an you apparently are lacking in that.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

come on rohee, tell we more.


Which PPP minista hire inspector gadjet to terrorism rural east indians to drive fear on the east coast and berbice to keep them in the PPP camp?


Yes Rohee which Minista?




With all due respect, you need to take a course in political science. 

At least, try to take some notes from Gil. It may do you a lot of good.


You sound like a five year old. Since you are an AFC advisor, yuji has done you some good.

YUJI, let me make it clear to you azz, I never advised any political party from Guyana.  I was never a member of any political party in Guyana.


So you clearly got me mixed up with someone else.


What has the PPP got you smoking these days?


You are digging yourself further into a hole.


Carefully read what you post.


I understand that you are not qualified to enter a college but at least try to take some notes form Gil.


It will do you lots of good.

I also never went to college.  But that does not mean I could not self teach myself like Cheddi jagan who self taught himself economics?




Read up, West on Trial.

 I challenge you to come and lets discuss the wisdom of Cheddi West on trial. Since you apparently use it as some political bible and index for political wisdom...tell us what this inspiring book is about in a few paragraphs.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The ghost of Bharat Jagdeo gat dem Kunumunu running for cover. Is Haloween on GNI.

Is that what your wife calls you when that you seem so fluid in the use of the term? I bet she does. That you are in defense of  the quintessential kunumunu in Jagdeo speaks to that. The world knows he was looking for work but with the wrong tools!

Last edited by Former Member

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