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Linden man, hundreds more found alive; were said to be dead

September 10, 2014 10:03 am Category: latest news A+ / A-

10681968_751114868287191_1369718938_n[] – A 22 – year – old Linden man was forced to attend a public hearing to prove that he is alive after being objected to as being dead on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Preliminary List of Electors (PLE).

Glendon Boodhoo contacted iNews yesterday in a very upset tone to relate what he said was a very distressing nightmare.

The man claimed he received a letter, which he showed iNews, at his 220 Damon Avenue, Linden residence informing him that a public hearing will be held on 06/09/2014 to determine whether he was dead or alive.

He said he was objected to as being dead by a People’s Progressive Party Scrutineer, Patrick R. Dindyal.

“When I receive the letter I felt very bad to see people saying I’m dead and I’m alive. I wanted to know if they have proof that I’m dead… even my mother vex,” he related.

Glendon Boodhoo

Glendon Boodhoo

Boodhoo said when he arrived at the public hearing and presented himself, Dindyal continued to object that ‘Glendon Boodhoo’ was dead; suggesting that he was an imposter.

“Anyways my mother start to quarrel and then they called me in a room and said they were sorry for the mistake and it was the PPP,” he said; adding that “and he sitting there with his face serious serious.”

The young construction worker claimed he has always been living at the same address where he was also registered and could not understand how such a mistake could have occurred.

He told iNews that there were more than a hundred more persons at the hearing who were objected to as dead but are alive.

The PPP has claimed that its field staff found some 2958 dead persons on the PLE.

PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee says his Party will not rest until the hundreds of dead persons which it has objected to on the PLE are removed.

He said it is a well-known fact that persons have voted for dead citizens in the past; something the PPP will not want to see repeated.

The Opposition –APNU – claims that the PPP is making these objections in their traditional strongholds; a move they believe is directed to disenfranchising their supporters.

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