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Rohee says PPP ready for local gov’t elections

- but a number of measures still not in place before elections can be held

Rohee says PPP ready for local gov’t elections

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee

GENERAL Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, yesterday declared the PPP as standing ready to embrace the electorate whenever local government elections are called.


Speaking at that party’s weekly press conference at Freedom House in Georgetown, Rohee said the party prefers that a number of measures be put in place before the elections are held.

“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held.” – Clement Rohee

“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held,” Rohee told reporters.


“The PPP wishes to state categorically that it is not opposed to the holding of local government or general and regional elections. The party has always championed the cause of free and fair elections, both at the national and local levels.


“Contrary to what is being peddled in Opposition quarters, the party has never shied away from the electorate. Rather, it has always embraced the electorate, and has the proud and enviable record of never losing a democratic election since the 1950s.

“Today (PNC/APNU) is shedding crocodile tears about the necessity of holding local government elections when it never, in its 28 years in government, allowed for a free and democratic poll.” – Rohee

He said the PPP’s optimism is based on the supreme confidence which the people have reposed in it since the 1950s.

Rohee said the PPP is calling on Guyanese to be vigilant and not allow themselves to be duped by the political calls made for local government elections by Opposition Leader, David Granger and his APNU when that party has “consistently violated the democratic rights of the Guyanese people, both in and out of office”.


“Today (PNC/APNU) is shedding crocodile tears about the necessity of holding local government elections when it never, in its 28 years in government, allowed for a free and democratic poll,” Rohee declared.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yeah Baby!! Bring it on. PPP all the way to the MOON.


All the way to the Moon.


We will see the AFC wiped off the political map. According to an inside source the PPP will kick the AFC where it hurts in Berbice. Moses and Ramjattan can now go and cut cane.


AFC is financially broke and overseas supporters fled for their lives after massive corruption was revealed by Mr. Yusuf.


Hold on to your wallet for dear life if the AFC asks for a donation.

Last edited by Former Member
WHATS NEW......... xxxxxxxxxxxx Rohee says PPP ready to Clean up Buggerism in de Party. - but a number of measures still not in place before dem Black House of Izrael Batty Poke will be thrown out of Freedom House and Office po the President.. May 20, 2014 Rohee says PPP ready for local gov’t elections
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yeah Baby!! Bring it on.


PPP all the way to the MOON.

To the moon with success and keeping astute management on the progresses for all Guyanese.

Bhai, Abee Guyana too sweet. God BLESS the Govt and People of Guyana. Their lives have been improved 1000 times since 1992.   Jai Shree Ram.!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yeah Baby!! Bring it on.


PPP all the way to the MOON.

To the moon with success and keeping astute management on the progresses for all Guyanese.

Bhai, Abee Guyana too sweet. God BLESS the Govt and People of Guyana. Their lives have been improved 1000 times since 1992.   Jai Shree Ram.!!

A very good assessment, Nehru.


PPPC does have short comings but its over-all efforts and focus on progress is better than the other political groups.


Region 10 is calling for local gov’t elections long overdue


Region 10 is concerned at the unfolding of events in our sister Region 4 City Council and the silence of many significant voices in society. The events unfolding at the Georgetown City Council are sending an ominous message for the respect for law and order and the will of the people. The only way the government can get away with this is in a society that lacks knowledge of good governance, their rights and what constitutes good governance. This is why the LEAD Project is so important, that with empowerment people will resist this kind of violation and eye-pass. The government has no regard for the opposition and the people.

In these modern times a government that can disrespect the will of the people, the Constitution, is a government that is prepared to rule by edict. This here that has gone unchallenged in the society is also testimony to the complacency and complicity that are taking place between the government and certain leading powers. This would have never been acceptable under the government of Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, or any PNC government.

Region 10 calls on the people of Guyana to wake up and recognise before it is too late that the violations taking place in the City Council of Georgetown is a threat to the stability of our society, peace and good health of the citizens of our capital city.

There should be no partisan politics when we are all saddled in the same boat and treated with the same disdain and disrespect.

After 19 years of failing to hold local government elections and ensuring that democracy is upheld in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and in Region 4 through local government elections, this government that resisted the LEAD Project sponsored by the U.S. government at no cost to the taxpayers of Guyana has the audacity to be imposing on the local democratic organs Interim Management Committees like what was done in Linden and Kwakwani. This is clear dictatorship when the will of the people, the masses in society no longer matter and a few illegitimately determine who is entitled to receive and who is denied fundamental right to elect their own leaders. However the will is with the people, as was demonstrated on the 6th September 2012 in Kwakwani, where over four hundred residents elected their own representatives and still do recognize those who they would have voted for. That was over 60% of the voting population.

No government in any part of the world would be considered democratic who has failed to hold constitutionally due elections for over 19 years.

The PPP supporters are called on to join hands acknowledging your Guyanese citizenship first and foremost before political allegiance. Let us put our hearts and hands together and put Guyana first and tell the politicians wreaking havoc in our country, no more. No more.

The people of Region 10 are concerned and we are saying to the government that Region 10 will not accept further disrespect by his government. Region 10 is not prepared to have anyone disrespect its right to choice of leadership. Region 10 is calling for local government elections long overdue. For failing to uphold the Constitution that speaks to the regularity of this process constitutes rigging by any means necessary to dominate and undermine democratic processes.

Under the PPP government Guyanese continue to migrate in droves to any foreign land that will take them. The recent long line at the US Embassy’s event bears testimony to this fact, the desperation that our people of all races and walks of life feel. We call on them to take example from the people whose countries they now flee to, for they would have stood up and fought for the rights and privileges they now enjoy that Guyanese are migrating to enjoy in another man’s country. We are encouraging citizens to fight for their civil rights at home. It is right and just to do so.

Yours faithfully, Sharma Solomon Regional Chairman Region 10

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Picha Laka Pichaesicha.  Picha laka Picha no Picture.

WHATS NEW.........

Rohee says PPP ready for local gov’t elections

Rohee says .......

PPP ready to Clean up Buggerism in de Party. -

but a number of measures still not in place

before dem Black House of Israel Batty Poke

can be thrown out of Freedom House

and Office of the President..




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