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Rohee seems divorced from reality


“Most victims of serious crimes have been poor people” – Granger

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee seems divorced from the reality of serious crimes affecting society.
This assertion was made by Leader of the Opposition, David Granger yesterday at the weekly A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) press conference.

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee

Highlighting some of the serious crimes that affected Guyanese in 2013, Granger said he visited victims of piracy attacks on the Corentyne, spoke to battered wives, and reached out to relatives of persons who were murdered by their spouses.
“I have found out that the murder rate for 2013 is similar to that in 2004 and 2005 during the troubles on the East Coast Demerara and most of the victims of violent crimes have been poor people,” he emphasized.
Whilst acknowledging the rampant theft of Samsung and Blackberry cellular phones, Granger said serious crimes such as murders, rapes and armed robberies are affecting citizens.
“And I don’t know he (Rohee) seems to be divorced from reality…I am not quite sure whether we talking about the same thing…I can’t imagine that the bulk of the population would agree with Mr. Rohee,” he said.
Granger had expressed similar sentiments earlier, stating that the security crisis (which exists in Guyana) has disproportionately hurt the poor.
In a response to these claims, Minister Rohee rejected the assertion by Granger stating that there is no security crisis in the country and such crisis only exists in the heads of the APNU leaders.
The Ministry further rejected the characterization of the internal security situation as false, stating that current data does not support it.

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Crime is crime. There is a security crisis in the country and now he wants to blame the poor for his incompetence. Did he actually finish high school? He didn't do too bad rising from a store clerk at GIMPEX to a Minister of the GOG and Secretary of the PPP/C.


Violent crime is spiralling out of control while Rohee is twiddling his thumbs. That's what you get when you put these uneducated fools in positions which require strategic decision making. 


They should give Rohee a friggin ice cream cart an have him sell ice cream downtown, he might do a good job.


I was about to say give him a donkey cart, but an ass riding a donkeycart  won't work out,

Last edited by cain

Clement Rohee is living in an ivory tower in Pradoville 2 now.

Not having his feet on the ground, not hearing the cries and screams of crime victims, having advisers who tell him what he wants to hear, Rohee will naturally be estranged from reality.

But facts are facts. There were more murders and violent crimes last year than the previous year.

And this happened under the watch of Home Affairs Minister and PPP leader Clement Rohee.


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