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Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Chief:

Its time for Gerhard and the others to come clean as well and stop this Uncle Cheddie nonsense! Admit that this clique that is now running Guyana is the legacy of Jagan and his wife for they were all hand picked.

Chief, for the last time, I'm warning you.
If you have a problem with Rohee, that's fine with me.
But, cease fÞcking with Cheddi and Janet Jagan.
A PNC weasel like you has no business attacking giants like the Jagans. Mad

Cool it Bookman, cool it.

Cheddi was a good man, a clean man, and he will get his place on one of the highest pedestals in the hale of fame in Guyana (not the highest though), but I do not know about Janet.

She may not be financially corrupt but boy oh boy was she morally corrupt.

I do not believe her that Cheddi asked her to lead Guyana. Cheddi annointed sons were Roger Forbes Luncheon and Moses Veersammy Nagamootoo.

Those were the people Cheddi bequethed his office to but they were not at the bed side and thus history was forever twisted in Guyana since Forbes is now too sick to lead and Veersammy is out in the cold for at least the next 5 years.

But getting to the crux of the matter - Rohee has lost his mind. Will that 40,000 that he pay constables feed a policeman and his family?

Get real!

Janet was a major player in Guyana's politics to be sidelined.

Cheddie just didn't think it important enough to leave the party with clear cut instructions. That action alone speaks volumes of his inadequacies as the leader of a country.

I continally blame him and Janet for demises we face today.

U AFC boys need to speak the truth-this man ghost will deny u all his support base. Suh tell his supporters he shafted them and give them the present crop of PPP goons.

And once, they have been booted out, they ALL leave for America-not China, Cuba or Russia.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Are you really that ILLITERATE??? Laad ah Mercy, a bloody Ram Goat has more knowledge than you. !!!
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by baseman:
Live by example, let the PPP exec live with their means.

The man is like the slave masters. Preach christianity but doan practise it.

One of Cheddie's proteges. I wonder what he was imparting to these young men when they came to him.

What a Guru, he was. His disciples turn out to b some real unsrupulous men and womem.


Its time for Gerhard and the others to come clean as well and stop this Uncle Cheddie nonsense! Admit that this clique that is now running Guyana is the legacy of Jagan and his wife for they were all hand picked.

Frankly speaking I believe indos and afros will never support the demystification of the demi gods LFSB , CBJ and JJ which remain their albatross even in their deaths. All three of them are wholely and solely responsible for Guyana's demise and what is called politics today in Guyana . These are 3 devils incarnate . One played nice guy , the other played tough guy and the other played nurturer while they fleeced the country .

Now about Rohee , the man might be a colossal idiot but I doubt he is on the take cause everytime I see the man he looks like he wearing clothes from the Red Cross thrift shop unless ..he playing the poor man good man roles as CBJ trying fuh hood wink PPP coolies .
Kid, Anyone who praise and support Burnham or his policies are nothing but hardcore RACISTS, The man was a MONSTER. WE cannot say the same about Thr HONORABLE DR CHEDDI BERET JAGAN. Lord knows he was NOT perfect but he was a class act. A great Human and an Intelligent and Honest Leader.
Originally posted by kidmost:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Are you really that ILLITERATE??? Laad ah Mercy, a bloody Ram Goat has more knowledge than you. !!!
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by seignet:
Originally posted by baseman:
Live by example, let the PPP exec live with their means.

The man is like the slave masters. Preach christianity but doan practise it.

One of Cheddie's proteges. I wonder what he was imparting to these young men when they came to him.

What a Guru, he was. His disciples turn out to b some real unsrupulous men and womem.


Its time for Gerhard and the others to come clean as well and stop this Uncle Cheddie nonsense! Admit that this clique that is now running Guyana is the legacy of Jagan and his wife for they were all hand picked.

Frankly speaking I believe indos and afros will never support the demystification of the demi gods LFSB , CBJ and JJ which remain their albatross even in their deaths. All three of them are wholely and solely responsible for Guyana's demise and what is called politics today in Guyana . These are 3 devils incarnate . One played nice guy , the other played tough guy and the other played nurturer while they fleeced the country .

Now about Rohee , the man might be a colossal idiot but I doubt he is on the take cause everytime I see the man he looks like he wearing clothes from the Red Cross thrift shop unless ..he playing the poor man good man roles as CBJ trying fuh hood wink PPP coolies .
Originally posted by kidmost:
These are 3 devils incarnate . One played nice guy , the other played tough guy and the other played nurturer while they fleeced the country.

How/when did the Jagans fleece the country? I lived near enough to them and Rosie lived even nearer and neither can say that them living in that humble house and driving that yellow volks bug are signs of fleecing. Doodnauth Singh had the 'mansion' around there.
Originally posted by ksazma:
Originally posted by kidmost:
These are 3 devils incarnate . One played nice guy , the other played tough guy and the other played nurturer while they fleeced the country.

How/when did the Jagans fleece the country? I lived near enough to them and Rosie lived even nearer and neither can say that them living in that humble house and driving that yellow volks bug are signs of fleecing. Doodnauth Singh had the 'mansion' around there.

The Jagans never fleeced Guyana. They had misguided political views and placed ideology ahead of national interest, but the never fleeced the nation. CBJ and Janet lived a humble and frugel life to the end.
Originally Posted by Mahen:

Rohee speaks?  Ah wonda what he tell Bharat and Irfaan?

I will walk......but Moses was right

you'll are a bunch of ungrateful thieves,

I will see all aya fall...

u  r all loosers......

aya in bed with Pnc Thug Lamumba......

Aya forget Lamumba beat me up .......

e give me a prapa liking and drag me thru d streets.....

and today aya forceing me fuh walk 


Long time done.....short time lef

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Rohee tells police ranks to live within their means - ‘Ignore those who say your pay is small’

Members of Guyana’s law enforcement agencies were warned by the Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, to live within their means. He advised them not to pay heed to those who tell them that their salaries are too small. The Minister indicated that he is happy about certain exposÃĐ of a particular character appearing in daily newspapers. He added that there are some people attacking the Government and claiming to be friends of the Police Force. These people are also exposing the shortcomings of the Force. The junior ranks were cautioned to be wise about the relationship they would develop with such individuals since they would be in constant contact with them. Minister Rohee emphasized that police officers should be credible, have good values and work ethics, and possess leadership qualities.

Officers at the Opening Ceremony of the Junior Officers’ Course No.21

If it is any comfort to members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF), the Minister stressed that the force is facing challenges and these must not be seen as impediments but as opportunities for development. This is a period in the history of the force to strive to look at the broader picture and take into consideration the body’s motto, to serve and protect, he stated. Minister Rohee’s remarks came yesterday at the GPF Opening Ceremony of the Junior Officers’ Course No.21. The function was held at the Police Officers’ Mess Annexe, Eve Leary, under the theme ‘Training for Greater Efficiency and Effectiveness’.

He noted that citizens demand better policing and to achieve that there must be a properly trained policing organization. The Police Force must design programmes and strategies to manage the organization. Minister Rohee noted that these training programmes must not be seen as routine but as a critical component to the development of the force and other agencies. Lessons learnt will be utilized in the daily operations of the Force. He alluded to the fact that with increasing gold prices, the population of Guyana’s interior is increasing and has attracted dubious characters, which have been robbing and murdering persons for their valuables. As a result, resources from the Police Force have been diverted to the interior locations.

Citizens, in collaboration with the Police Force, have to curb the increasing number of accidents on the roadways. While those are important matters that need addressing, the Commanders and other officers have to manage crime in the City, Rohee said. In addition, officers have to prepare for the upcoming National Elections scheduled for year-end. He said that officers must have an overarching view of crime in the City.
The Minister emphasized that this course provides benefit to the force and is important in two ways: 1) creating professionalism in the Force; and 2) succession planning. He explained that public confidence in the Police Force is critical for it to be efficient and effective. However, unless the ranks and files of the Force adopt a professional posture on a continuous basis when engaging the public, the degree to which the public will provide you with cooperation will be affected in a negative way.

Minister Rohee charged the ranks to always remember that the support of the public is critical to the work of the police but this is not limited to the police. The other Law Enforcement Agencies need public support to carry out their functions. “The issue of professionalism has to form the basis of the work of all members of the Disciplined Services. Members of the Force especially are required to be evenhanded when addressing all issues, if Public confidence in the Force is to be improved,” he stated. He added that this training is also important for the continued viability of the Guyana Police Force. Invariably, the members of the Middle Level structure of the Force, if they perform well will graduate to the upper structure of the Organization. It was stated, “In other words, many of you, if you do not fall by the “wayside”, could end up being the senior managers of the Organization. This would however only be realized, if proper training and deliberate succession planning strategies are in place to facilitate that objective”.

The course commenced on August 8 and is scheduled to conclude on October 28 and caters for 27 participants. The participants are from the GPF, Division/ Branches, Guyana Fire Services (GFS), Guyana Prison Services (GPS) and the City Constabulary. Nine of the beneficiaries are Assistant Superintendents of the GPF; one Assistant Superintendent of the GPS; three Cadet Officers of the GPF; one Cadet Officer of the GFS; one Chief Inspector of the GPF; 11 Inspectors of the GPF; and one Inspector of the City Constabulary.

The course serves to improve the performances of the participants in their present rank and to where else applicable to prepare them for senior positions in the Force. However, it is not a promotional course. Some of the objectives of the course include improving the students’ professionalism and competence, impart leadership qualities, and expose ranks to communications skills. The course outline includes Conflict Resolution, Role and Function of the Manager, Report Writing, Social Change; and understanding Government.




Did he tell Jaggy to live within his means too?


Originally Posted by baseman:
Live by example, let the PPP exec live with their means.



I thought you would endorse his appeal for blacks to be happy with starvation wages and not seek to enhance them with petty corruption to pay their cell phone bills while Indian elite PPP supporters build mansions.  Some of whom have only held govt jobs and are clearly living way beyond their govt salaries.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally posted by baseman:
Live by example, let the PPP exec live with their means.

The man is like the slave masters. Preach christianity but doan practise it.

I see you continue to be ignorant of Guyanese history.  The Slave planters did not consider slaves to be humans and so their treatment, in their eyes, was not a sin. Slaves were considered to be mammals to be used by the plantation for purposes of production, in the same way that horses and farm equipment would have been. 


You see when some attempt to compare slavery with indenture they miss the simple fact that slaves were property who had no rights beyond that of a horse, while indentures were considered, humans, even if deemed to be inferior.


1.  Christianity was discouraged among slaves, not only because the white "Christians" would have had to explain how come they were enslaving and illtreating fellow Christians, but also because exposure to the bible would have encouarged slaves to learn how to read.  You do know that literacy was considered taboo.


2.  Those who attempted to Christianize slaves, were persecuted by the planter class who preferred their slaves to be available for working instead of spending time in church.  They also feared that gatherings of slaves, supposedly for worship, could instead by used to plaun rebellions.   Indeed not w/o justification as early 19th century rebellions in both BG and Jamaica were led by slaves with ties to missionaries.


3.  Most AfroGuyanese became christians after slavery ended when the various denominations aggressively recruited them, using access to primary education as a tool to attract them.  You will note that most primary schools in Guyana have a history of ties to various Christian denominations.


4.  Up to 1/3 of the slaves in BG were African born in 1834 and so there would still have been widespread use of various African religious traditions, to the extent that the slaves were able to hide this from their masters.



Bottom line is the notion of a slave becoming a Christian in the eyes of a planter would have seemed to be as irrational as attempting to Christianize a horse would seem to you.  After all both wee considered to be farm property.

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Rohee tells police ranks to live within their means - ‘Ignore those who say your pay is small’

Members of Guyana’s law enforcement agencies were warned by the Minister of Home Affairs, Clement Rohee, to live within their means. He advised them not to pay heed to those who tell them that their salaries are too small. The Minister indicated that he is happy about certain exposÃĐ of a particular character appearing in daily newspapers. He added that there are some people attacking the Government and claiming to be friends of the Police Force. These people are also exposing the shortcomings of the Force. The junior ranks were cautioned to be wise about the relationship they would develop with such individuals since they would be in constant contact with them. Minister Rohee emphasized that police officers should be credible, have good values and work ethics, and possess leadership qualities.

Officers at the Opening Ceremony of the Junior Officers’ Course No.21

If it is any comfort to members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF), the Minister stressed that the force is facing challenges and these must not be seen as impediments but as opportunities for development. This is a period in the history of the force to strive to look at the broader picture and take into consideration the body’s motto, to serve and protect, he stated. Minister Rohee’s remarks came yesterday at the GPF Opening Ceremony of the Junior Officers’ Course No.21. The function was held at the Police Officers’ Mess Annexe, Eve Leary, under the theme ‘Training for Greater Efficiency and Effectiveness’.

He noted that citizens demand better policing and to achieve that there must be a properly trained policing organization. The Police Force must design programmes and strategies to manage the organization. Minister Rohee noted that these training programmes must not be seen as routine but as a critical component to the development of the force and other agencies. Lessons learnt will be utilized in the daily operations of the Force. He alluded to the fact that with increasing gold prices, the population of Guyana’s interior is increasing and has attracted dubious characters, which have been robbing and murdering persons for their valuables. As a result, resources from the Police Force have been diverted to the interior locations.

Citizens, in collaboration with the Police Force, have to curb the increasing number of accidents on the roadways. While those are important matters that need addressing, the Commanders and other officers have to manage crime in the City, Rohee said. In addition, officers have to prepare for the upcoming National Elections scheduled for year-end. He said that officers must have an overarching view of crime in the City.
The Minister emphasized that this course provides benefit to the force and is important in two ways: 1) creating professionalism in the Force; and 2) succession planning. He explained that public confidence in the Police Force is critical for it to be efficient and effective. However, unless the ranks and files of the Force adopt a professional posture on a continuous basis when engaging the public, the degree to which the public will provide you with cooperation will be affected in a negative way.

Minister Rohee charged the ranks to always remember that the support of the public is critical to the work of the police but this is not limited to the police. The other Law Enforcement Agencies need public support to carry out their functions. “The issue of professionalism has to form the basis of the work of all members of the Disciplined Services. Members of the Force especially are required to be evenhanded when addressing all issues, if Public confidence in the Force is to be improved,” he stated. He added that this training is also important for the continued viability of the Guyana Police Force. Invariably, the members of the Middle Level structure of the Force, if they perform well will graduate to the upper structure of the Organization. It was stated, “In other words, many of you, if you do not fall by the “wayside”, could end up being the senior managers of the Organization. This would however only be realized, if proper training and deliberate succession planning strategies are in place to facilitate that objective”.

The course commenced on August 8 and is scheduled to conclude on October 28 and caters for 27 participants. The participants are from the GPF, Division/ Branches, Guyana Fire Services (GFS), Guyana Prison Services (GPS) and the City Constabulary. Nine of the beneficiaries are Assistant Superintendents of the GPF; one Assistant Superintendent of the GPS; three Cadet Officers of the GPF; one Cadet Officer of the GFS; one Chief Inspector of the GPF; 11 Inspectors of the GPF; and one Inspector of the City Constabulary.

The course serves to improve the performances of the participants in their present rank and to where else applicable to prepare them for senior positions in the Force. However, it is not a promotional course. Some of the objectives of the course include improving the students’ professionalism and competence, impart leadership qualities, and expose ranks to communications skills. The course outline includes Conflict Resolution, Role and Function of the Manager, Report Writing, Social Change; and understanding Government.





Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Chief:

Its time for Gerhard and the others to come clean as well and stop this Uncle Cheddie nonsense! Admit that this clique that is now running Guyana is the legacy of Jagan and his wife for they were all hand picked.

Chief, for the last time, I'm warning you.
If you have a problem with Rohee, that's fine with me.
But, cease fÞcking with Cheddi and Janet Jagan.
A PNC weasel like you has no business attacking giants like the Jagans. Mad

Is it true what Chief is saying here about Rohee?

Did Rohee ever finish High School?

Last edited by Mitwah

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