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Speaking yesterday at his party’s weekly press conference, People’s Progressive Party (PPP) General Secretary, Clement Rohee warned the Alliance For Change (AFC) to prepare itself for a “major fall-out politically”. This, he said, would result from A Partnership for National Unity’s non-support for a no-confidence motion tabled by AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo. Rohee said from all indication the APNU seem not to be moving in the direction of supporting the motion.

“If APNU withdraw its support, we know well what we are heading for. It would seem to me that…the APNU is not pushing for the No-Confidence motion. I understand they are saying it is not their motion; it’s the AFC motion. So the AFC will have to decide at some point whether they withdraw the motion or push for it in a situation where the APNU seems to be looking in another direction. The handwriting is on the wall,” said Rohee.

I've stated the same revelation in my thread entitled "as of right now" even before reading Rohee's weekly press conference. There is a point of no return for the AFC. This is bad news and it's getting worst.


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