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Policeman allegedly rams baton down detainee's anus, ruptures his intestines; GUY$100 million compensation demanded

Police Commissioner, Leroy BrummelPolice Commissioner, Leroy Brummel

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A man who alleged that a policeman ruptured his anus and intestines with a condom-covered baton is claiming compensation GUY$100 million compensation from the Guyana Police Force (GPF) for injury and wrongful detention.

Colwyn Harding,23, was allegedly “violently assaulted” on November 15, 2013 by a number of police officers, in particular a named constable, when the lawmen attended to a building at Timehri North and later at the Timehri Police Station.

“We are instructed that Constable (name provided) along with the assistance of other police officers present placed a condom on a wooden baton and inserted it into our client’s rectum and further inwards thereby causing severe injury to our client’s intestines,” said the injured man’s lawyer, Nigel Hughes.

Meanwhile, the Alliance For Change (AFC) has called for the resignation of the Police Commissioner, Leroy Brumell and the Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee. The party is also appealing to the public for donations to assist in purchasing colostomy bags of GUY$3,000 each to collect Harding’s faeces because his intestines are malfunctioning while he remains hospitalised.

The Alliance For Change holds the Commissioner of Police and The Minister of Home Affairs responsible for the rogue activities of ranks like Constable Singh and feel they both should resign as is expected in any democracy.  The failure of the policemen and women at Timehri station to act while a clearly visibly injured Colwyn Harding lay motionless on the cell floor speaks volumes of the prevailing climate in the Guyana olice Force. We are well aware of   their failure to institute effective procedures, checks and balances that could have prevented such an incident from occurring, and their failure to act or seek redress after becoming aware of the situation.

We demand to know if Constable Singh has been charged and what disciplinary proceedings have been instituted against him. We further demand that both the Commissioner of Police and Minister Rohee resign immediately.

Colwyn Harding could be your son. We ask all Guyanese  to raise their voices in outrage recognizing that the sons of ordinary Guyanese are being targeted and snuffed out with no indication of this situation improving over the last few years.  The fact that no institutions or services could come to the aid of Mr. Harding is even more worrying.

The bags can be delivered to Cathy Hughes M.P at her offices above Sidewalk CafÉ in Middle Street, and will be forwarded to Sharon Harding.

Hughes has formally given Police Commissioner, Leroy Brumell a 72-hour deadline that expires on Thursday January 16 to pay GUY$100 million for the alleged “torture” that amounted to a violation of his constitutional right to protection from inhuman treatment.

“We are instructed to demand as we hereby do, the sum of $100,000,000 in damages for the assault and injury caused to our client,” the lawyer said. He cautioned the Police Commissioner that if the money was not paid within 72 hours, constitutional and other proceedings would be taken against him without further notice.

The lawyer said Harding has advised that the money is being demanded because his client was detained for four days, the gravity of the incident as well as the compliance of the police force and its failure to act.

The Attorney-at-Law said his client was also entitled to GUY$3 million per day for “just his detention” based on the Attorney General’s offer of GUY$500 thousand dollars to Justice Navindra Singh for four hours detention. Singh, while being a lawyer was stopped and detained by police in May 2006 for four hours for an alleged traffic offence. In a lawsuit against the two policemen and the Attorney General,  Justice Singh had claimed damages for police of assault, malicious arrest, false imprisonment and malicious prosecution.

The Alliance For Change (AFC) of which Hughes is its Chairman lamented that until today the victim lies critical in a bed at the Georgetown Hospital with feces oozing out of his protruding intestines, after a police officers’ baton was shoved up his anus.

The party noted that the name Constable had told Harding that he was going to bugger Harding and videotape it. Harding said that he was not a girl and there was no way in which he was going to let that happen.  Singh then took his baton and hit Harding repeatedly until he fell unconscious.
After the baton was inserted into Harding’s anus, he started to scream and Singh inserted two panties into his mouth in order to suppress the screams. Harding lost consciousness again.  After the beating became excessive, the inspector said let us take this man to the station, the party said.
The Constable continued to beat Harding after which he and his girlfriend were arrested along with a thirteen-year-old boy from the area.  They were taken to the Police station at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport. After a short while the officer at the police station observed that Harding was looking poorly and called the Constable at the Timehri Police station and told him to come and uplift his prisoner as he did not want him to die at the outpost.  Mr. Singh and a party of policemen then went and uplifted Mr. Harding and took him to Timehri Police station.
At Timehri station the Constable allegedly continued to beat Harding in the presence of an Inspector and a Corporal. The thirteen year old who had been arrested with them told the officers that it was his brother who stole the articles.  The police then left the station to arrest the brother.  After arresting the brother and recovering the stolen articles Colwyn Harding demanded to be released and he was again beaten unconscious again by Constable Singh.
He was allegedly placed in a faeces strewn cell and was crying in deep pain. The other prisoners who were in the adjoining cell repeatedly called out to the police to taken Mr. Harding to hospital as they feared he would die in the cells.  The following day instructions came from Georgetown to take Harding to the hospital and again the Constable was assigned the task of taking Harding to the hospital.
Harding maintains that the Constable went to a rum shop where he left the victim in the vehicle while he went to drink and later came out of the rum shop visibly staggering and then he took Mr. Harding back to the Timehri Police station.
Harding remained in custody until Monday when he was taken to the Providence Magistrate’s court where there was no case jacket for him so he was kept overnight at the Providence police station.  On the following day charges of assaulting a police officer and disorderly behaviour were filed against him, his girlfriend and another person. He was admitted to bail in the sum of $50,000.00 on both charges.
His family was unable to afford the bail and he was remanded to custody at the Georgetown Prisons.  While in the prisons he deteriorated further and was finally was taken to the hospital where he was given painkillers and sent away.  On his return to the prison he passed out and was taken to the hospital where he had to undergo emergency surgery.
He thereafter had to undergo further surgery.  He has ruptured intestines through which faces are being expelled. There are no colostomy bags at the GPHC and they cost $3,000.00 per bag so they have strapped his stomach with pampers in the meantime.
Monday night they discovered that there is a serious infection in his intestines as a result of the treatment and colostomy bags have been almost impossible to locate.
Ironically Mr. Harding’s mother, Sharon Harding is an ex policewoman who was a member of the People’s Parliament.
She texted Commissioner Brummel early in December to inform him of the situation and was immediately contacted by Commander from Division A  Assistant Commissioner Vyphuis and invited to Brickdam police station where she spoke to Mr. Vyphuis, Mr. Watts and  Mr. Vanderhyden about the matter.
She was advised to give a statement to Police complaints department and despite having given the statement nothing was done.  Commissioner Vyphuis last week informed her that they would take her son to court to see if they can get the bail reduced.  An attempt was made on Friday last when Mr. Harding was removed from the police station and taken to the Magistrate’s court but there was no court jacket. 

After being contacted by Sharon Harding, AFC Chairman and Attorney at Law Nigel Hughes was able to yesterday secure Harding’s release on his own recognizance but the court has not informed the Prison so he remains shackled to the bed in the male surgical ward.
On Sunday the 12th January 2014, Mr. Hughes took his client Sharon Harding to the Timehri Police station to make a formal report of the matter. An extended report was taken by the constable on duty and recorded in the station diary.

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Colwyn Harding saga…Cops charged in Colwyn Harding assault case


By Sunita Samaroo
Constable Devin Singh was yesterday charged along with his colleague Roselle Tilbury-Douglas at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court for the  alleged baton assault on Colwyn Harding.

Accused: Police Constable Devin Singh hides his face before his first arraignment.

Accused: Police Constable Devin Singh hides his face before his first arraignment.

The charge which was read to the duo by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, states that at Timerhi, East Bank Demerara between November 1 and November 30, last year, they assaulted Harding so as to cause him actual bodily harm. Persaud was accused too of assaulting Harding at Timehri during that period of time.
Both Constables Singh and Tilbury pleaded not guilty and submitted bail applications through their lawyers, Glenn Hanoman and Leslie Sobers respectively.
The case is being prosecuted by Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Prosecutor, Corporal Bharat Mangru, who did not reveal the details of the crime. The Chief Magistrate ordered that statements be filed for the three charges.
The Prosecutor holding an extremely thick case file indicated that he would not be able to disclose at this point how many witnesses will be called, since he does not believe all those who provided statements will be called to offer testimonies.
Hanoman made a request, however, for the statements to be given to them.

In his address to the court, Hanoman disclosed that his client (Singh) has not been asked to post station bail but had rather been released on his own recognizance (self-bail).
The lawyer said his client has been cooperating fully with the police, including reporting to a police station on more than 20 occasions thus far, and further, had reported to court on his own volition after having just received a call notifying him of his court hearing.
Hanoman beseeched the court to note that the offence for which his client has been charged clearly did not pertain to the insertion of any baton into the victim’s rectum. He contended that the investigations conducted have garnered no proof of any such claims.
Continuing, he stated that his client who resides at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara has been serving the Guyana Police Force as a constable for the past twelve years. He asked the court to consider offering Singh reasonable bail.
Meanwhile, Tilbury-Douglas’s lawyer, Leslie Sobers, said his 26-year-old client, who lives in Timehri, is married and a mother of one. He revealed that she had been serving the force for the past four years.
Sobers in his bail application claimed that the accused has always made herself available to the police, cooperated fully with investigators and remained on active duty until she was told yesterday afternoon that she needed to go to court to answer to the charge.
He noted that she had spent no extensive period of time under close arrest.
“She has never been in a predicament such as this,” he said.  Sobers vouched for Tilbury’s willingness to face trial and prove her innocence.
“My client will appear and show that she in no way assaulted the virtual complainant and she stands prepared to expose this deceit and the spuriousness of this allegation,” said Sobers.
The lawyer stated that she was “serving under 1601, and cannot leave this country.” He added that she can be contacted at anytime.
Asking for self-bail, the lawyer turned to his client who was standing beside her colleague dressed in her working skirt and shoes.
“I apologise for my client being dressed inappropriately. She was on duty and given the tee-shirt she now wears.”
He contended that she was not a flight risk and has been available to the police and will be available to the courts.
The lawyers’ applications were met with no objections from the Prosecution thus bail was allowed.
They were placed on $100,000 for each offence by the Chief Magistrate and the case was transferred to Providence Magistrates’ Court.
Singh, who is the only one of the two in possession of a passport, was ordered to lodge the document with the courts as a condition for bail. Meanwhile, Tilbury-Douglas was ordered to report to a police sergeant every Friday starting from June 13. The case will be called again today before Magistrate Leron Daly.

When contacted, a senior police official stated that from the first day of the arraignment, the serving ranks will be interdicted from duty. He indicated that a file will be sent to the staff officer who will prepare and send the necessary interdiction papers to the Commissioner of Police for his signature.
The official clarified that they will be interdicted pending the outcome of the court case.
“If found guilty, they will face dismissal but if exonerated, the file will be sent back to the DPP for advice.”
He made it clear that neither Singh nor Tilbury-Douglas will have police powers and will be receiving half their regular salary during the period of interdiction.
The Police also issued a statement claiming that “departmental charges will also be made against some other ranks involved in the matter.”
Harding, the victim, had earlier this year gone public claiming that members of the police force had beaten him and inserted a condom-covered baton in his rectum. The alleged act, he had said, had ruptured his intestine.
He was arrested in November last year at Timehri during a theft investigation and taken to the police station in that district where the alleged sodomy had occurred.
Following the publication of Harding’s plight – at the time he was hospitalized in the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where a hernia operation had been performed on him – the matter was immediately handed over to the Force’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR).
After making recommendations, the file was sent to the Head of the Police Complaints Authority Cecil Kennard and later the DPP.
The DPP had however sent it back to the police stating that there was need for additional investigations. There were several other movements of the file back and forth.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Skeldon Man, how would you rate Clement Rohee performance as Minister of Home Affairs?

It is not for me to rate Rohee. I do not pay his wages. I do not live in Guyana and do not see the full picture. Whatever our opinions are, we derived those from the daily newspapers we read about Guyana. As you know each one of the  newspapers support a different political party. Who knows what to believe!


Originally Posted by asj:


You cannot prove who killed the arsonists at Linden. They do kill each other. It was black on black violence.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:


You cannot prove who killed the arsonists at Linden. They do kill each other. It was black on black violence.

Yes PPP black stooges killed the lindeners.  It is PPP black stooges that cause violence in agricola.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:


You cannot prove who killed the arsonists at Linden. They do kill each other. It was black on black violence.




AFC/PNC is trying to blame black on black violence on the PPP when infact the criminals are AFC/PNC supporters.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:


You cannot prove who killed the arsonists at Linden. They do kill each other. It was black on black violence.




AFC/PNC is trying to blame black on black violence on the PPP when infact the criminals are AFC/PNC supporters.

You skount wake up anti-man yuji.  Why you posting when we sleeping?


But why was the Corrupt PPP/C Government made to pay out so much of money if they were not culpable? I figure millions being paid out by the Government, tells me a great deal.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:


You cannot prove who killed the arsonists at Linden. They do kill each other. It was black on black violence.




AFC/PNC is trying to blame black on black violence on the PPP when infact the criminals are AFC/PNC supporters.

Yuji, this Kishan/Brian Teekah, etc., is trying to gt some exposure. He has political ambitions. He is trying to see which party will accept him.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:


You cannot prove who killed the arsonists at Linden. They do kill each other. It was black on black violence.




AFC/PNC is trying to blame black on black violence on the PPP when infact the criminals are AFC/PNC supporters.

Yuji, this Kishan/Brian Teekah, etc., is trying to gt some exposure. He has political ambitions. He is trying to see which party will accept him.


The problem is that he will even the PNC will reject this piece of coconut husk.


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