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Bandit shot dead during Paradise robbery

Posted By Stabroek editor On January 29, 2014 @ 5:57 pm In Local News | No Comments

At about 1330h today,  police say that three men, two armed with handguns and the other with a pair of scissors, entered the grocery and liquor store of businessman Eon Evans at Paradise Housing Scheme, ECD.

The men held up Evans’ son and took away an undisclosed amount of cash. While one of the men remained with the son, the two others went upstairs where they held up Evans and his wife who was tied up and placed in a bedroom.

Police say that the perpetrators took away Evans’ jewellery and as they were leaving Evans, who is a licensed firearm holder, engaged them during which one of them was shot and killed while the other two managed to escape.

The identity of the dead bandit has not yet been confirmed, police said.

Investigations are in progress.

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