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Roll-out of $3.2 B cash grant initiative for school children begins Thursday

Jul 13, 2021 News, Source -

Kaieteur News – Government through its Ministry of Education will commence the handing over of the “Because We Care” cash grant and the School Uniform and Supplies Grant to children in the public school system on Thursday July 15, 2021.

According to a release issued by the Education Ministry, the grant is valued at $15,000 this year and the School Uniform and Supplies Grant is valued at $4,000, giving a total of $19,000 for each child in the public education system.

Approximately 172,000 students will benefit from this programme, which will see a total of $3.2 billion going towards children and families across Guyana. Unlike last year, the School Uniform and Supplies Grant will not be given in the form of a voucher but rather as cash.

The schedule for distribution will be posted on the Ministry of Education’s Facebook page, the Ministry’s website and they were also published in the Sunday July 11, 2021 editions of the daily newspapers. The schedule will also be published in subsequent editions, the Ministry noted in its release.

Parents or guardians of children in the public school system from nursery to secondary level are to visit the respective schools on the scheduled date to uplift the grant. If a parent or guardian fails to uplift the grant on the scheduled date, they will be allowed to do so at a later date at the Department of Education for that Region or Education District.

This later date, the Ministry has advised, will be announced at the appropriate time but will be after the entire exercise is concluded. As such, parents are encouraged to make every effort to attend on the scheduled dates.

Parents or guardians are asked to walk with a valid form of identification when going to uplift the grant. The acceptable forms of identification are the National Identification Card, Driver’s Licence or Passport. Persons who do not possess any of these documents can still uplift the grant but their relationship with the child must be confirmed by a senior official in the community or the school’s Head teacher.

The Ministry of Education, according to the release, aims to serve each child before September 2021. It was further noted that this government initiative is to provide assistance to families so that they can provide the necessary resources to their children to not only remain in school but to also excel in their studies.

“The Government of Guyana has committed to increasing the “Because We Care Cash Grant” incrementally each year until it reaches $50,000. The School Uniform and Supplies Grant was increased last year from $2,000 to $4,000, representing a 100 percent increase,” the released added.

The Ministry is moreover urging “all parents and guardians to uplift the grants and use it in the best interest of their children as we work together to give those who will be the leaders of tomorrow the opportunity to be the best that they can be.”

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Manickchand raps APNU+AFC MP for opposing education cash grant Minister Priya Manickchand

Education Minister Priya Manickchand on Tuesday roasted the APNU+AFC Opposition for opposing the $19,000 cash grant that is presently being rolled out by the PPP/C Government which will see thousands of children in the public school system benefitting.

The Minister lashed out at APNU+AFC Member of Parliament (MP) Coretta McDonald who took to social media to encourage teachers not to be a part of the distribution.

In fact, the MP in her post stated, “Headteachers, you were trained as an Educator not an Accounts Clerk! Distribution of cash to students/pupils is not your responsibility!”

Coretta McDonald

In light of this, the Education Minister expressed, “it is bizarre to me that any person or political party or any of their affiliates would object to Guyana’s families being assisted with $19,000 per child.”

She further stated that it was also bizarre that Guyana was forced to wait five months after the National and Regional Elections to have a legitimate Government.

“The APNU+AFC just doesn’t do anything sensible, logical or lawful,” the Minister added.

Nevertheless, Manickchand is optimistic that the teachers will support the initiative taking into consideration that they will also benefit from the exercise.

Meanwhile, the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) in a release stated that it is not aware of logistics surrounding the actual distribution of this cash grant. The release added that in keeping with its mandate to look after the welfare of its members, the GTU has taken the necessary actions.

“School administrators and staff are to refrain from handling or taking responsibility for cash/money; lend support where needed to verify authentic students from your school when called upon; Do not store cash/money relating to the Cash Grant and refrain from large gathering especially since COVID-19 cases and deaths are still being recorded in Guyana.”

In addition, the GTU is urging its members to seek the intervention of the Union should they receive threats from any source. Finally, it stated that all financial matters relating to the school must be handled by the Parent Teachers Association.

The “Because We Care” Grant is valued at $15,000 this year and the School Uniform and Supplies Grant is valued at $4000, giving a total of $19,000 for each child in the public education system.

Some 172,000 public school students are expected to benefit from the programme this year, and unlike last year, the school uniform grant will not be given in the form of a voucher but rather as cash.

The Education Ministry noted that the cash grant initiative aims to serve each child before September 2021. This initiative of the Government is to assist families so that they can provide the necessary resources to their children so that they can not only remain in school but to also excel in their studies.

Meanwhile, distribution will commence today in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) at the Cotton Field Secondary, Anna Regina Secondary, Taymouth Manor Primary, Fisher Primary, Suddie Primary, Riverstown Primary, Aurora Primary, and Tapakuma Lake Primary.

The initiative then moves to Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) on July 25.

The “Because We Care” project was launched back in 2014 under the PPP/C Government. It was implemented to provide support to parents with school-age children and increase their disposable income, to raise enrolment and attendance rates.

After taking office in 2015, the APNU+AFC Government scrapped the project. The Irfaan Ali-led Government reintroduced the initiative after taking office last year.


“Because We Care” cash grant initiative launched in Region Two

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand this morning launched the “Because We Care” $15,000 cash grant at the Cottonfield Secondary School in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).

The Minister is presently at the Anna Regina Secondary School and is scheduled to visit several other schools on the coast today.

Minister Manickchand says the reintroduction of the grant is testimony that the PPP/C Government is committed to delivering its promises to the people.

Other Ministers of Government have fanned out across the various regions to launch the programme.

The “Because We Care” cash grant is a manifesto promise fulfilled by the PPP/C Administration. It was first introduced in 2014 valued at $10,000. However, it was discontinued under the APNU+AFC and is now being reintroduced at $15,000. The school uniform and supplies cash grant has also been increased from $2,000 to $4,000. Each public school child will be entitled to $19,000.


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