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LEMARS, Iowa (Reuters) - Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney said on Saturday he would veto a proposal granting U.S. citizenship to undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children, a pledge that won hearty applause from Iowa conservatives he hopes to win over.

A young woman asked Romney about the bipartisan proposal known as the Dream Act, during an appearance at a crowded restaurant in Le Mars, a conservative Republican stronghold in western Iowa.

"The question is if I were elected and Congress were to pass the Dream Act, would I veto it and the answer is yes," Romney said.

"For those that come here illegally, the idea of giving them in-state tuition credits or other special benefits, I find to be contrary to the idea of a nation of laws," Romney said.

"If I'm the president of the United States I want to end illegal immigration so that we can protect legal immigration. I like legal immigration."

Under the Dream Act, which was brought up in the Senate in May, young undocumented immigrants who have lived most of their lives in the United States and graduate from U.S. high schools would be eligible for a conditional six-year "path to citizenship" if they earn a college degree or serve two years in the military.

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One of our greatest rights as Americans is the right to vote. Unfortunately it seems that so many voters are uneducated of what they vote for. Not so long ago Newt was leading the polls in Iowa. Then people favorable to Romney started posting negative ads about Newt and Romney rose to the top of the list while Newt dropped into fourth place. Newt has been around in politics for at least the past two decades and was the Speaker. In this information age what could have surfaced in the past few days that changed the minds of those who placed him at the top before?
Originally posted by TI:
All the immigrants who support these racist bigots forget they were once immigrants themselves, some of them also illegal.

No different than Joe the plummer having a problem with government handouts even though he was a current recipient of them. Everyone only like the system if it is beneficial to them but see the same system wrong when they don't need it anymore. Like so many of these ungrateful people who got their education in public schools but want to see them closed now not stopping to think that while there are problems with them, they still do more good than bad in giving a decent education to many who wouldn't be able to afford private schools. Remember that Perry was going to close the department of education if he becomes president. Even before he fix the economy.

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