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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wendy Holmes:

Guys, get ready for the big finale on Monday from Boca Raton.  Slick Willie was the world's biggest charmer, Obama is #2.  On Nov. 6 I'll vote for him only because he's the better of the 2 devils.   

The only thing worse than an Obama second term is the PNC having a second chance to mis-rule Guyana.


Romney is way ahead on the Economy, the Deficit and Taxes.  Obama goose slowly being cooked.

Are you comparing Obama to Burnham, Hoyte, Granger, Corbin, Basil Williams, Nigel and Trotty??????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wendy Holmes:

Guys, get ready for the big finale on Monday from Boca Raton.  Slick Willie was the world's biggest charmer, Obama is #2.  On Nov. 6 I'll vote for him only because he's the better of the 2 devils.   

The only thing worse than an Obama second term is the PNC having a second chance to mis-rule Guyana.


Romney is way ahead on the Economy, the Deficit and Taxes.  Obama goose slowly being cooked.

Are you comparing Obama to Burnham, Hoyte, Granger, Corbin, Basil Williams, Nigel and Trotty??????

Naa, not on so many fronts anyway.  But in any case, it's a mute point, Obama is on his way out.


Obama won the overall debate but he came across as bitter. Romney can get under his skin and that is a good thing. Let us wait for the third debate.


This might be a little too late for Obama since we have to wait for the polls results in the battleground states. Romney held his own and he won on other areas of the debate.


What is very troubling is that Obama has no real plan for the future of America and this is frightening. People who vote with emotions will end up regretting. This is still a close election and Romney still has the edge.


Exciting times ahead. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is still a close election and Romney still has the edge.



What we are witnessing is the COLLAPSE of the Obama regime!


Obama's 4 years in office has been a disaster for America---the muslim born black marxist Odinga Hussein Obambi has sucked the life out of America with his anti America and anti business policies.


And like you correctly pointed out yuji---Obama has no plans for the future---he is seeking the presidency for the sake of a presidency and not for the sake of the well-being of the American people.





As you are aware yuji---NUMBERS DON'T LIE!


The latest gallup poll has Romney at 51% and Obama at 45%


Now yuji, check this out---it is a FACT:


No candidate polling 50% or more on the gallup poll in mid october has ever lost a general election---none--Romney is at 51%.









Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is still a close election and Romney still has the edge.



What we are witnessing is the COLLAPSE of the Obama regime!


Obama's 4 years in office has been a disaster for America---the muslim born black marxist Odinga Hussein Obambi has sucked the life out of America with his anti America and anti business policies.


And like you correctly pointed out yuji---Obama has no plans for the future---he is seeking the presidency for the sake of a presidency and not for the sake of the well-being of the American people.





As you are aware yuji---NUMBERS DON'T LIE!


The latest gallup poll has Romney at 51% and Obama at 45%


Now yuji, check this out---it is a FACT:


No candidate polling 50% or more on the gallup poll in mid october has ever lost a general election---none--Romney is at 51%.







Obama well be there come January and I will be sipping hot chocolate while I watch the swearing in ceremony on the Mall.


One is not born into a religion idiot. One becomes inculcated in the culture of ones primary caregiver.  Obama had white christian primary Care givers and has been a christian all his life.  It is not that there is anything wrong with being Muslim. It is that the stench of your bigotry cuts across here and knowing the distrust of many white christian Americans of Muslims you use that label in your descriptions simply as a copy cat wanna be white person  as a lynchpin for your bigotry. I guess it is from the same muck you dredge up the Marxism label. But that is not unexpected of morons.


Numbers indeed do not lie. People like you afflicted with a profound innumeracy  do because of ignorance. Polls have been aup and down and sideways and like every other shill trying to sell their best stats...yes fool these are stats and are as good as the creation of the statistical instrument for that day.


Americans will cut through the muck and grime and get it right. On the morning of the seventh, Obama will still be there. You represent that lunatic fringe who makes lots of noise but never makes sense.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:



Obama well be there come January and I will be sipping hot chocolate while I watch the swearing in ceremony on the Mall.



On November 7th you and all the supporters of Barack Hussein Obama will be in a state of despair and mourning--your pain and sorrow will be unbearable. America's first muslim born black marxist president--the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people-- would have been voted out of office. President elect Romney will be all smiles--a resounding victory by a good man. 



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:



Obama well be there come January and I will be sipping hot chocolate while I watch the swearing in ceremony on the Mall.



On November 7th you and all the supporters of Barack Hussein Obama will be in a state of despair and mourning--your pain and sorrow will be unbearable. America's first muslim born black marxist president--the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people-- would have been voted out of office. President elect Romney will be all smiles--a resounding victory by a good man. 



Keep struggling with the fantasy in your head.  The real Obama is doing quite nicely in the states that matter. Mr Romney has to play for straits in Florida, SC, Virginia and two more of the battlegrounds to win. That is practically impossible. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Keep struggling with the fantasy in your head. 




Did you see that Stormy---Gallup now has Romney up 7 points---looks like the Independents and undecideds saw a bitter and angry Obama whining during the 2nd debate and are now bolting to Romney. It's over Stormy--start mourning!



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Keep struggling with the fantasy in your head. 





Did you see that Stormy---Gallup now has Romney up 7 points---looks like the Independents and undecideds saw a bitter and angry Obama whining during the 2nd debate and are now bolting to Romney. It's over Stormy--start mourning!



 Why Gallup and not CNN or the others? In any event, where it matters, the battleground, Qbama is up where he needs to be up. Astound your self since you seem to do with your muslim, marxist and what ever else you chose to use to delude yourself.


btw...Gallup numbers are heavily skewed by the South where he enjoys a 20 point margin...Obama is leading in the East, Midwest and West, .but because of the SOuth ( which will go Romney anyway), that Gallup poll is Rev better calm down

Funny thing is all the other polls have a 1 point lead one way or another (even Rasmussen, the Rep favorite)...looks like Gallup is way off base

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 Why Gallup and not CNN or the others?




Which rock you live under ? How dare you put gallup and CNN in the same sentence when it comes to polling ?


Listen! It's over. Romney will be our next president.


In the first debate Romney convinced independents and undecideds that he was compassionate, capable, competent and presidential. In the 2nd debate he solidified that impression.




Gallup: R 52% O 45%


Rasmussen: R 49% O 47%







Originally Posted by God:

Rev Al, For a man who claims to know about numbers, you should know better. You're using the numbers from Gallup's likely voters which nobody uses.


Gallup's polling among registered voters shows 48-47 in favor of Romney.


Do you dispute the fact that in the history of gallup polling no candidate polling 50% or more in mid October in the gallup likely voters poll has ever lost a general election ?




Based on historical gallup polling numbers---it's over---Romney will cruise to victory from hereon---he has the BIG MO.



Originally Posted by Wendy Holmes:

Rev, I'm betting you $1,000 that Barack Obama will win.



The Rev is always respectful to women, and I am assuming the person behind the Wendy Holmes handle is a woman.


Now Wendy, the Rev wishes to share this pearl of wisdom with you:




The Rev will not take your bet---Listen! Obama is guaranteed to lose in November---it is a fact that no candidate polling above 50% on the Gallup likely voter poll in mid October has ever lost a general election---right now Romney is at 52%---if I were to enter into that bet with you---it will be like taking candy from a baby---you will lose---I am 100% confident about that.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


 Why Gallup and not CNN or the others?



Which rock you live under ? How dare you put gallup and CNN in the same sentence when it comes to polling ?


Listen! It's over. Romney will be our next president.


In the first debate Romney convinced independents and undecideds that he was compassionate, capable, competent and presidential. In the 2nd debate he solidified that impression.



 Gallup: R 52% O 45%

 Rasmussen: R 49% O 47%






I only respond to this given you spoke of rocks and one would be confused if you were not speaking of your head. Are you not the racist ignoramus calling Obama an Kenyan and a Muslim Marxist ( contradictory ideas) and yet insisting you are somehow sane?


First, Gallup admits to tweaking their methodology to compensate for the many fluctuating events ( early voting) women, turnout etc so they obviously need to tweak it some more.  They are anomalous to every otter polls from no less credible institutional polling entities. Everyone except a novice with numbers can see they got it wrong.


In any event, my point remains. Where it matters, the president is doing well. While this race is close and no one can predict the outcome, the advantage lies with him over Romney. Note he pulled out of Pennsylvanian so that is a already a concession if not a retreat to regroup. He is defending on every battlefield and  the president only have to storm two of these inclusive of Ohio and Romney has to run straights everywhere else and he is already at deficits.


You are not to be chided for being excessively hopeful. However to claim you are ahead and the race is over is the viewpoint of the deluded and you are that.





Romney: I was hoping that President Obama would bring Joe Biden along, because he'll laugh at anything.

Romney: We were chatting pleasantly this evening as if Tuesday didn't happen.

Romney: Usually when I get invited to gatherings like this, it's just to be the designated driver.

Romney: We're down to the final months of the president's term.

Romney: I have my beautiful wife Ann, he has Bill Clinton.

Romney, referring to St. Peter, says skeptics will say "if you've got a Church, you didn't build that."

Romney says Obama's new campaign slogan is "you're better off than you were four weeks ago."


Romney: The president's remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter O and the number 16 trillion.

Romney says headlines will say "polls show Obama leading from behind."





Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
I suspect a very frightened Romney will show up on Monday.

Perhaps a much scared and "loud-mouthed" Mitt Romney.

I hope that they have security on site.  The spectacle of Romney losing it and launching a physical attack on Obama is a distinct possibility.  He was about to do this before Candy ordered him to sit down.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Obama did not devastate Romney in last night's presidential debate. Romney mentioned that the price of gas in Nassau County was 1.86 per gallon in 2008 and now it's over $4.00 clearly indicates to us that the president's energy policy does not work.

Romney knows full well that gas prices are set based on global marlket conditions and that instability in the Middle East combined with strong demand out of the emerging nations accounts for much of this.


What Romney needs to tell us is why he didnt mentiuon that the price of LNG is much lower than it was.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Oh by the way Rev I am sure you have your poison out when you saw large numbers of whites crowding around Obama.


So much for you rant that only the "darkies" like him.



In 2008 Obama received 43% of the white vote; in 2012 he'll likely get 37% of the white vote---the "large numbers of whites crowding around Obama" were part of that 37%.


Now, let's do the math.


* If Obama gets 37% of the white vote and 80% of the darkies---and lets assume whites comprise 75% of the voters and darkies 25%---then Obama will receive:


(0.37 x 75) + (0.80 x 25) = 27.75 + 20.00 = 47.75% of the popular vote.




Obama will be a one term President---no way Mullah Obama gets to 270 electoral votes with 47.65% of the popular vote.



Rev do you know that Romney might win the popular vote but still lose the election?  It matters not what the actual vote is.  If Obama wins FL and OH and Ro0mney wins the other 6 swing states Obama wins.


Romney will have lost quite abit of support from white females and young white males based on his debate performance.


If Obama maintains his standards and has an intelligent response to Libya than Romney will go home crying.


And yes bad things happen except that under the GOP 3,000 Americans.  Under Obama 4 Americans died and thousands of Libyans, not only protested against those who were responsible but went and rounded them up.


Can you see the difference?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Obama well be there come January and I will be sipping hot chocolate while I watch the swearing in ceremony on the Mall.

I will be sipping Red Rose tea and also watching the swearing-in ceremony of President Barack Obama.

And Rev AL will be gobbling down some cheap bush rum and thanking his god that most Americana had bettter sense than he has and voted for the right man.


By then it might dawn on him that he is a "darkie" and most of the whites who support the GOP dont like people like him.  Not only is a "darkie" but he is also a "furriner" here to take away their jobs.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Rev do you know that Romney might win the popular vote but still lose the election? 




It is now written in stone--the stars have all lined up--Romney has the BIG MO---come November 6th America will have a new president and first lady--Mitt and Ann Romney.




Republican Enthusiasm + Healthy Lead among Independents = Romney Victory.







Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Oh by the way Rev I am sure you have your poison out when you saw large numbers of whites crowding around Obama.


So much for you rant that only the "darkies" like him.



In 2008 Obama received 43% of the white vote; in 2012 he'll likely get 37% of the white vote---the "large numbers of whites crowding around Obama" were part of that 37%.


Now, let's do the math.


* If Obama gets 37% of the white vote and 80% of the darkies---and lets assume whites comprise 75% of the voters and darkies 25%---then Obama will receive:


(0.37 x 75) + (0.80 x 25) = 27.75 + 20.00 = 47.75% of the popular vote.




Obama will be a one term President---no way Mullah Obama gets to 270 electoral votes with 47.65% of the popular vote.



Rev do you know that Romney might win the popular vote but still lose the election?  It matters not what the actual vote is.  If Obama wins FL and OH and Ro0mney wins the other 6 swing states Obama wins.


Romney will have lost quite abit of support from white females and young white males based on his debate performance.


If Obama maintains his standards and has an intelligent response to Libya than Romney will go home crying.


And yes bad things happen except that under the GOP 3,000 Americans.  Under Obama 4 Americans died and thousands of Libyans, not only protested against those who were responsible but went and rounded them up.


Can you see the difference?

I do not think he will win the popular vote either




New Hampshire: Romney 49% Obama 48%


Iowa: Romney 49% Obama 48%




GALLUP Today(Oct 19th): R 51% O 45%


Rasmussen today: R 48% O 48%




Rasmussen in Wisconsin: R 48% O 50%


Rasmussen in Florida: R 51% O 46%


Rasmussen in Virginia: R 50% O 47%






Susquehanna Poll in Pennsylvania: R 49% O 45%







Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Romney is way ahead on the Economy, the Deficit and Taxes.  Obama goose slowly being cooked.

Yes a $5T tax cut and a $2T increase in defense (tripling it) and we havent even begun to look at the structural $1T deficit that we already have. 


So how will this be paid for?

Growth.  BTW, the 5T is based on Obama's model of static modeling and stagnation to mediocre growth.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Romney is way ahead on the Economy, the Deficit and Taxes.  Obama goose slowly being cooked.

Yes a $5T tax cut and a $2T increase in defense (tripling it) and we havent even begun to look at the structural $1T deficit that we already have. 


So how will this be paid for?

Growth.  BTW, the 5T is based on Obama's model of static modeling and stagnation to mediocre growth.

Romney has yet to furnish evidence that the economy can grow to finance his deficits.


Bush tried that and we see where we ended in  2008.  Now I know you were born on Januray 1, 2010 and so dont know what happened in October 2008.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Romney is way ahead on the Economy, the Deficit and Taxes.  Obama goose slowly being cooked.

Yes a $5T tax cut and a $2T increase in defense (tripling it) and we havent even begun to look at the structural $1T deficit that we already have. 


So how will this be paid for?

Growth.  BTW, the 5T is based on Obama's model of static modeling and stagnation to mediocre growth.

Romney has yet to furnish evidence that the economy can grow to finance his deficits.


Bush tried that and we see where we ended in  2008.  Now I know you were born on Januray 1, 2010 and so dont know what happened in October 2008.

I don't think it' a big stretch to outgrow Obama's growth rate.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Romney is way ahead on the Economy, the Deficit and Taxes.  Obama goose slowly being cooked.

Yes a $5T tax cut and a $2T increase in defense (tripling it) and we havent even begun to look at the structural $1T deficit that we already have. 


So how will this be paid for?

Growth.  BTW, the 5T is based on Obama's model of static modeling and stagnation to mediocre growth.

Romney has yet to furnish evidence that the economy can grow to finance his deficits.


Bush tried that and we see where we ended in  2008.  Now I know you were born on Januray 1, 2010 and so dont know what happened in October 2008.

I don't think it' a big stretch to outgrow Obama's growth rate.

Yes like tke negative growth during the last Republican final two years. We aint going back there.!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Growth.  BTW, the 5T is based on Obama's model of static modeling and stagnation to mediocre growth.

Romney has yet to furnish evidence that the economy can grow to finance his deficits.


Bush tried that and we see where we ended in  2008.  Now I know you were born on Januray 1, 2010 and so dont know what happened in October 2008.

I don't think it' a big stretch to outgrow Obama's growth rate.

Yes like tke negative growth during the last Republican final two years. We aint going back there.!!!

The "final two years" is hardly all-encompassing of Rep economic achievement over time.  Remember, we had Jimmy Carter failure, then Regan success, then Bush 1 failure, then Clinton success, then Bush 2 ups and downs, then Obama failure.  Now we need a new Rep take over like Regan did.  Obama has made history, it's time he becomes history.

Originally Posted by warrior:

obama is going back into the black house and rev will kill himself

Rev will mount a petition demanding that slavery be re-established.  He ill also pull out his brown hood and openly admit his membership in the IndoKKK.


Trini Indos will as usual laugh at how racist so many Guyanese Indos are.


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