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Romney: 'I could have done a heck of a lot better job' than Obama


By Robin Abcarian, September 7, 2012, 12:40 p.m -- Source

Mitt Romney speaks to reporters upon arrival in Sioux City, Iowa to attend campaign events. (Michael Mathes / AFP/Getty Images / September 7, 2012)


CHARLOTTE, NC -- After sequestering himself in Vermont while Democrats renominated Barack Obama here this week, Republican nominee Mitt Romney hit the campaign trail Friday and pronounced himself disappointed in the president’s acceptance speech and in a lackluster August jobs report.


Romney also battled back critiques  that the Republican convention in Tampa had slighted the military and failed to mention the war in Afghanistan

“This is a very disappointing time for the American people,” he told Fox News while stumping in Iowa. He used variations of the word four times in a nine-minute interview.


In the interview, Romney responded to some of the criticisms leveled by Democrats during their convention, particularly from former President Bill Clinton, who pointedly said during his speech Wednesday that no president could have repaired in four years the devastated economy that Obama had inherited from George W. Bush

“Well I could have done a heck of a lot better job than this president has,” Romney said. “I wasn’t elected so that’s kind of moot.”


Romney sought the Republican nomination in 2008 but he dropped from the race after losing in early primaries. 


In the interview, Romney said Obama has broken a campaign promise that the unemployment rate, pegged today at 8.1%, would have dropped to 5.4% by now.


“Had he delivered on that promise, there’d be nine million more jobs in America today than there are, Romney said. "That was his promise. I am only holding him accountable by the measure that he himself put out to the American people.”


During their convention in Charlotte, Democrats repeatedly mocked Romney for urging that American auto companies be allowed to go bankrupt in 2009, rather than receive the federal bailout that has been credited for their revival.


Romney has often said the charge is unfair, arguing that he advocated a “structured bankruptcy” that he claims would have saved the companies as well.


He told Fox News he’s looking forward to debating the president on the topic. Their first debate is scheduled for Oct. 3.


“I don’t think many people understand that the president took the car companies into bankruptcy,” said Romney. “They went into bankruptcy exactly as I proposed, so the difference between us is that I would have done it earlier than the president did and saved the American taxpayers about $20 billion dollars.”


In response, Obama for American spokeswoman Lis Smith accused Romney of trying to “rewrite history.”


"GM and Chrysler are in existence, creating jobs, and posting some of their most profitable quarters in history because President Obama bet on American workers,” she said. “If Mitt Romney had had his way, the American auto industry and the more than one million jobs it supports would cease to exist.”


In his Fox interview, Romney also defended himself against accusations that he and other Republicans in Tampa did not express enough gratitude to the U.S. military in general and to soldiers, airmen and Marines serving in Afghanistan in particular.


Soldiers and combat veterans were prominently featured in the Democratic program in Charlotte, but not in Tampa, which marked a reversal of tradition.


In recent races, the GOP has more or less owned the national security and defense issue. But President Obama ended one war, is winding down a second,  and ordered the SEAL raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.


As a result, polls show Democrats have managed not only to neutralize the issue but effectively recapture it for the first time in decades. 

“When you give a speech, you don’t go through a laundry list,” said Romney. "You talk about the things that you think are important, and I described it in my speech by ‘commitment to a strong military,’ unlike the president’s decision to cut our military. And, I didn’t use the word ‘troops,’ I used the word ‘military’. I think they refer to the same thing.”


He said his visit to the American Legion convention in Indianapolis last month "made a much bigger statement to our military and our troops than the president, who did not go to meet with the American Legion.” Obama spoke to the group by video conference.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mitt Romney  ...


“Well I could have done a heck of a lot better job than this president has,” Romney said. “I wasn’t elected so that’s kind of moot.”

And .... you will not be elected in 2012.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Romney is talking out of his hat. Coulda this and that. He has no track record in governance, not even in Massachusetts.

It does not take a whole lot to do better than Obama.  Romney should us the Reagan and Clinton benchmarks.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I believe in Romney's confident and he can do a lot better than Obama.

They both have two different paths to the American model.  Neither are fully right or fully wrong.  Obama has failed to work with the other side to get things done and the nation moving.  Obamacare was pushed thru when he had full control, Osama-tekcare was a unilateral judgement call when he confidently had a line of sight.  Neither of these "grand successes" required working with the other side, compromise and teamwork with those who don't share your views.  This is a militaristic style of leadership, an "elected dictatorship" mindset.


When Obama was challenged by the Rep on key policy issues, his response, "I won".  The guy is over-confident and arrogant and believes great speeches is what matters.  Unfortunately, many fall for this and hope rhetoric will be followed by actions, not so.


Romney, a man who ran a successful business and managed the Olympics, along with his Charity and was a state govenor has clearly demonstrated his ability to build teams, motivate and work with them to achieve a larger objective.


Obama, on the other hand, can only get things done when he gets his way.  This is a recipe for failure.  I still don't know why people feel that Obama will be different in his 2nd term than his first when, in his 1st term he was no different in the 2nd half than the 1st half.


In fact some say that Obama erred because he sought to compromise during the first 2 years when he had the majority in the congress to push through legislation.  Compromising in his situation was impossible as the Republicans stated in his second year of office that their primary goal was to ensure that he failed and would not get a second term. 

Romney's business background is not an asset when it comes to governing which relies on democratic norms as opposed to business which is more dictatorial and decisive driven by profit. 

I am surprised that you didn't consider this. 


I think Romney will probably win. The only good that can come of this is that the Democrats, after kissing Wall Street's a$$ for four years and putting up no resistance to illegal wars and assassinations, might change their ways if they can blame a Republican.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact some say that Obama erred because he sought to compromise during the first 2 years when he had the majority in the congress to push through legislation.  Compromising in his situation was impossible as the Republicans stated in his second year of office that their primary goal was to ensure that he failed and would not get a second term. 

Romney's business background is not an asset when it comes to governing which relies on democratic norms as opposed to business which is more dictatorial and decisive driven by profit. 

I am surprised that you didn't consider this. 

Ruling is not a "one-man sport" as Obama sees it, but a team sport as Romney plays it.  I prefer to work with a person who understands the strength of team vs the strength of one-self.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Obama has failed to work with the other side to get things done and the nation moving

It is quite clear that President Obama worked to include the Republicans in the decision-making process.


As is evident, the Republicans refused to work with President Obama and they-Republicans decided to do their own things.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Romney is talking out of his hat. Coulda this and that. He has no track record in governance, not even in Massachusetts.

It does not take a whole lot to do better than Obama.


Romney should us the Reagan and Clinton benchmarks.

And .. President Obama is better than Mitt Romney.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It is quite clear that President Obama worked to include the Republicans in the decision-making process.

I agree, that is quite clear. Now, if he would only include some Democrats.


My son who's really not into politics happened to catch some of the Republican convention and asked if it was a KKK meeting.



He then watched a bit of the Democrat Convention and said that he noticed it was a meeting of all the various races and class of people, it seemed to be as he put it, more human.


Even the younger ones can see this, why can't some of you old goats see this too.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It is quite clear that President Obama worked to include the Republicans in the decision-making process.

I agree, that is quite clear. Now, if he would only include some Democrats.

Democrats are with President Obama and they will again work hard for his re-election in November, 2012.


My son who's really not into politics happened to catch some of the Republican convention and asked if it was a KKK meeting.

With all seriousness you have to teach your children better manners than that, Cain. Is that the way you want them to believe in a diverse world. Shame on you, bro! This is the best shit I ever heard from you.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

My son who's really not into politics happened to catch some of the Republican convention and asked if it was a KKK meeting.

With all seriousness you have to teach your children better manners than that, Cain. Is that the way you want them to believe in a diverse world. Shame on you, bro! This is the best shit I ever heard from you.

You are getting more stupid as the day grows old.


You are teaching your son to be bias toward white people, therefore, you should get out of Canada and go back to Guyana where he will learn plenty of racial bigotry through the teachings of the AFC.

Originally Posted by cain:

My son who's really not into politics happened to catch some of the Republican convention and asked if it was a KKK meeting.



He then watched a bit of the Democrat Convention and said that he noticed it was a meeting of all the various races and class of people, it seemed to be as he put it, more human.


Even the younger ones can see this, why can't some of you old goats see this too.

The Democratic Party has an honorable tradition, stemming from the achievements of Franklin Roosevelt and to a lesser extent John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, where it earned the right to speak for people of all races and for people with lower incomes. Beginning in the 70s, however, the Democratic leadership began to violate that trust. Lower income people, immigrants and people of color today are more or less trapped in the Democratic Party, which no longer represents them, because they have no where else to turn. Organized labor, once a pillar of the party, has begun to protest the treatment they are receiving from party leaders. It is very important for the future of the US that some sort of grass-roots rebellion take place within the Democratic party against the sort of smug, cynical worship of Wall Street that Obama represents. It must happen soon, because Obama is leading the US toward a much bigger and more dangerous kind of war:



Henry you remind me of a member of my family. The guy constantly contacts other family members trying to get us all hooked into the nonsense he's been listening to. Everything is the Governments fault and the Govt is out to get us all,he's all about conspiracies.

To what I've been told by others, he's been complaining and talking about things not getting any better and we're to watch how things are coming to a halt. This has been going on for the last thirty years or so and he still waits for the world to end.

I think that you guys were abducted by aliens and after they brought you all back to earth, they forgot to remove the anal probes.


They were not abducted by aliens. They are aliens who fled Guyana in an aircraft or banana boat. So they have no idea how bad things would have been for them had they stayed in Guyana.


To the two gentlemen with the similar odd haircuts: Romney is not running for president of Guyana, and yes, things have been getting worse for 30 years and yes, it is due to poor leadership on the government level, not because of bad luck or other magical causes.

Originally Posted by Henry:

I think Romney will probably win.


The Rev is 100% confident Romney will win--he says 12 million jobs will be created in his first term---and he will restore fiscal sanity to America---if he fails the Rev will be the first to call for him to be fired---one term president.





The recent polls have given Obama supporters great hope(Rasmussen has Obama leading 46-44 among likely voters; gallup has Obama leading 49-45 among registered voters).


That 46-44 Rasmussen poll seems to guarantee defeat for Obama---you have 10% uncommitted---most will vote for the challenger.


Also, for months now Obama has been polling between 44 and 47----that is not good for any incumbent---he has to poll above 50 to win.





Originally Posted by Cobra:

. . . why Guyanese people think like black and support the democratic party?

oi, antiman . . . contemplate the depths of stupidity that hate fuh blackman done carry U now

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Rev Al, why Guyanese people think like black and support the democratic party?

Cobra bhai,


It would be civil for us to engage and debate the issues rather than egaging in statements that incite racial comments. At the end of the day, all Guyanese are in this together....... All six races.


We will differ politically but must engage in a civil manner. This will further our cause.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Rev Al, why Guyanese people think like black and support the democratic party?



Blacks in America prefer to remain enslaved by their liberal democrat plantation masters. And we can all see the results of that. It's amazing that blacks keep supporting the Democratic party which has kept them poor and dependent.




Like American Blacks--these pitiful Guyanese(blacks, indians, etc) choose to be dependent---to be enslaved by the democratic party.





Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

. . . why Guyanese people think like black and support the democratic party?

oi, antiman . . . contemplate the depths of stupidity that hate fuh blackman done carry U now

My statement is perfectly correct in every sense. The democratic party presumably are for low income, no income and the middle class. The low and no income citizens are mainly black. Indo-Guyanese should not be taught to think that they're sub-class citizens and can't do better. The democratic party claimed they are for poor people and keeping them poor with food stamps is all they do. Guyanese should elevate themselves from being dalits in America.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Rev Al, why Guyanese people think like black and support the democratic party?

Cobra bhai,


It would be civil for us to engage and debate the issues rather than egaging in statements that incite racial comments. At the end of the day, all Guyanese are in this together....... All six races.


We will differ politically but must engage in a civil manner. This will further our cause.

To be civil is to call a spade a spade. I can't speak or write in parables. Blackman and thinking black are not racial or graphic terms to shy away.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

. . . why Guyanese people think like black and support the democratic party?

oi, antiman . . . contemplate the depths of stupidity that hate fuh blackman done carry U now

My statement is perfectly correct in every sense. The democratic party presumably are for low income, no income and the middle class. The low and no income citizens are mainly black. Indo-Guyanese should not be taught to think that they're sub-class citizens and can't do better. The democratic party claimed they are for poor people and keeping them poor with food stamps is all they do. Guyanese should elevate themselves from being dalits in America.

So, idiot, where does the Indo-Guyanese middle class in America [and those aspiring] figure in your blighted, racist calculus?  


and . . . when did "Guyanese" = Indo-Guyanese to the exclusion of Afro, Amerindinian, etc?


IGNORANCE + RACE HATE = sorry ass confusion and a 1-way ticket to jackass land . . . pay attention antiman!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
The Rev is 100% confident Romney will win--he says 12 million jobs will be created in his first term---and he will restore fiscal sanity to America---if he fails the Rev will be the first to call for him to be fired---one term president.

Romney will continue with the same set of failed policies as Obama. Both candidates have announced their opposition to a restoration of Glass-Steagall. The only benefit of having Romney as president will be that perhaps Democrats will begin to fight these rotten policies, whereas with Obama in office, they feel compelled to support them.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Blacks in America prefer to remain enslaved by their liberal democrat plantation masters.

Because the Republicans would be worse. The only solution is a rebellion within the Democratic Party.
Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Blacks in America prefer to remain enslaved by their liberal democrat plantation masters.

Because the Republicans would be worse.



You strike me as a reasonable man!


Now, how could the Republican party be worse for blacks than the Democratis party ?


The truth about blacks in America, and this will offend many here, is they have been seduced by easy money, revenge, social justice, drugs, drug dealing, excuses and low expectations.




After the great society began, black families started to dissolve.


Listen, the top 50% of black people are normal people---its the bottom 50%---they have decades of catching up to do---it will take decades---maybe centuries for them to become productive, constructive, educated, moral people again.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:

Listen, the top 50% of black people are normal people . . .



perhaps, if you stuck to 1 nic, you'd come across as a little less of an antiman.


You'd retain membership in the lolo eaters club of course; with privileges to fornicate with conscience, albert and sundry PPP catamites on demand . . . but you'd be an 'honest' antiman, OK?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Henry:

Not everyone is an antiman, but they say about ten percent are. Which explains the vote totals of the Antimen For Change party.

Henry you are getting confused here. What you may have heard was 10% of those in the PPP are...check it out again.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Not everyone is an antiman, but they say about ten percent are. Which explains the vote totals of the Antimen For Change party.

Which also explains your high pitched voice, your lisping and your sore BT.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Not everyone is an antiman, but they say about ten percent are. Which explains the vote totals of the Antimen For Change party.

Henry you are getting confused here. What you may have heard was 10% of those in the PPP are...check it out again.

I wonder how much semen he swallowed to come up with a line like that?


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