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Republican strategists acknowledge that Mitt Romney’s chance of winning the Presidency in November lies in him getting a divorce between President Obama and the Independent swing voters. This group includes registered Democrats who may feel some unease about the economy, and not necessarily Obama’s handling of it. Two important factors are involved in this marriage:

One is the likeability of Obama (he leads Romney by 54% to 31% in recent polling, numbers that remain stubbornly unmoved throughout and troubling for Romney

The other is that this group knows Obama inherited an historic mess of an economy.


Romney’s people knows that most Americans are emotionally attached to Obama and  may be willing to give him more time. You noticed how Paul Ryan talked about the faded Obama poster hanging in the rooms of young adults? And also how Romney talked about his promotion of women in the workplace, and talking about Obama being a nice man but not in tune with our values? What bothers the Republican strategist is how after the bad job numbers and economic growth being so puny, and how people are disaffected in their future outlook, that Romney is not running away with this thing. I believe that Romney wants to win the Presidency by default. He will say little about what he proposes, hem and haw on the social issues he has a different position on with the Republican base, and lie about what he terms Obama’s failures. The latter is a double-edged sword, as Romney would be well-advised to remember how G. W. Bush painted Al Gore as not to be trusted after he made some statements that stretched credulity.

Here are some of those false and misleading situations.

  • Deficit-reduction. Ryan was on the Simpson-Bowles Committee that had a $4 trillion proposal ($1 trillion in revenue enhancements and $3 trillion in spending cuts) and he voted “NO” to its proposals. It never passed Congress. Yet he blames Obama for doing nothing to reduce the Federal debt.
  • AAA-rating no more. Ryan said Obama is to be blamed for America having its credit rating reduced for the first time in its history. This is where I think the voters will nail the Republicans for. It shamefully linked raising the debt-ceiling on spending cuts, and S & P said that tying fiscal concerns with a need for Congress to increase the Government’s borrowing to cover what Congress itself (not Obama) had approved for spending is the reason for it to reduce America’s credit rating.
  • Medicare. Both Obama and Ryan proposed $716 billion in Medicare cuts. Obama seeks this reduction from the Providers’ agreement under the Affordable Care Act to reduce pricing, incentivize payment for quality care rather than fee-for-service (where a doctor can give you unnecessary procedures just to collect more money), and also premium payments to health insurance companies would be eliminated. So Obama’s $716 billion cuts would come from a reduction in reimbursements and not cutting service to seniors. Ryan’s plan is to offer vouchers and tell seniors go take your chances in the free market. This was estimated to cost seniors over $6,000 annually. So Ryan would change Medicare from what it is now.
  • Foreign policy. Romney talks about Obama going on an apology tour, and throwing Israel under a bus. Enough said. The man has no clue of foreign policy.
  • Ryan lied about a plant closing that happened under Bush, yet somehow Obama is responsible. Watch for the trust backlash on blatant lies like this one.

Romney has two other hurdles. One is that he is portrayed as not being in touch with ordinary people (the off-shore accounts and the Bain experience of closing companies after loading them up with leveraged debt. The other can be summed up in the James Carville-esque “It’s the demographics, stupid”. Zero Blacks polled say they will vote for him; he’s losing the Hispanic vote by a 40-point margin; he’s still behind in white college-educated voters and younger voters.


While Romney is like a divorce lawyer, he has shied away from being a marriage counselor to show the disaffected spouse how their lives can be better. Romney has failed on both counts – lying about Obama’s record and not telling the American public how he intends to cut the deficit, grow jobs, relieve the middle-class from its decline, stop Iran from going nuclear, influence events in Syria, etc.

Replies sorted oldest to newest






"President Obama promised to slow the rise of the ocean---and heal the planet---My promise is to help you and your family."





"President Obama began his presidency with an apology tour---he said America has dictated to other nations. No Mr. President. America has freed other nations from dictators."


"I will begin my presidency with a jobs tour."











Originally Posted by Rev Al:







"President Obama promised to slow the rise of the ocean---and heal the planet---My promise is to help you and your family."





"President Obama began his presidency with an apology tour---he said America has dictated to other nations. No Mr. President. America has freed other nations from dictators."


"I will begin my presidency with a jobs tour."











it is not surprising the most banal of the speech captivates you. Concern for our planet is not exclusive of helping ones family.  And America is not a place handed down whole from the gods. It was an place of odious enslavement of a people, centuries long genocidal warfare on the original owners of the land and had Kipling view of the rest of the world. It has taken long years of arduous struggle to make it a civilized place. When America listens, and not dictate; it reaches for the truest form of its creed.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Republican strategists acknowledge that Mitt Romney’s chance of winning the Presidency in November lies in him getting a divorce between President Obama and the Independent swing voters.


This group includes registered Democrats who may feel some unease about the economy, and not necessarily Obama’s handling of it.


Two important factors are involved in this marriage:


One is the likeability of Obama (he leads Romney by 54% to 31% in recent polling, numbers that remain stubbornly unmoved throughout and troubling for Romney


The other is that this group knows Obama inherited an historic mess of an economy.


Romney’s people knows that most Americans are emotionally attached to Obama and  may be willing to give him more time.

Important points.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:







"President Obama promised to slow the rise of the ocean---and heal the planet---My promise is to help you and your family."





"President Obama began his presidency with an apology tour---he said America has dictated to other nations. No Mr. President. America has freed other nations from dictators."


"I will begin my presidency with a jobs tour."











it is not surprising the most banal of the speech captivates you. Concern for our planet is not exclusive of helping ones family.  And America is not a place handed down whole from the gods. It was an place of odious enslavement of a people, centuries long genocidal warfare on the original owners of the land and had Kipling view of the rest of the world. It has taken long years of arduous struggle to make it a civilized place. When America listens, and not dictate; it reaches for the truest form of its creed.

What this got to do with those millions of families that are hurting, that need jobs, that work 2 jobs, that have massive student loans, that have to pay more for gas etc etc.? 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:







"President Obama promised to slow the rise of the ocean---and heal the planet---My promise is to help you and your family."





"President Obama began his presidency with an apology tour---he said America has dictated to other nations. No Mr. President. America has freed other nations from dictators."


"I will begin my presidency with a jobs tour."











it is not surprising the most banal of the speech captivates you. Concern for our planet is not exclusive of helping ones family.  And America is not a place handed down whole from the gods. It was an place of odious enslavement of a people, centuries long genocidal warfare on the original owners of the land and had Kipling view of the rest of the world. It has taken long years of arduous struggle to make it a civilized place. When America listens, and not dictate; it reaches for the truest form of its creed.

What this got to do with those millions of families that are hurting, that need jobs, that work 2 jobs, that have massive student loans, that have to pay more for gas etc etc.? 

 I am addressing the quotes above and not obliged to speak to whatever is your fancy.


The millions of families hurting are fortunate to live in the US where they can fall back on a layered system of social safety net to help them and that is absent in most places in the world.  I am also sure the nation is turning the corner since I can see lots of construction being restarted. I just came from the Mall earlier and it was jam packed.


As for student loans you are sparking from your rear. Besides interest rates being at its lowest in many decades, Obama has a very comprehensive student loan forgiveness program that is vast and cover too much to explain here. You can find out for yourself if interested. This is the place where anyone can get an education if they so chose. Instate fees to State college is accessible to all and completely coverable by various grants.


Gas prices was 3.35 by me last week and up 20 cents since Hurricane Isaac but predicted to go down by Labor Day. That is nothing compared to Europe.




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
My promise is to help you and your family."




The Republican base must have cringed at this - My promise is to help you and your family

Has Romney now joined Obama as a community organizer and wants to put Government in people's lives? Or is he talking to the corporations (who are people, my friends)?


American cannot run on failed policies. The Romney/Ryan leadership will bring back confident to the nation, create jobs and reduce the deficit. Let's vote wisely this November. Vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.


I'm sure Stormborn would agree with me on the republican agenda and not to inflame Ramjattan in the face of American politics. Ramotar, yes

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
My promise is to help you and your family."




The Republican base must have cringed at this - My promise is to help you and your family

Has Romney now joined Obama as a community organizer and wants to put Government in people's lives? Or is he talking to the corporations (who are people, my friends)?

Kari, you're letting out hot air for nothing, but thanks for trying.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

American cannot run on failed policies. The Romney/Ryan leadership will bring back confident to the nation, create jobs and reduce the deficit. Let's vote wisely this November. Vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.


I'm sure Stormborn would agree with me on the republican agenda and not to inflame Ramjattan in the face of American politics. Ramotar, yes

I do not know what the hell you mean with most of the above but on point of clarification I can never support a republican agenda. I have been here for 32 years and never saw anything I liked in them since I began to discover American politics.



You should learn to appreciate America under any president. I like Obama even though I am not a democrat. Thankfully, America's politics is not like "pre 1992 Guyana" when a president is voted in by race and scare tactics. In this country, people vote on policies that is good for your children education and their future, the confident to build and grow small business, increase job opportunity and lower the country's deficit and keep America free and strong. That's the kind of things we vote for in America. Now, wipe that smirk off your face, Stormy.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

You should learn to appreciate America under any president. I like Obama even though I am not a democrat. Thankfully, America's politics is not like "pre 1992 Guyana" when a president is voted in by race and scare tactics. In this country, people vote on policies that is good for your children education and their future, the confident to build and grow small business, increase job opportunity and lower the country's deficit and keep America free and strong. That's the kind of things we vote for in America. Now, wipe that smirk off your face, Stormy.

 I think you are a nutcase. Where is it I say I do not appreciate America? The republican party is not America.


For your information, the PPP owes its power to race politics that is why there is the hue and cry about recovering the prodigals who defected to Moses. As a party it never got more than 3 % African vote.


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
My promise is to help you and your family."




The Republican base must have cringed at this - My promise is to help you and your family

Has Romney now joined Obama as a community organizer and wants to put Government in people's lives? Or is he talking to the corporations (who are people, my friends)?

Romney is kicking ass.  Obama have little going right now.  The masses of Americans are worried about the economy.  Obama made history, but he might just become history.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Republican strategists acknowledge that Mitt Romney’s chance of winning the Presidency in November lies in him getting a divorce between President Obama and the Independent swing voters. .

Kari Obama created his own problem and that is neglecting the economy.  When I told you this two years ago you scoffed. Now it is coming back to bite him. 


Obama is already lost many independents.  They dont care about his stance on abortion, gay rights or the environment.  Or about all the pie in the sky dreams that Obama has.


They ask one question.  Can you fix the economy or not?  There is no clear answer to this, based on Obama's track record.  Blaming Bush (even though he is to blame) doesnt impress, because the response will be "I voted for you to fix the Bush can you fix it or not"?  


The GOP know why their talking points stress the voter who bought Obama's "Hope and Change" creed..and now sit down without hope looking at the faded Obama posters.  They havent gotten them yet as most will await next week's event, but Obama had better not take this group for granted.



Had Obama remembered the reason why Clinton beat Daddy Bush, and why he won (many votes he got were not pro Obama votes, but were anti Bush votes).  Its the Economy Stupid.  A President winning with unemployment numbers so high is a tough call.   Blacks, Hispanics, and young whites are the biggest losers and many will be too discouraged to vote.  These were not going to be GOP voters so their diminished turnout helps rather than hurts Romney/Ryan.


I need only look at my office where many suburbanites voted Obama reluctantly.  Romney is their guy and he will get their votes.  They tell themselves that he isnt too bad..what eith being governor of the most liberal state in the country...hoping that he can control the Christian Taliban, while cutting their taxes.  While it will not make a difference in the north east it will in VA and NC.  These groups and the blacks wa swhy Obama won those states.


Even the Hispanic vote isnt reliable. Yes those who vote will vote Obama, but that group has suffered disproportionately from the collapse of the construction sector, large numbers even losing their homes.  Furthermore it is a fact that Obama deported MORE people than Bush did.


The hope is the debates.  Obama can continue to laugh and scoff at the GOP and if he does they will laugh and scoff at him come the day after elections.


OR he can tell America exactly what he will do, and stop blaming the GOP Congress for his failures.  If one considered discouraged workers, and those forced to work part time, or accept jobs with lower pay this is 25% of the working age adults.  This is a FACT that Obama has to deal with.


If Americans vote out of fear about what the GOP will do Obama wins.


If many Americans dont vote (most will be from the groups which favor Obama) and others feel that Obama has failed so the "other guy" should be given a chance  Romney/Ryan win.


Its rather arrogant to feel that an Obama victoiry is certain.  Its not.  Rihght now my bet is with the GOP, even though I deeply fear what they will do to the USA (maybe migrating to Canada was a better idea, as an aunt of mine who lives there told me at the time).


You have said many things that make sense here. It's not that Romney is the most charismatic politician around. But Obama has been inept in tackling the economy that he makes Romney look good.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
My promise is to help you and your family."




The Republican base must have cringed at this - My promise is to help you and your family


No they didnt.  The biggest beneficiaries of govt largesse are the Red States.


Thats why there will be shock and swe if Romney/Ryan win and then immediately takes away their nunemployment, medicaid, medicare and social security.


They vote race, guns, anti gay rights, and pro life...and cant see beyond that.


Their lament isnt too much govt. Its that they think that its the blacks, the foreigners, and the "smarty pants" Ivy Leaguers who get all the benefits.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You have said many things that make sense here. It's not that Romney is the most charismatic politician around. But Obama has been inept in tackling the economy that he makes Romney look good.

And that many Americans are stupid and fail to understand the points that Kari is making.  He is right but to most people, if they cant pay their bills they dont care.


The biggest shocks will be;


1.  Massive cuts in entitlement programs, the biggest beneficiaries being middle class whites.......welfare was cut thanks to Clinto so there is little of that left.


2.  Popular tax deductions like mortgage interest and pension plan contributions will be disallowed to fund tax cuts which will mainly benefit the affluent.


3.  The President doesnt have as much control over the economy as some thing, which is why I fimnd the promise of 12 million jobs ton be curious.  Now Obama will create some by funding an infrastructure program.  But Romneyt favors highways with bumps and bruises and collapsing bridges and declining college enrollments because people cant afford it.


So Romney might well win...but I shudder.


I find it odd that some of your buddles live in Canada, a communist country even by the standards of the Democrats (Govt run health care), and yet want to foist on us a man who will not get two votes in Canada.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You have said many things that make sense here. It's not that Romney is the most charismatic politician around. But Obama has been inept in tackling the economy that he makes Romney look good.

Congress controls the purse. Obama can only propose. They blocked every bill that sought to revive the economy. Romney has no plan. You cannot tell me one thing he would do that could revive the economy. Merely mouthing platitudes will not work. Adventurism abroad will not work either. What would happen if we are in Syria and Iran under a Romney administration?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
My promise is to help you and your family."




The Republican base must have cringed at this - My promise is to help you and your family


No they didnt.  The biggest beneficiaries of govt largesse are the Red States.


Thats why there will be shock and swe if Romney/Ryan win and then immediately takes away their nunemployment, medicaid, medicare and social security.


They vote race, guns, anti gay rights, and pro life...and cant see beyond that.


Their lament isnt too much govt. Its that they think that its the blacks, the foreigners, and the "smarty pants" Ivy Leaguers who get all the benefits.

Caribj, both sides have their core supporters regardless what's happening in the nation.  The target is the swing, many of whom went with Obama last time.  They are now contemplating and the Reps are wooing them.  They are not racists but taking an objective view and will make a decision based on what's important to them.


Obama's albatros is the economy and referring to Bush just don't cut it anymore.  This is not Guyana, the land of perennial excuses for accomplishing little to nothing.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You have said many things that make sense here. It's not that Romney is the most charismatic politician around. But Obama has been inept in tackling the economy that he makes Romney look good.

And that many Americans are stupid and fail to understand the points that Kari is making.  He is right but to most people, if they cant pay their bills they dont care.


The biggest shocks will be;


1.  Massive cuts in entitlement programs, the biggest beneficiaries being middle class whites.......welfare was cut thanks to Clinto so there is little of that left.


2.  Popular tax deductions like mortgage interest and pension plan contributions will be disallowed to fund tax cuts which will mainly benefit the affluent.


3.  The President doesnt have as much control over the economy as some thing, which is why I fimnd the promise of 12 million jobs ton be curious.  Now Obama will create some by funding an infrastructure program.  But Romneyt favors highways with bumps and bruises and collapsing bridges and declining college enrollments because people cant afford it.


So Romney might well win...but I shudder.


I find it odd that some of your buddles live in Canada, a communist country even by the standards of the Democrats (Govt run health care), and yet want to foist on us a man who will not get two votes in Canada.

They will be forced to fiddle with health care. That means a voucher program for the old people and when the money is gone the so be it. They cannot get the votes to pull back much of his healthcare plan so they are stuck with crippling medicare.


If the bush tax plan continues it means three trillion to the deficit. I am not sure how they will give the middle class a tax cut as well.



Cutting social services will not save much. It will make a lot of poor white people angry since some 40 million of them need the government help.


Doing away with regulation in the market simply means they will try to finagle derivatives out of grass. Only stupid people will spend their money there.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is happening Syria and Iran under Obama? He is not showing spine. People are dying needlessly in Syria while Obama offers the usual talk-shop stuff.

What should he do? I am sure that the advantages on the ground is because of American and Saudi support but they will not go in.  Iran is a waste of time. Sanctions are running them to the ground. Soon, hunger and misery will bring the people down on the heads of the Mullahs. Obama is right. There is nothing to win there. Let turkey and the Saudis do their part. Lebanon is where they can make a difference if Hezbollah decides to take to their guns now Syria being fragmented. But who knows, they may like the outcome. Obama is wise to do exactly what he is doing.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is happening Syria and Iran under Obama? He is not showing spine. People are dying needlessly in Syria while Obama offers the usual talk-shop stuff.

He cannot do shit, neither can Romney, all just talk.  Syria is serious business and you touch it, you own it.  Syria will need a full-scale military operation and occupation if you want to prevent a bloodbath that will ricochet through-out the region.  The Alawites, Christians and other minorities will stick with the Govt to prevent Sunni domination.  The Russians and Chinese will not relent and you will get a HUGH blowback from Iran.


With all the tough talk, the US/West are relieved to be shielded by the Russian/Chinese block tactics.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is happening Syria and Iran under Obama? He is not showing spine. People are dying needlessly in Syria while Obama offers the usual talk-shop stuff.

So I guess you think that ONCE again Us treasury and lives must be wasted to force ourselves on others and to ensure that the Muslim fanatics ghave something to rally around.


Listen Europe has more to lose as do the Arab nations.  Let them fix their problems for a change.


Iran is of limited danger to the USA as they lack the technology for long range missiles.  Its not our problem and we need to learn to fix our problems instead.


While Europe was taking care of their own people, Americans have been neglected (our socio-economic indicators lag behind most advanced nations)and our tax dillars were used to take care of their access to oil and to protect them against the Soviet Union.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is happening Syria and Iran under Obama? He is not showing spine. People are dying needlessly in Syria while Obama offers the usual talk-shop stuff.

He cannot do shit, neither can Romney, all just talk.  Syria is serious business and you touch it, you own it. 

Colin Powell told George Bush exactly that when it came to Iraq.  It didnt stop him.


They same lunatics who backed the Iraq invasion are there to ensure that Syria is invaded and they beome aggressive against Iran.


And why?


Instability in the Middle East is of greater concern to Europe and to teh Arab world than it is to us.  So why should hey fiddle their thumbs and o nothing while big and dumb USA charges in.


Look at the nightmare of Iraq!


In the meantime this justifie smassive expenditures on the military industrial complex and this is the goal.


While old people die on the streets and poor kids starve.  And many forgo college, not being able to afford it.


So go ahead and vote Romney hoping that he will not be as crazy as you fear.  Romney's biggest motivation will not be hios core belief system.  It will be his fear that the extreme right wing hawks (military, economic and social) think that he is too in I told you so.  They already see him as a place holder for Ryan he will mount a primary in 2016 against Romney, if Romney wins this year.


Domestic problems ought to take precedence but sadly Obama is not up to the plate. I happen to be an Obama supporter. And if you mention immigration and Obama then that is opening up a whole new can of worms.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. Romney has no plan. ?

He does have a plan but he will not tell us knowing full well that it will cost the election.


1. Massive income tax cuts and a complete removal of estate and capital gains taxes.


2.  Broadening the tax base...wonk talk for blocking middle tax loop holes resulting in their effective income tax rate INCREASING.


3.  Keeping the military industrial complex smoking by a belligerent foreign policy and at least one Middle Eastern war.


4.  Massive reductions to the entitlement plans. Medicaid....almost gone.  Medicare...vouchers...who care sif seniors vcant afford it so end up w/o acess to health care.  Social Security...Bushes privatization plan comes back again.


What people need to know is a Romney/Ryan victory will mean total control of the govt as the Senate will not be able to block them. Too many Democrats from swing states will run for cover.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is happening Syria and Iran under Obama? He is not showing spine. People are dying needlessly in Syria while Obama offers the usual talk-shop stuff.

He cannot do shit, neither can Romney, all just talk.  Syria is serious business and you touch it, you own it. 

Colin Powell told George Bush exactly that when it came to Iraq.  It didnt stop him.

The difference there is Bush used an existing UN mandate as cover.  Iraq had no friends and was totally isolated.  Syria has Iran, Lebanon, Iraq and Russia and China which will not allow a UN mandate.  Also, the US was still reeling from 9/11 Americans believed the threats and went along.  I don't think the appetite for foreign intervention is there.  As I said, Syria will require a whole-sale occupation.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
. Romney has no plan. ?

He does have a plan but he will not tell us knowing full well that it will cost the election.


1. Massive income tax cuts and a complete removal of estate and capital gains taxes.


2.  Broadening the tax base...wonk talk for blocking middle tax loop holes resulting in their effective income tax rate INCREASING.


3.  Keeping the military industrial complex smoking by a belligerent foreign policy and at least one Middle Eastern war.


4.  Massive reductions to the entitlement plans. Medicaid....almost gone.  Medicare...vouchers...who care sif seniors vcant afford it so end up w/o acess to health care.  Social Security...Bushes privatization plan comes back again.


What people need to know is a Romney/Ryan victory will mean total control of the govt as the Senate will not be able to block them. Too many Democrats from swing states will run for cover.

I believe a Cap-gain elimination for those who take off distressed properties from Bank balance sheets is in order.  Also, a dramatic tax reduction for Corporations who invest in certain categories of US workforce is well justified.


A major tax-cut/elimination for targeted capital-gains and certain corporation IS a good thing for the US.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I believe a Cap-gain elimination for those who take off distressed properties from Bank balance sheets is in order.  Also, a dramatic tax reduction for Corporations who invest in certain categories of US workforce is well justified.


A major tax-cut/elimination for targeted capital-gains and certain corporation IS a good thing for the US.

Tax credits can fix that. Taken against either income or capital gains taxes. Having a split capital gains rate which will only be temporary might bet too complicated. Indeed that is more of an "Obama" like thought than Romney/Ryan.


Romney/Ryan will tell you that if it is more profitable to use Chinese labor why should the US govt force corporations to use US workers.  Of course they wouldnt say so while campaigning but look out for the debates when  Obama talks about tax credits for companies relocating their operations back in the USA, and tax credits for Iraq/Afghanistan vets, and tx credits to encourage corporations to train their workers, etc.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What is happening Syria and Iran under Obama? He is not showing spine. People are dying needlessly in Syria while Obama offers the usual talk-shop stuff.

He cannot do shit, neither can Romney, all just talk.  Syria is serious business and you touch it, you own it. 

Colin Powell told George Bush exactly that when it came to Iraq.  It didnt stop him.

The difference there is Bush used an existing UN mandate as cover.  Iraq had no friends and was totally isolated.  Syria has Iran, Lebanon, Iraq and Russia and China which will not allow a UN mandate.  Also, the US was still reeling from 9/11 Americans believed the threats and went along.  I don't think the appetite for foreign intervention is there.  As I said, Syria will require a whole-sale occupation.

The mandate didnt provide for an endless said get rid of Saddam.  Bush stayed and its Obama who got us out...and guess what...Iraq is LESS violent than it was when we were there.


The type of American who believed the Iraq threat was the type who is an idiot. Many were opposed to the war and saw it as the culmination of a Bush vendetta against Saddam who was once their friend until some oil pipe line deal went sour.  When Hillary voted for the war many were opposed and that came back to bite her.


The same people who believed in theb Iraq threat can be made to think that the whole world threatens the USA.  Even Guyana as part of some conspiracy involving Chavez.


These lunatics blame Obama for Syria and Iran so clearly they plan to do something different.  War!!!!  John Bolt thinks that the UN is communist controlled and note that many extreme right wing lunatics believe that Obama will get the UN to take over the USA.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Republican strategists acknowledge that Mitt Romney’s chance of winning the Presidency in November lies in him getting a divorce between President Obama and the Independent swing voters. .

Kari Obama created his own problem and that is neglecting the economy.  When I told you this two years ago you scoffed. Now it is coming back to bite him. 



They ask one question.  Can you fix the economy or not?  There is no clear answer to this, based on Obama's track record.  Blaming Bush (even though he is to blame) doesnt impress, because the response will be "I voted for you to fix the Bush can you fix it or not"?  



Had Obama remembered the reason why Clinton beat Daddy Bush, and why he won (many votes he got were not pro Obama votes, but were anti Bush votes).  Its the Economy Stupid.  A President winning with unemployment numbers so high is a tough call.   Blacks, Hispanics, and young whites are the biggest losers and many will be too discouraged to vote.  These were not going to be GOP voters so their diminished turnout helps rather than hurts Romney/Ryan.


OR he can tell America exactly what he will do, and stop blaming the GOP Congress for his failures.  If one considered discouraged workers, and those forced to work part time, or accept jobs with lower pay this is 25% of the working age adults.  This is a FACT that Obama has to deal with.


If Americans vote out of fear about what the GOP will do Obama wins.


If many Americans dont vote (most will be from the groups which favor Obama) and others feel that Obama has failed so the "other guy" should be given a chance  Romney/Ryan win.


Its rather arrogant to feel that an Obama victoiry is certain.  Its not.  Rihght now my bet is with the GOP, even though I deeply fear what they will do to the USA (maybe migrating to Canada was a better idea, as an aunt of mine who lives there told me at the time).

CaribbeanMan, you continue to miss what has happened since Obama took office.

Obama did not neglect the economy. Recognizing the importance of the banking system (where the investment banking side bludgeoned it with the freedom of the Clinton Glass-Steagal Act repeal), Obama voted as a Senator for TARP. Recognizing the absence of private capital to invest and the layoffs of public sector workers due to the 2008 losses, in his first months he got his Stimulus Bill passed. Granted it was small ($750 billion) and half went to States for unemployment insurance and to keep firemen, police and teachers employed. Were it not for TARP and the Stimulus, the 750,000 jobs being lost when he was taking the Oath of office would have been worse. Recognizing that Health Care takes up over 30% of Federal spending and climbing, he decided to curtail costs. With the admirable desire to bring more uninsured in the marketplace to put pressure on costs he and his Congress passed the Affordable Care Act. He reduced war spending. He set in motion a reduction in the health care costs through digitizing record-keeping. Where in all of this you can claim he neglected the economy? Answer me. And answer me on the obstruction after the Republicans regained the House in 2010. And you conveniently forgot the auto industry now that Detriot is roaring and over 1 million jobs were spared in the parts and supporting industry.


Obama is not blaming Bush. He references Bush for two things - (1) to remind the nation that Romney wants to do Bush on steroids (and with Ryan in charge); (2) to let the nation know that to recover from a financial collapse AND a housing crash that ripped out trillions of dollars of wealth assets thus stomping on demand - that great engine of growth and investment - takes more than one term to recover from. So he's not blaming Bush, as you keep insisting on. He has ideas and he's fighting for these - in energy, in education reform, in infrastructure; in Trade treaties to bring back some manufacturing jobs.


Clinton would not have defeated Bush senior were it not for Ross Perot. So don't go making him out to be a magician. As much as I like Bill Clinton, take away the telecommunications advances and the rise of the Internet, I wonder how he would have gotten that growth.


I know an Obama victory is certain, because the country knows Romney is a fake. He doesn't tell the country what he will do. He wants to win by DEFAULT. Obama bad so vote for the alternative, even if he is in the shadows. You know why Obama wins and wins handily in the Electoral College vote? The Credit downgrade. The Republicans embarrassed America with tying fiscal reforms with government borrowing that Congress itself had spent. And they won't forgive them.


So stop your complaining of the one President in modern times who understands best what the founding fathers ideals are, and how to make this Union less imperfect. The other side wants to destroy it because they can't stomach a Black man in the white house.

Originally Posted by Kari:
I know an Obama victory is certain, because the country knows Romney is a fake. He doesn't tell the country what he will do.


He wants to win by DEFAULT.

Gist of the issues.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama is not blaming Bush. He references Bush for two things - (1) to

So stop your complaining of the one President in modern times who understands best what the founding fathers ideals are, and how to make this Union less imperfect. The other side wants to destroy it because they can't stomach a Black man in the white house.

One day when you grow up you will learn that complaining about some one,and engaging in an analysis of their prospects for victory are different.  I have countered many of the anti Obama blasts here by our resident racist.


Obamacare does nothing to reduce healthcare costs and whether the uninsured will be insured is another issue.  But that is a topic by itself.  Any case if Obama loses that is history.


The main questions will be;

do I have a job? Am I afraid that I might lose a job? Is my paycheck falling behind my bills?  Is my house underwater? How is my 401(k) doing? And what of the rest of my family and friends?  They arent going to do the PC thing to gauge who is right or wrong on the issues.  Unemployment has remained high and the economic recovery slow.  This will be the most important issue in November.


Who are the people who are worse of now than they wre 4 years ago? Blacks, Hispanics, single women, and young adults.  All groups who Obama dominated last time. Will they turn out in the numbers that they did last time?  We will see but to assume they will is flawed.


Then there is the white Catholic vote wild card........Critical in some states.  Obama got them last time but polls show he isnt too popular now. 


What Electoral College calculus shows that Obama will win.  NY and other northern states have lost seats. NY 2. California for the first time didnt gain seats.  TX got 4 more.  GA also got more.


This is a transfer from hard core blue states to hard core red states. 


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Domestic problems ought to take precedence but sadly Obama is not up to the plate. I happen to be an Obama supporter. And if you mention immigration and Obama then that is opening up a whole new can of worms.

Obama has his issues but Romney/Ryan are DANGEROUS and if you didnt sleep all day in a hammock you would see why.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

What will be the Latino response? Has Obama delivered on Immigration?

Those Latinos who vote will go overwhelmingly for Obama, except for the Cubans.  The question isnt who will they vote for.  Its will they vote?  Those who dont will not because they have suffered tremendously with the real estate bubble bursting.


While Obama has not delivered on immigration the GOP has been so loudly bigotted against Latino immigrants that they will vote out of self preservation.


I mean who wants to be a green card holder and have to deal with some racist cop who stops you hoping that you are an illegal?


Ramney can parade around Rubio and other Latinos but he isnt getting their vote.  Indeed Rubio used to be vociferously anti immigrant reform before some one told him that he might be VP if he can show that he can deliver a Hispanic vote.  He couldnt so all he got was a chance to introduce Mit.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama is not blaming Bush. He references Bush for two things - (1) to

So stop your complaining of the one President in modern times who understands best what the founding fathers ideals are, and how to make this Union less imperfect. The other side wants to destroy it because they can't stomach a Black man in the white house.

One day when you grow up you will learn that complaining about some one,and engaging in an analysis of their prospects for victory are different.  I have countered many of the anti Obama blasts here by our resident racist.


Obamacare does nothing to reduce healthcare costs and whether the uninsured will be insured is another issue.  But that is a topic by itself.  Any case if Obama loses that is history.


The main questions will be;

do I have a job? Am I afraid that I might lose a job? Is my paycheck falling behind my bills?  Is my house underwater? How is my 401(k) doing? And what of the rest of my family and friends?  They arent going to do the PC thing to gauge who is right or wrong on the issues.  Unemployment has remained high and the economic recovery slow.  This will be the most important issue in November.


Who are the people who are worse of now than they wre 4 years ago? Blacks, Hispanics, single women, and young adults.  All groups who Obama dominated last time. Will they turn out in the numbers that they did last time?  We will see but to assume they will is flawed.


Then there is the white Catholic vote wild card........Critical in some states.  Obama got them last time but polls show he isnt too popular now. 


What Electoral College calculus shows that Obama will win.  NY and other northern states have lost seats. NY 2. California for the first time didnt gain seats.  TX got 4 more.  GA also got more.


This is a transfer from hard core blue states to hard core red states. 


You have completely side-stepped everything I wrote. This is because you are introducing personal decision-questions by someone who is a homeowner|worker with 401K plan, etc. And you seem to contradict yourself with red States "non-College" whites being on more welfare than minorities, yet you state Blacks, Hispanics and women are hurting under Obama even though those are the ones who supported him in 2008.  You also continue to heap facts with no regard for context. How is Obama responsible for people's houses under water when this was in the making from 2001 through 2006? Yes, you will say it's not that he's at fault for that but he can't fix it. He used some stimulus money to put 4 million homeowners on a program to get them to mortgage balance. 1 million failed to qualify, and you can't blame him for that. Another 2 million dropped out after a few months for non-performance. The other million are at the mercy of the private sector banks, not Obama's bank, to get their mortgage in order. Why, Ii ask you are so obstinate in this line of thinking? I almost feel Obama is responsible for not cleaning your shoes. Good ord!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

He cannot do shit, neither can Romney, all just talk.  Syria is serious business and you touch it, you own it. 

Colin Powell told George Bush exactly that when it came to Iraq.  It didnt stop him.

The difference there is Bush used an existing UN mandate as cover.  Iraq had no friends and was totally isolated.  Syria has Iran, Lebanon, Iraq and Russia and China which will not allow a UN mandate.  Also, the US was still reeling from 9/11 Americans believed the threats and went along.  I don't think the appetite for foreign intervention is there.  As I said, Syria will require a whole-sale occupation.

The mandate didnt provide for an endless said get rid of Saddam.  Bush stayed and its Obama who got us out...and guess what...Iraq is LESS violent than it was when we were there.


Naive to the maxim.  Who would expect you invade, take out Sadaam by taking out the entire military, then just go home like you just had a picnic.


Iraq is less violent cuz we put down the Sunnis and the Shiites, controlled by Iran, have total command.


Like I said, you touch Syria, you own it and for many years to come.  Obama,USA is contented with that Russian block.


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