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Originally posted by Henry:
Ron Paul's economic policies would be an even greater disaster than Obama's. On the other hand, Paul deserves recognition for being the only declared presidential candidate who is not clamoring for World War III (and the only candidate who has ever served in the military.)

...while his policies would be bad for someone like me who makes money based on leveraging and would be good for people over all and responsible corporations as well..

what is wrong with a backed you even know what you speak of????
His policies would be advantageous to a person engaged in leveraging and speculation, because he advocates the extreme version of a British Free Trade policy: no government regulation whatsoever. However, for the nation to survive, we require a return to the Glass-Steagall Act, the suppression of speculative activity, and a restoration of an Alexander Hamilton-type credit policy to infuse capital into the real economy on an emergency basis.
Originally posted by Henry:
His policies would be advantageous to a person engaged in leveraging and speculation, because he advocates the extreme version of a British Free Trade policy: no government regulation whatsoever. However, for the nation to survive, we require a return to the Glass-Steagall Act, the suppression of speculative activity, and a restoration of an Alexander Hamilton-type credit policy to infuse capital into the real economy on an emergency basis.

on the contrary his economic policies would be would be anti-speculation...what we have today is the epitome of speculation..I will not even go into explaing why..I have done that enough on this and other forums..

the Speculation started getting bad after 1913 and took a turn for the worse after 1971..

I too am against government control ..let the free market decide..we have government controls today and what has it done besides stack the deck in favor of corporations...???
Originally posted by politikalamity:
the Speculation started getting bad after 1913 and took a turn for the worse after 1971..

I too am against government control ..let the free market decide..
You seem to be an unusual dude. You say you are against speculation, yet you do it for a living, and you advocate policies that would remove the last vestiges of any safeguard against it?

There is no such thing as a "free market." This theory is anti-American propaganda devised by the likes of Adam Smith, when he was in the employ of the British East India Company. Ron Paul's economic ideology is treasonous. However, I do give him credit for opposing senseless wars.
Originally posted by Henry:
You seem to be an unusual dude. You say you are against speculation, yet you do it for a living, and you advocate policies that would remove the last vestiges of any safeguard against it?

There is no such thing as a "free market." This theory is anti-American propaganda devised by the likes of Adam Smith, when he was in the employ of the British East India Company. Ron Paul's economic ideology is treasonous. However, I do give him credit for opposing senseless wars.

I am not saying I am for or against anything ... I am all about making money and building wealth... I am just commenting that Ron's Paul policies would be best for America...I see no one in politics in the US with better ideas..

what is treasonous is forcing people to accept paper as money when it basically is an IOU (go back and read what the US constitution says about money), using tax payers money to bail out big banks and other corporations...sending people to wars based on outright lies...printing money uninhibited and indirectly taxing the middle class and poor...

Like I said, I really do not care, I am just commenting as if I were a totally detached main goal is making money and building wealth...but do not come on here and say this policiy has failed and that one has failed when the only time the US had a stable CPI was when they had a semblance of a backed currency..go back and check the numbers, you are the economist it seems..I am not..I am just a greedy capitalist..

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