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I have been doing some research on this....and making the following observations..

There is some grounds for challenging what constitute a parliamentary majority in a No Confidence vote.

Its better to have this matter be resolved by the courts. ...for all concerned parties....and this is where it is heading.

On another related matter: There is something unusual about a person claiming to vote on his conscience when that person is beholden to the Party leader for placing his name on a list to serve in Parliament. Guyana does not have (Demerara Guy can confirm this) a constituency system where an elected Parliamentarian is beholden to members of his electoral district. Therefore, its not like a member of the British House of Commons where all elected members are beholden to his or her district...and are seen as, primus inter pares, competitors to become the PM. The PR system in Guyana does not allow for this.

I now hold the belief that there was definitely some level of collusion between Charandass (who does have legitimate concerns) and the PPP. His relationship with a PPP affiliated individual...Peter Ramrup seems contrived and planned ahead as to what he would do after the votes in Parliament was cast. Ramrup sat behind him and accompanied him to the airport....I suspect the PPP may have tried to secure 2 members of Parliament to defect.

Going forward....for Baseman, Skeleton Man, Bibi et al who seems to think the election is in the bag for the PPP already.... yall need to burst that bubble. 

I suspect the ABCs are working on a plan to get the PNC and PPP to work together for the sake of stability after this election....which I suspect the country will NOT be ready for in 90 days.

jes some food for thought...

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

There is some grounds for challenging what constitute a parliamentary majority in a No Confidence vote.

Vish, care to expand on this?

I am not a lawyer...but I think a case can be made for "grounds" to be establish to bring a might want to see what Ramkarran said about this  if he was the one who opened the discussion in the first place.

VishMahabir posted:
ksazma posted:
VishMahabir posted:

There is some grounds for challenging what constitute a parliamentary majority in a No Confidence vote.

Vish, care to expand on this?

I am not a lawyer...but I think a case can be made for "grounds" to be establish to bring a might want to see what Ramkarran said about this  if he was the one who opened the discussion in the first place.

You stated that "there is some grounds for challenging what constitute a parliamentary majority". Why do you think so?

Ramkarran has already corrected himself that he was wrong in his earlier statement. I doubt I will find support for your statement in his current position.

Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:
Ray posted:

Please...STFU with the BS

Sheer poop with the fuzzy math...SORE LOSERS!

since meh ah wan cane cutta me nah kno maths. me wuz hoping tuh laarn sumting fram Vish. 

cut yuh cane bhai and when yuh reach 30 ... count slowly an' see ow dee numbas fallah.

Bai meh nah count meh cane by de cane. Meh a count meh cane by de jaint. 

VishMahabir posted:

I have been doing some research on this....and making the following observations..

There is some grounds for challenging what constitute a parliamentary majority in a No Confidence vote.

Its better to have this matter be resolved by the courts. ...for all concerned parties....and this is where it is heading.

On another related matter: There is something unusual about a person claiming to vote on his conscience when that person is beholden to the Party leader for placing his name on a list to serve in Parliament. Guyana does not have (Demerara Guy can confirm this) a constituency system where an elected Parliamentarian is beholden to members of his electoral district. Therefore, its not like a member of the British House of Commons where all elected members are beholden to his or her district...and are seen as, primus inter pares, competitors to become the PM. The PR system in Guyana does not allow for this.

I now hold the belief that there was definitely some level of collusion between Charandass (who does have legitimate concerns) and the PPP. His relationship with a PPP affiliated individual...Peter Ramrup seems contrived and planned ahead as to what he would do after the votes in Parliament was cast. Ramrup sat behind him and accompanied him to the airport....I suspect the PPP may have tried to secure 2 members of Parliament to defect.

Going forward....for Baseman, Skeleton Man, Bibi et al who seems to think the election is in the bag for the PPP already.... yall need to burst that bubble. 

I suspect the ABCs are working on a plan to get the PNC and PPP to work together for the sake of stability after this election....which I suspect the country will NOT be ready for in 90 days.

jes some food for thought...

I do not agree with you. This is inevitably integer arithmetic given we do not deal with fractional people. We  have 65 members so we alway end up with a majority in a two party system. We never think about half a person in counting parliamentarians so we should not stupidly regress to hair splitting in determining outcome in a no confidence poll.  The PNC were booted out of office legitimately based on the polling.  

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

I have been doing some research on this....and making the following observations..

There is some grounds for challenging what constitute a parliamentary majority in a No Confidence vote.

Its better to have this matter be resolved by the courts. ...for all concerned parties....and this is where it is heading.

On another related matter: There is something unusual about a person claiming to vote on his conscience when that person is beholden to the Party leader for placing his name on a list to serve in Parliament. Guyana does not have (Demerara Guy can confirm this) a constituency system where an elected Parliamentarian is beholden to members of his electoral district. Therefore, its not like a member of the British House of Commons where all elected members are beholden to his or her district...and are seen as, primus inter pares, competitors to become the PM. The PR system in Guyana does not allow for this.

I now hold the belief that there was definitely some level of collusion between Charandass (who does have legitimate concerns) and the PPP. His relationship with a PPP affiliated individual...Peter Ramrup seems contrived and planned ahead as to what he would do after the votes in Parliament was cast. Ramrup sat behind him and accompanied him to the airport....I suspect the PPP may have tried to secure 2 members of Parliament to defect.

Going forward....for Baseman, Skeleton Man, Bibi et al who seems to think the election is in the bag for the PPP already.... yall need to burst that bubble. 

I suspect the ABCs are working on a plan to get the PNC and PPP to work together for the sake of stability after this election....which I suspect the country will NOT be ready for in 90 days.

jes some food for thought...

Vish I do not agree with you.  If the pay increase bill was 33 to 32 then that should be reversed. NO?

Ray posted:

How de ass there wasn't a problem when it was 33 - 32 the other way

Only a dumb ass would bring this up and other dumb asses would bray with him (talking bout Nigel Huges)

isn't Ralph Ramkarran then a bigger "dumb ass"?

it was all his (respected) opinion from November 26 thru December 22'ish when he decided to form his own party

i guess beating up pan Ralph as wan ole PPP man, and Indo-Guyanese to boot, doan fit alyuh favored 'narrative'

the Hughes are a target rich environment

Mitwah posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I have been doing some research on this....and making the following observations..

There is some grounds for challenging what constitute a parliamentary majority in a No Confidence vote.

Its better to have this matter be resolved by the courts. ...for all concerned parties....and this is where it is heading.

On another related matter: There is something unusual about a person claiming to vote on his conscience when that person is beholden to the Party leader for placing his name on a list to serve in Parliament. Guyana does not have (Demerara Guy can confirm this) a constituency system where an elected Parliamentarian is beholden to members of his electoral district. Therefore, its not like a member of the British House of Commons where all elected members are beholden to his or her district...and are seen as, primus inter pares, competitors to become the PM. The PR system in Guyana does not allow for this.

I now hold the belief that there was definitely some level of collusion between Charandass (who does have legitimate concerns) and the PPP. His relationship with a PPP affiliated individual...Peter Ramrup seems contrived and planned ahead as to what he would do after the votes in Parliament was cast. Ramrup sat behind him and accompanied him to the airport....I suspect the PPP may have tried to secure 2 members of Parliament to defect.

Going forward....for Baseman, Skeleton Man, Bibi et al who seems to think the election is in the bag for the PPP already.... yall need to burst that bubble. 

I suspect the ABCs are working on a plan to get the PNC and PPP to work together for the sake of stability after this election....which I suspect the country will NOT be ready for in 90 days.

jes some food for thought...

Vish I do not agree with you.  If the pay increase bill was 33 to 32 then that should be reversed. NO?

I think most of the PPP mudheads may have missed the point I was making....they acting like the PPP already won the election....notice how quickly they rushed to respond to my post, almost knocking each other out of the way...  

(I am not basing this on evidence or my knowledge of the law or Constitution)...I am focusing on the political aspect of this event. Politicians do not willingly hand over power. My point is that the coalition (the PPP would do the same) will explore all avenues to challenge the NC vote...regardless of the "fuzzy math"...thats what lawyers do...and I am making an argument that the govt may find some means to legally challenge this to avoid elections in 90 days....that may be the end game for the legal challenge.

Regarding your question: I think you are right....because I believe a No Confidence vote is different from the normal parliamentary voting  regarding policy-making issues like pay increase, budget, etc...

ronan posted:

isn't Ralph Ramkarran then a bigger "dumb ass"?

it was all his (respected) opinion from November 26 thru December 22'ish when he decided to form his own party

i guess beating up pan Ralph as wan ole PPP man, and Indo-Guyanese to boot, doan fit alyuh favored 'narrative'

the Hughes are a target rich environment

...but..but...but.....ole man Ralph "denounce" he own "logic" as soon as Charrandass

D2 posted:

I do not agree with you. This is inevitably integer arithmetic given we do not deal with fractional people. We  have 65 members so we alway end up with a majority in a two party system. We never think about half a person in counting parliamentarians .  

..don't deal with fractional people, but some like fat man Irfart kyan get count twice. PPP win.

ronan posted:
Ray posted:

How de ass there wasn't a problem when it was 33 - 32 the other way

Only a dumb ass would bring this up and other dumb asses would bray with him (talking bout Nigel Huges)

isn't Ralph Ramkarran then a bigger "dumb ass"?

it was all his (respected) opinion from November 26 thru December 22'ish when he decided to form his own party

i guess beating up pan Ralph as wan ole PPP man, and Indo-Guyanese to boot, doan fit alyuh favored 'narrative'

the Hughes are a target rich environment

Not everything has to be about black and indian, but if it pleases you, Ralph is a dumb ass as well...happy now?











Ray posted:
ronan posted:
Ray posted:

How de ass there wasn't a problem when it was 33 - 32 the other way

Only a dumb ass would bring this up and other dumb asses would bray with him (talking bout Nigel Huges)

isn't Ralph Ramkarran then a bigger "dumb ass"?

it was all his (respected) opinion from November 26 thru December 22'ish when he decided to form his own party

i guess beating up pan Ralph as wan ole PPP man, and Indo-Guyanese to boot, doan fit alyuh favored 'narrative'

the Hughes are a target rich environment

Not everything has to be about black and indian, but if it pleases you, Ralph is a dumb ass as well...happy now?  

The banna clutching to Ralph's erroneous statement which he has already corrected to excuse Nigel's which he has not corrected. This in spite of Nigel's influence on affecting the Coalition's actions versus Ralph's having absolutely no consequence on them. It is called clutching at straws. 

Ray posted:
ronan posted:
Ray posted:

How de ass there wasn't a problem when it was 33 - 32 the other way

Only a dumb ass would bring this up and other dumb asses would bray with him (talking bout Nigel Huges)

isn't Ralph Ramkarran then a bigger "dumb ass"?

it was all his (respected) opinion from November 26 thru December 22'ish when he decided to form his own party

i guess beating up pan Ralph as wan ole PPP man, and Indo-Guyanese to boot, doan fit alyuh favored 'narrative'

the Hughes are a target rich environment

Not everything has to be about black and indian, but if it pleases you, Ralph is a dumb ass as well...happy now?

i don't need "pleasing"

and i fail to understand your obvious irritation/displeasure at my fair comment!

VishMahabir posted:

 There is something unusual about a person claiming to vote on his conscience when that person is beholden to the Party leader for placing his name on a list to serve in Parliament. Guyana does not have (Demerara Guy can confirm this) a constituency system where an elected Parliamentarian is beholden to members of his electoral district. Therefore, its not like a member of the British House of Commons where all elected members are beholden to his or her district...and are seen as, primus inter pares, competitors to become the PM. The PR system in Guyana does not allow for this.


No it doesnt. MPs serve at the pleasure of the party which selected them.  They aren't directly elected, therefore dont have any independence from their party.

This is in fact an aspect of the constitution which needs to be addressed.  However Guyana's tribal voting (Indians being rural based and so more broadly demographically located) creates a challenge.  This is why there is fallacy in comparing LGE votes with the national election.

Having said this the coalition is wasting time.  The LGE confirmed that their bases are disappointed with them, this confirmed by the lower turnout in Coalition strongholds.  I suggest that they need to quickly transform their gov't, getting rid of dead wood ministers and finding a presidential candidate.  You cannot put a sick man as the presidential candidate.

Ray posted:

Not everything has to be about black and indian











Every thing is. Just about every where I have seen Guyanese opine their perspectives are shaped by race.  One needs only confirm by looking at their names, and one would be right 95% of the time.

Guyanese need to stop being cowards and address this issue, before anything else is done. We cannot get anything done because of this.

skeldon_man posted:
Ray posted:

Time for new Math textbooks in Guyana

Vish the author? Oh rass dem pickney go glad fuh go ah skool now.

skeldon_man posted:
Ray posted:

Time for new Math textbooks in Guyana

Vish the author? Oh rass dem pickney go glad fuh go ah skool now.

O rass, Minister Nicolette writing a new Math Book ? God help Guyanese Pickney.

ksazma posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:
Ray posted:

Please...STFU with the BS

Sheer poop with the fuzzy math...SORE LOSERS!

since meh ah wan cane cutta me nah kno maths. me wuz hoping tuh laarn sumting fram Vish. 

cut yuh cane bhai and when yuh reach 30 ... count slowly an' see ow dee numbas fallah.

Bai meh nah count meh cane by de cane. Meh a count meh cane by de jaint. 

Bai, you nah no kane kuttin'. Wen you kut kane, you kount by how much bundle you gaffa load from dah bed in de punt. Me no wah me ah seh. Me see dis wid me own eye an hear wah dem man ah seh.


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