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Source: SN, December 1, 2018


Harmon silent on gov’t response to Lawrence’s ‘PNC’ hiring comments

-is sure party will review statements



Ms Lawrence’s statements have skewered President’s noble visions, social cohesion programme



Volda Lawrence’s statement ought to warrant her immediate dismissal



Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is more than political "inartfulness", poor choice of words, or playing to the faithfuls. Its a reflection of the generational political divide...and people championing their half of the divide as if its normal...

...The burden is more often on the people in power who have a greater responsibility to demonstrate impartiality.

"My Fair Lady" had a second chance to apologize...and move on...she choose not to...

Guyana continues to make us proud.

VishMahabir posted:

This is more than political "inartfulness", poor choice of words, or playing to the faithfuls. Its a reflection of the generational political divide...and people championing their half of the divide as if its normal...

...The burden is more often on the people in power who have a greater responsibility to demonstrate impartiality.

"My Fair Lady" had a second chance to apologize...and move on...she choose not to...

Guyana continues to make us proud.

so, you dedicate a whole thread with my name, stinking of libel, to advance a FAKE NARRATIVE

and it took you a whole night of stewing to craft this

your obsession with me is downright unhealthy [there is another, more appropriate, descriptor for what you are doing here, but i'll reserve that for the ideological race husslers] 

shame on you

Last edited by Former Member

Who is defending what VM ?   During the PPP term in office,  they  could not find ONE qualified black to serve in  Guyana foreign service. Politician in Guyana serve their own.  

Plus, for a guy who don't know much about Guyana, you sure pick a lot of brains to learn real  fast. So instead of being so cunning, do your own research and make more useful  contribution, instead of knocking people down.   

Tola posted:

Who is defending what VM ?   During the PPP term in office,  they  could not find ONE qualified black to serve in  Guyana foreign service. Politician in Guyana serve their own.  

Plus, for a guy who don't know much about Guyana, you sure pick a lot of brains to learn real  fast. So instead of being so cunning, do your own research and make more useful  contribution, instead of knocking people down.   


You are totally out of line I am wondering about what lies in that empty space between your two big ears.

...another attack on the messenger? Another attempt to justify current behavior on previous government transgressions?

For a guy who wants to build a better future in Guyana...eliminating suicide and all..ponder on this silly comment..."Politician in Guyana serve their own".

..and we suppose to accept this, given how divided the country is today? I see the same shyte that happen in Guyana and what you knuckleheads argue about here everyday among the Indo and Afro members of my mixed family on a daily basis. 

me.."cunning?"  For challenging long-held innate biased opinions and attitudes and moronic statements? 

Well, according to your warped logic...if Afros used to sit in the back of the bus in the past, then its OK for them to continue to sit in the back of the bus...because dats how it was done.

You challenging me for posting, but not a tweak about the content of the post.

Go figure...

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is more than political "inartfulness", poor choice of words, or playing to the faithfuls. Its a reflection of the generational political divide...and people championing their half of the divide as if its normal...

...The burden is more often on the people in power who have a greater responsibility to demonstrate impartiality.

"My Fair Lady" had a second chance to apologize...and move on...she choose not to...

Guyana continues to make us proud.

so, you dedicate a whole thread with my name, stinking of libel, to advance a FAKE NARRATIVE

and it took you a whole night of stewing to craft this

your obsession with me is downright unhealthy [there is another, more appropriate, descriptor for what you are doing here, but i'll reserve that for the ideological race husslers] 

shame on you

Naw...was up doing my homework...and looking out for FAKE NARRATIVES


Baseman posted:

Ayuh need to leave Ronan alone, he guh come-to-come in he own time!  He juss being a hard ass juss because.............

 Redux has become Ronan. Ronan might have also morphed into a reptile. (){}[] SMFH.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Ayuh need to leave Ronan alone, he guh come-to-come in he own time!  He juss being a hard ass juss because.............

 Redux has become Ronan. Ronan might have also morphed into a reptile. (){}[] SMFH.

He always in chrysalis format!

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Ayuh need to leave Ronan alone, he guh come-to-come in he own time!  He juss being a hard ass juss because.............

 Redux has become Ronan. Ronan might have also morphed into a reptile. (){}[] SMFH.

Skelly, quit this pointless guessing game about who morphed into what. Friendly advice.

VishMahabir posted:

This is more than political "inartfulness", poor choice of words, or playing to the faithfuls. Its a reflection of the generational political divide...and people championing their half of the divide as if its normal...

...The burden is more often on the people in power who have a greater responsibility to demonstrate impartiality.

"My Fair Lady" had a second chance to apologize...and move on...she choose not to...

Guyana continues to make us proud.

Volda is still wondering how her statement made it into the media.  She was reportedly among PNC confidantes when her narrative was declared. Like somebody nah like she.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is more than political "inartfulness", poor choice of words, or playing to the faithfuls. Its a reflection of the generational political divide...and people championing their half of the divide as if its normal...

...The burden is more often on the people in power who have a greater responsibility to demonstrate impartiality.

"My Fair Lady" had a second chance to apologize...and move on...she choose not to...

Guyana continues to make us proud.

Volda is still wondering how her statement made it into the media.  She was reportedly among PNC confidantes when her narrative was declared. Like somebody nah like she.

There is hope in BJ no-confidence motion.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is more than political "inartfulness", poor choice of words, or playing to the faithfuls. Its a reflection of the generational political divide...and people championing their half of the divide as if its normal...

...The burden is more often on the people in power who have a greater responsibility to demonstrate impartiality.

"My Fair Lady" had a second chance to apologize...and move on...she choose not to...

Guyana continues to make us proud.

Volda is still wondering how her statement made it into the media.  She was reportedly among PNC confidantes when her narrative was declared. Like somebody nah like she.

There is hope in BJ no-confidence motion.

Except, BJ would have done figure out who is the no-confidence candidate.

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:
Tola posted:

Who is defending what VM ?   During the PPP term in office,  they  could not find ONE qualified black to serve in  Guyana foreign service. Politician in Guyana serve their own.  

Plus, for a guy who don't know much about Guyana, you sure pick a lot of brains to learn real  fast. So instead of being so cunning, do your own research and make more useful  contribution, instead of knocking people down.   


You are totally out of line I am wondering about what lies in that empty space between your two big ears.

...another attack on the messenger? Another attempt to justify current behavior on previous government transgressions?

For a guy who wants to build a better future in Guyana...eliminating suicide and all..ponder on this silly comment..."Politician in Guyana serve their own".

..and we suppose to accept this, given how divided the country is today? I see the same shyte that happen in Guyana and what you knuckleheads argue about here everyday among the Indo and Afro members of my mixed family on a daily basis. 

me.."cunning?"  For challenging long-held innate biased opinions and attitudes and moronic statements? 

Well, according to your warped logic...if Afros used to sit in the back of the bus in the past, then its OK for them to continue to sit in the back of the bus...because dats how it was done.

You challenging me for posting, but not a tweak about the content of the post.

Go figure...

@Politicians in Guyana serve their own. 

Based on past experience, you want to tell me if the PPP gets back in office, they will not do the same as APNU. 

How de rass does it all end ?  

Tola posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Tola posted:

Who is defending what VM ?   During the PPP term in office,  they  could not find ONE qualified black to serve in  Guyana foreign service. Politician in Guyana serve their own.  

Plus, for a guy who don't know much about Guyana, you sure pick a lot of brains to learn real  fast. So instead of being so cunning, do your own research and make more useful  contribution, instead of knocking people down.   


You are totally out of line I am wondering about what lies in that empty space between your two big ears.

...another attack on the messenger? Another attempt to justify current behavior on previous government transgressions?

For a guy who wants to build a better future in Guyana...eliminating suicide and all..ponder on this silly comment..."Politician in Guyana serve their own".

..and we suppose to accept this, given how divided the country is today? I see the same shyte that happen in Guyana and what you knuckleheads argue about here everyday among the Indo and Afro members of my mixed family on a daily basis. 

me.."cunning?"  For challenging long-held innate biased opinions and attitudes and moronic statements? 

Well, according to your warped logic...if Afros used to sit in the back of the bus in the past, then its OK for them to continue to sit in the back of the bus...because dats how it was done.

You challenging me for posting, but not a tweak about the content of the post.

Go figure...

@Politicians in Guyana serve their own. 

Based on past experience, you want to tell me if the PPP gets back in office, they will not do the same as APNU. 

How de rass does it all end ?  

This is the 60 million dollar question.

Don’t know enough to provide a good answer…more intelligent people here (Ronan, D2, Gilbakka, Dem-Man, Iguana, Carib, Baseman, Django, etc) who know more about Guyana history might have a better angle on this.

One thing for sure: If Guyanese keep rotating between political parties, as it seems now, there will always be a large part of the population that will feel slighted…

My humble response:

Bad Boy Ronan in a momentary fit of sanity (more like an “epileptic” epiphany) provided some good suggestions in the above closed thread…Re: role of young people.

Guyana looks like it needs a new political culture and a revolution from below like the Arab Spring, and institutional changes to make the political system more inclusive.

Politicians can change the political culture by summoning the will to address the race problem. Both major parties shun power sharing but the political leaders can promote inclusivity through some kind of formal agreement before the election to ensure that they take actions to prevent racial incitement and discrimination before the election. Such agreement should be binding on the Opposition and the ruling party, regardless of which party wins.

Baseman once pointed out a few things they can do…such as create business for Afros, ensure diversity and equity in all institutions, and swift and joint condemnation and prosecution of anyone resorting to race baiting and race politics…the political leaders know what has to be done and stop pretending like they are all multi-racial entities (this only promotes tokenism and Uncle Tomism on both sides)..

The Constitution must be changed to allow for post-election coalition (Mitwah suggestion) and a resort to constituency-based politics where local politicians are elected by constituencies (like the US House of Rep) so as to take away the power from party leaders.

A revolution from below can only occur when the majority of young people take action into their own hands and demand changes…or a revolt within the political parties …we are seeing some signs of this (hopefully) with the election of the mayor of GT. However, those elected are still operating within the same confines of the old politics, making it possible that the new major was “selected” to deflect from all the unsavory politics emanating from City Hall. Lacking political experience, he might very well become the Fall Guy. One can hope for the best…and that he can become a role model for others.

One thing for wont change with Volda in charge...


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