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Bhagmattie Etwaroo and Desmond Gordon in happier times

GUYSUCO cane harvester Desmond Gordon, called “Wrong Man”, beat then hacked to death his reputed wife Bhagmattie Etwaroo, called “Kamini”, at their Lot 196 Mangroo Street, Rose Hall Town home in Region Six, East Berbice/Corentyne at about 18:00hrs on Monday.The couple of eight years was reportedly imbibing all day, and Gordon wanted the 50-year-old mother of seven to stop drinking but she refused, thus an argument ensued.

Family friend Lennox Fernandes intervened and sat Gordon down on the stairs while Etwaroo remained on the verandah; but as Fernandez was talking to Gordon, Etwaroo jumped from the verandah and hurt herself.

Enraged, Gordon picked up a piece of wood and started to beat her about her body. He then dragged her to a room in the lower flat of the house and hacked her to death, severing her head in the process.

“I see they were drinking and then fighting and quarrelling. He de beating she bad-bad man, so I go and talk to he to try calm he down. He seh ‘ah gon kill she, you know’,” Fernandes detailed.

Fernandes said he informed a neighbour to call the Rose Hall Town Police Outpost and make a report of the abuse, but when the station was contacted, an officer reportedly said, “It’s husband and wife problems”.

Fernandez told the Guyana Chronicle that, minutes later, he saw Gordon on the street front covered in blood, threatening to take his own life.

“He tell me ‘I kill she, you know. She done; I going and hang meself’,” Fernandes detailed.

Fernandez said he tried to talk to Gordon to cut time so that he would not go anywhere; and as Gordon made his way to another street, he was cornered by several residents.

Fernandez said he went personally to the Rose Hall Town Police Outpost and brought an officer to the scene.

The family friend believes that if the police had acted earlier, the woman’s life could have been saved.

Neighbours, meanwhile, told this publication that Etwaroo had, for years, been abused by her reputed husband. “Just two weeks ago, he hold she and pelt she down on the road. She run come and hide. He de want come in the yard to continue to beat her, so me put he out… Everybody does warn she bout he… that man always threaten to kill her, and does beat her mercilessly…. It is a very sad thing what happened to her; she didn’t deserve it,” one person said.

Gordon was arrested and is currently in police custody assisting with investigations.

Etwaroo leaves to mourn her seven children from another relationship.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is not first and it will not be that last, unfortunately. My condolences to the deceased family. I always stated in the past that if you want to cohabit with another race, you will learn to drink rum, curse, and eat meat that your religion prohibits. Finally, your head will be severed from your beautiful body as a token of appreciation.

Cobra posted:

This is not first and it will not be that last, unfortunately. My condolences to the deceased family. I always stated in the past that if you want to cohabit with another race, you will learn to drink rum, curse, and eat meat that your religion prohibits. Finally, your head will be severed from your beautiful body as a token of appreciation.

Please...what does married to another race have to do with this???

Plenty people married to their own race/religion and go thru the same thing

Cobra posted:

This is not first and it will not be that last, unfortunately. My condolences to the deceased family. I always stated in the past that if you want to cohabit with another race, you will learn to drink rum, curse, and eat meat that your religion prohibits. Finally, your head will be severed from your beautiful body as a token of appreciation.

Look at this racist skont!

Chief posted:
Cobra posted:

This is not first and it will not be that last, unfortunately. My condolences to the deceased family. I always stated in the past that if you want to cohabit with another race, you will learn to drink rum, curse, and eat meat that your religion prohibits. Finally, your head will be severed from your beautiful body as a token of appreciation.

Look at this racist skont!

Nice language there Chief.  We are not your employees you know.  Keep it clean.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Cobra posted:

This is not first and it will not be that last, unfortunately. My condolences to the deceased family. I always stated in the past that if you want to cohabit with another race, you will learn to drink rum, curse, and eat meat that your religion prohibits. Finally, your head will be severed from your beautiful body as a token of appreciation.

Look at this racist skont!

Nice language there Chief.  We are not your employees you know.  Keep it clean.

You choose to pick on me and ignore  the racist shit that your comrade wrote .

Speaks volume!

   Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:

Look at this racist skont!

Nice language there Chief.  We are not your employees you know.  Keep it clean.

You choose to pick on me and ignore  the racist shit that your comrade wrote .

Speaks volume!

You like to cuss too much.  you does  cuss out Hindus/christians calling us all kind of names.  You have a dutty mouth and a wicked mind!!!

Last edited by Former Member

All races of people do wrong things, while some exceed the limit of criminality that is happening to Indians as we speak. When an Indian husband committed the same crime to his indian wife, it's an unfortunate situation. When a negeo hacked an Indian woman head from her body in cold blood, that is murder with extreme hatred to kill an Indian woman with pleasure. In Hinduism, it is scared to die by your own kind before you can be reincarnated. The deceased may now sees hell.

Cobra posted:

All races of people do wrong things, while some exceed the limit of criminality that is happening to Indians as we speak. When an Indian husband committed the same crime to his indian wife, it's an unfortunate situation. When a negeo hacked an Indian woman head from her body in cold blood, that is murder with extreme hatred to kill an Indian woman with pleasure. In Hinduism, it is scared to die by your own kind before you can be reincarnated. The deceased may now sees hell.

I can't speak for Hinduism rules, but I still don't see what race has to do with this....also, how do you know who goes to hell or heaven?


This is a very sad story and exposes the fact that Guyana lacks a social network to deal with Alcohol problems.

Liquor should be banned or taxed at a higher rate to reduce or eliminate drinking.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

This is a very sad story and exposes the fact that Guyana lacks a social network to deal with Alcohol problems.

Liquor should be banned or taxed at a higher rate to reduce or eliminate drinking.

Sir, alcohol problem is not new. When you marry to an woman and you love her, you don't encouraged her to drink alcohol. Now that she is addicted to alcohol, you have to seek professional counseling for her. Chopping off her head is not the answer. This problem can happen to anyone's child. She is someone's daughter, not a freaking animal for a negro to slaughter her. Stop victimizing the victim.

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