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ABC has canceled β€œRoseanne” after Roseanne Barr’s racially charged tweet about Valerie Jarrett Monday morning.

β€œRoseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” ABC entertainment president Channing Dungey said in a statement to TheWrap on Tuesday.

β€œmuslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” Barr said earlier on Tuesday in response to a Twitter thread about Jarrett, a former adviser to Barack Obama.

Also Read:'Roseanne' Consulting Producer Wanda Sykes Quits After Valerie Jarrett Tweet

Barr apologized before ABC’s statement on Tuesday, saying that her statement suggesting that former Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett is a product of the Muslim Brotherhood and the β€œPlanet of the Apes” was a β€œjoke” that was β€œin bad taste.

β€œI apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks,” Barr said. β€œI should have known better. Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste.”

The β€œRoseanne” star’s tweet caused swift backlash on Twitter, and consulting producer Wanda Sykes said she would not be returning to the sitcom on Tuesday morning. Executive producer and co-star Sara Gilbert said that Barr’s comments are β€œabhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show.”

Also Read:Roseanne Barr Apologizes for 'Planet of the Apes' Valerie Jarrett Tweet: 'My Joke Was in Bad Taste'

Gilbert added that news of the cancelation is β€œincredibly sad and difficult.”

β€œThis is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we’ve created a show that we believe in, are proud of, and that audiences love– one that is separate and apart from the opinions and words of one cast member,” she said.



Good riddance. Conservatives were all uppity and such when the show first appeared...they had a hero to cheer for...

It goes to show you the sign of the times and the climate that Trump and his bunch of racist old white men has created in this country...I always look four ways when I enter what might be seen as a white neighborhood.

I have a niece who lives somewhere in Long Island. She said some of the white kids in her class sent her a pix of a Black guy being hung from a tree...say that this is what this government should do to immigrants like her. I told her to take the issue to the School Board, instead of the Principal. 

And just recently, I read of some white parents in a white area in Manhattan openly saying on TV that they don’t want minority kids in their school and that they are opposed to integration because the brown people will lower their education standard. I share their concern about the education of their kids, but somebody need to tell them that Jim Crow laws are illegal and too many people have died to make this country what it is today. 

Trump has really invoked the latent racism in white folks...and they are now more open about it...this stuff starts from the top.

You bannas need to be careful when you travel down South...take some Black brothers with you, and some dagger-carrying Sikhs for protection.

Dave posted:
Prince posted:

People are allowed to make mistakes and she already apologised. When Guyanese attacking white as rednecks and Trump supporters is also racist towards white people. So, y'all ain't no different. 

It’s an issue about racialism!!

What’s your limitation about her controversial jokes on race. 

On comedy central, all black comedians make anti white jokes everytime. They can get enough of making fun of white people. Rosanne Barr is a comedian in her own right. Why was she taken seriously?

ksazma posted:

For someone who looks so grotesque as Roseanne, she should avoid commenting on peoples looks. Same with Rush. Not to overlook Trump. Those are seriously ugly looking people.

She was always a nasty bitch. I remembered her singing the National Anthem at a baseball game in California(I think it was the San Diego Padres) and fans were booing her. She pulled at her crotch, spit on the ground and walked off. I wonder why Donald Frump did not say punch her one in the mouth then.


We all know Roseanne is a racist. She is also simple minded. She is Jewish and remember that stunt she pulled dressing up like Hitler and the burnt human shaped cookies? To better make a point, fire her and keep the show. Let her watch the other actors make money. Kill her character off, see how the show goes and if successful, change the name at the end of the season. She's already lost a lot of endorsements.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

For someone who looks so grotesque as Roseanne, she should avoid commenting on peoples looks. Same with Rush. Not to overlook Trump. Those are seriously ugly looking people.

Bai, an ugly man and an ugly woman is too different things.  

This woman is grotesquely ugly and a shameless witch with a capital B.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

For someone who looks so grotesque as Roseanne, she should avoid commenting on peoples looks. Same with Rush. Not to overlook Trump. Those are seriously ugly looking people.

She was always a nasty bitch. I remembered her singing the National Anthem at a baseball game in California(I think it was the San Diego Padres) and fans were booing her. She pulled at her crotch, spit on the ground and walked off. I wonder why Donald Frump did not say punch her one in the mouth then.

Perhaps Frump the Chump and her are cut from the identical cloth.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

For someone who looks so grotesque as Roseanne, she should avoid commenting on peoples looks. Same with Rush. Not to overlook Trump. Those are seriously ugly looking people.

Bai, an ugly man and an ugly woman is too different things.  

True. Fortunately I mentioned one really ugly woman there and two fatsos.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

For someone who looks so grotesque as Roseanne, she should avoid commenting on peoples looks. Same with Rush. Not to overlook Trump. Those are seriously ugly looking people.

Bai, an ugly man and an ugly woman is too different things.  

Correct, they are two different things. The differences in men and women are too numerous to mention. 

Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

For someone who looks so grotesque as Roseanne, she should avoid commenting on peoples looks. Same with Rush. Not to overlook Trump. Those are seriously ugly looking people.

Bai, an ugly man and an ugly woman is too different things.  

Correct, they are two different things. The differences in men and women are too numerous to mention. 

And it's tough being a good looking, smart man, woman hate us when they cannot have us!

cain posted:

Iman know dat feelin banna.

Ever since I stopped carrying my wallet in my back pocket my sexy dentist neighbour said she jealous because I got a nice nice bamsy and my "frontal goodness" stands out.

Anyway, back to bigmouth racist Roseanne.

You look like a good soor man to, Cain. Do you know what we call sooring in Guyana? Let me see if you know G/T slang.

Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

For someone who looks so grotesque as Roseanne, she should avoid commenting on peoples looks. Same with Rush. Not to overlook Trump. Those are seriously ugly looking people.

Bai, an ugly man and an ugly woman is too different things.  

Correct, they are two different things. The differences in men and women are too numerous to mention. 

And it's tough being a good looking, smart man, woman hate us when they cannot have us!

Nice to see a man with such great self-esteem. See how Cain identifies with you. I'm sure women are flocking at your door and you have to beat them off with a big stick.  

About Rosy, Ambien maker said 'Pills didn't make Roseanne racist. Sleep aid has been linked to strange side effects, including impaired driving, but this may be the first time it's blamed for offensive use of social media.' 

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:


You bannas need to be careful when you travel down South...take some Black brothers with you, and some dagger-carrying Sikhs for protection.

So now "black brothers" are useful.  Now tell us when do "brown people" come to the aid of blacks.  Its always amusing when white bigots become bold that all of these non black people of color suddenly want blacks to come to their aid.

GTAngler posted:

 To better make a point, fire her and keep the show. Let her watch the other actors make money. Kill her character off, see how the show goes and if successful, change the name at the end of the season. She's already lost a lot of endorsements.

I am very upset about this.  I suspect that the actors who perform the roles of her kids needed the work.  It seems obvious that her "son" is very angry with her for taking bread out of his mouth, and also by his anger that he is being dragged into her ignorance.

Its a pity that big media lack the creativity to rebrand the show where Roseanne dies and her kids and her sister show that being poor and white and small town doesn't mean bigot.  In fact some of the most genuine whites I have met are those from these "redneck" places who despise these narrow attitudes and are forced to live in more open minded places.

But this isnt going to happen.  They will not offend Barr by continuing this show without her, despite their pretense that she offended them.

caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

 To better make a point, fire her and keep the show. Let her watch the other actors make money. Kill her character off, see how the show goes and if successful, change the name at the end of the season. She's already lost a lot of endorsements.

I am very upset about this.  I suspect that the actors who perform the roles of her kids needed the work.  It seems obvious that her "son" is very angry with her for taking bread out of his mouth, and also by his anger that he is being dragged into her ignorance.

Its a pity that big media lack the creativity to rebrand the show where Roseanne dies and her kids and her sister show that being poor and white and small town doesn't mean bigot.  In fact some of the most genuine whites I have met are those from these "redneck" places who despise these narrow attitudes and are forced to live in more open minded places.

But this isnt going to happen.  They will not offend Barr by continuing this show without her, despite their pretense that she offended them.

True, she was irresponsible to the other cast members.  However, unfortunately she was the show.  The audience who watches does so because for her.  


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