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Former Member
Chan Jamoona was sentenced to five years probation last Friday for billing the city Department for the Aging $50,000 worth of services to the elderly she never provided, which included free meals. She was also ordered to pay a $45,000 fine.
“When it comes to services vital for our seniors, we cannot accept fraud as a cost of doing business,” state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a statement announcing the sentencing. “My office will prosecute fraud in critical New York programs to the fullest extent of the law.”
Mark Peters, city Department of Investigations commissioner, said in a statement issued by Schneiderman’s office, “UHCC executives deliberately and cynically stole funds that should have been used to provide food and services for elderly clients. Not-for-profit organizations that take advantage of our seniors have no business receiving public funds.”
Jamoona, of Richmond Hill, was convicted of submitting false invoices for free lunches she claims she handed out to seniors at her South Ozone Park nonprofit, United Hindu Cultural Council of USA North America Inc.
The falsified papers stemmed from lunches she claimed to have purchased from Sonny’s Roti Shop in Richmond Hill. The owner of that shop pleaded guilty to falsifying documents in 2013.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I would ask the Board to withhold judgment and condemnation on Chan.


I've known Chan for like 17 years now and I suspect I know what occurred and why she's not going to jail.


I think she did submit fake invoices but not for personal gain. I think she was just moving around money for the benefit of her seniors.


I am aware that Chan often bent and broke rules to BENEFIT the seniors. In one such instance she would fail to collect city-mandated fees from these already poor and cash-strapped seniors.


So in this case I'd ask you all to show some kindness to this lady. She's a qualified nurse who built this senior citizen center because it was her passion and love of seniors. She was never looking to earn a quick buck.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I would ask the Board to withhold judgment and condemnation on Chan.


I've known Chan for like 17 years now and I suspect I know what occurred and why she's not going to jail.


I think she did submit fake invoices but not for personal gain. I think she was just moving around money for the benefit of her seniors.


I am aware that Chan often bent and broke rules to BENEFIT the seniors. In one such instance she would fail to collect city-mandated fees from these already poor and cash-strapped seniors.


So in this case I'd ask you all to show some kindness to this lady. She's a qualified nurse who built this senior citizen center because it was her passion and love of seniors. She was never looking to earn a quick buck.

Birds of a feather flocks together.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I would ask the Board to withhold judgment and condemnation on Chan.


I've known Chan for like 17 years now and I suspect I know what occurred and why she's not going to jail.


I think she did submit fake invoices but not for personal gain. I think she was just moving around money for the benefit of her seniors.


I am aware that Chan often bent and broke rules to BENEFIT the seniors. In one such instance she would fail to collect city-mandated fees from these already poor and cash-strapped seniors.


So in this case I'd ask you all to show some kindness to this lady. She's a qualified nurse who built this senior citizen center because it was her passion and love of seniors. She was never looking to earn a quick buck.

Birds of a feather flocks together.


There is a moral difference between committing a crime for personal gain and committing a technical crime to help people. That's all I'm saying.


Your friend Saltydaag only knows how to break the law to help Saltydaag.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I would ask the Board to withhold judgment and condemnation on Chan.


I've known Chan for like 17 years now and I suspect I know what occurred and why she's not going to jail.


I think she did submit fake invoices but not for personal gain. I think she was just moving around money for the benefit of her seniors.


I am aware that Chan often bent and broke rules to BENEFIT the seniors. In one such instance she would fail to collect city-mandated fees from these already poor and cash-strapped seniors.


So in this case I'd ask you all to show some kindness to this lady. She's a qualified nurse who built this senior citizen center because it was her passion and love of seniors. She was never looking to earn a quick buck.

Thanks for this information.


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I would ask the Board to withhold judgment and condemnation on Chan.


I've known Chan for like 17 years now and I suspect I know what occurred and why she's not going to jail.


I think she did submit fake invoices but not for personal gain. I think she was just moving around money for the benefit of her seniors.


I am aware that Chan often bent and broke rules to BENEFIT the seniors. In one such instance she would fail to collect city-mandated fees from these already poor and cash-strapped seniors.


So in this case I'd ask you all to show some kindness to this lady. She's a qualified nurse who built this senior citizen center because it was her passion and love of seniors. She was never looking to earn a quick buck.

Thanks for this information.



My Dear Friend,


I think you have me mistakenly pegged. I'm not inhuman and lacking in compassion to those who clearly deserve it.


And I never abandon a friend or former friend when they're in trouble.


When I say I'm a friend then you can feel free to give me call when you need bail.


But Chan is one such person. Lots of people in every community commit technical crimes to help people every day. That is no sin. If it is a sin, I gladly accept responsibility when I do it and I honor those who do as well.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Darn, now we know where Shaitan gets his daily roti from.   Just kidding.

What about the President of RHEDC?




Holdon Holdon.


You mean the one time I ran into Saltydaag at the Nest. It was purely accidental I assure you.


We ain't dining pals.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Darn, now we know where Shaitan gets his daily roti from.   Just kidding.


Shaitaan has always earned his daily roti. And if he doan have said roti, he goes without.


I assure you, if I had so much as stolen 1 dollar from anyone it would have been plastered all over this Board years ago.


But alas, my hands are clean.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Darn, now we know where Shaitan gets his daily roti from.   Just kidding.

What about the President of RHEDC?




Holdon Holdon.


You mean the one time I ran into Saltydaag at the Nest. It was purely accidental I assure you.


We ain't dining pals.

Ayatollah: Please, I ask you brother, let's put the personal insults to rest. I know you are above that kind of nonsense. Let Vish be Vish and you be the Grand Ayatollah. Thanks man. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Darn, now we know where Shaitan gets his daily roti from.   Just kidding.

What about the President of RHEDC?




Holdon Holdon.


You mean the one time I ran into Saltydaag at the Nest. It was purely accidental I assure you.


We ain't dining pals.

Ayatollah: Please, I ask you brother, let's put the personal insults to rest. I know you are above that kind of nonsense. Let Vish be Vish and you be the Grand Ayatollah. Thanks man. 




I'm just messin wid Salty.


No one's gonna cut his ponytail today. I assure you

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Navratri ended yesterday, Sunday is free for all suh relax Skelty


This is what happens when yuh pet de neighba daag one time


People accuse you of animal cruelty

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Navratri ended yesterday, Sunday is free for all suh relax Skelty


This is what happens when yuh pet de neighba daag one time


People accuse you of animal cruelty

Arite bai.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I would ask the Board to withhold judgment and condemnation on Chan.


I've known Chan for like 17 years now and I suspect I know what occurred and why she's not going to jail.


I think she did submit fake invoices but not for personal gain. I think she was just moving around money for the benefit of her seniors.


I am aware that Chan often bent and broke rules to BENEFIT the seniors. In one such instance she would fail to collect city-mandated fees from these already poor and cash-strapped seniors.


So in this case I'd ask you all to show some kindness to this lady. She's a qualified nurse who built this senior citizen center because it was her passion and love of seniors. She was never looking to earn a quick buck.

is there some basis for this in the record or u just going to bat, mitigation style, for a friend?

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
someone had me chuckling de odda day, instead of saying his ponytail was chopped off they said his churkee


I'm just inviting flak from Carib Beer and the other Guardians of All Things Guyanan for this one now but WTF is a "churkee" bai?

Originally Posted by GT Stingaa:
Hindu males leave a long piece of lock at the back of their heads, that's a churkee

Read this


OMG abbe fullahman Ed Ahmad cut off this poor chammar Hindu's churkee?


This is worse than I thought


Shaits is right about Chan Jamoona. She's been helping seniors for a long time in our community. Jalil knows her too. We should hold off on judgement, though the AG's statements are pretty damning.


Y'all should leave Salty out of this unless there is evidence of impropriety in his collecting funds and using such in nefarious ways.


It is for sometime now that i was waiting to say something about this entity.


I was awaiting judgement.


It happened.


It is so hypocritical for so many to ask to hold judgement when judgement has happened.


She pleaded guilty.


Yes, it was serving the community!


But the aides were cutting a Dholl Puri in 6 pieces, that a crime on the frail and feeble.


The center can no longer do business with the Dept of Aging.


The owner has bought over this prime location  for $M and has acquired prime location along Liberty Ave but the frail and feeble continued to be frail and feeble


Look at its payroll and see who was paid. Then pass judgement.


What are we trying to cover up. The NYS AG statement is as follows:

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Arrest Of Three People Accused Of Stealing From Nonprofit Senior Lunch Program

Directors Of Queens Nonprofit And Caterer Stole At Least $50K In Overbilling And Kickback Scheme

Schneiderman: My Office Will Prosecute Those Who Defraud Vital NY Programs To The Fullest Extent Of The Law


NEW YORK - Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman joined New York City Department of Investigation (DOI) Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn today in announcing the arrest of three individuals accused of stealing more than $50,000 from a lunch program for senior citizens run by the nonprofit United Hindu Cultural Council of USA North America Inc. (UHCC). 

The 14 counts included in a felony indictment accuse two former UHCC executive directors of stealing over $50,000 from programs for New York seniors by receiving kickbacks from another defendant, the owner of a Roti shop in Queens.

“By stealing from the senior center lunch program, the defendants put personal greed ahead of the basic needs of New York seniors,” Attorney General Schneidermansaid. “When it comes to services vital for our seniors, we cannot accept fraud as a cost of doing business. My office will prosecute fraud in critical New York programs to the fullest extent of the law.”

DOI Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn said, "Through fake invoices and phantom clients, these defendants systematically chiseled the City's taxpayers and shortchanged the seniors they were supposed to serve, according to the indictment. Their charged phony billing scheme was undone by meticulous fiscal analysis and old-fashioned surveillance. DOI was pleased to work with the New York State Attorney General's Office to hold these fraudsters accountable."

The indictment that was unsealed today accuses two former UHCC executive directors—Chan Jamoona, 66, of Queens and her daughter, Veda Jamoona, 28, of Manhattan and Queens—of perpetrating a long-running scheme in which the senior center operator inflated bills submitted to New York City’s Department for the Aging (DFTA). To carry out the scheme, the indictment alleges that the defendants directed UHCC workers to falsify invoices from the senior center’s caterer, Sonny's Roti Shop in Queens, and provide fake signatures on sign-in sheets.

The indictment also outlines a kickback arrangement in which the owner of Sonny's Roti Shop, Steven Rajkumar, 57, of Queens, received payments for the inflated invoices and then kicked a portion of those payments back to Chan Jamoona. Between 2007 and 2010, the defendants misrepresented the number of seniors served and overbilled the DFTA-administered senior center lunch program by at least $50,000.

The defendants are charged with Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree and Grand Larceny in the Second Degree. Chan Jamoona faces an additional eight counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree and four counts of Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree. Veda Jamoona faces an additional count of Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree. Steven Rajkumar faces an additional three counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree. If convicted, the maximum sentence for Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, the top count, is 5 to 15 years imprisonment.

Defendants Chan Jamoona, Veda Jamoona and Steven Rajkumar were arraigned today in New York State Supreme Court in Queens County as investigators this morning executed a search warrant at UHCC for documents and computers that are evidence of the scheme. 

The case is being prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Jihee G. Suh, under the supervision of Public Integrity Deputy Bureau Chief Stacy Aronowitz, Chief William E. Schaeffer and Executive Deputy Attorney General for Criminal Justice Kelly Donovan. The joint investigation between the Attorney General's Office and DOI began after referrals from DFTA and the New York State Office for the Aging.

Attorney General Schneiderman and DOI Commissioner Gill Hearn thanked DFTA and the New York State Office for the Aging for their assistance provided during the investigation. They also recognize the diligent work of OAG staff, including Legal Support Analyst Kerry Ann Rodriguez; and, from the Investigations Bureau, Investigator Gerard Matheson and Investigative Analyst Brian Selfon under the supervision of Supervising Investigator Michael Ward, Deputy Chief John McManus and Chief Dominick Zarrella; and DOI staff, including Inspector General Chanterelle Sung, Director Ivette Morales and Investigator Nicole Clyne. 

The charges are accusations and all defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

Anyone with additional information on this matter or any other public corruption is encouraged to contact the Attorney General’s Office at 1-800-996-4630.



I guess when Mr Ed gets his turn, the same group will also ask to "hold" judgement.


Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is for sometime now that i was waiting to say something about this entity.


I was awaiting judgement.


It happened.


It is so hypocritical for so many to ask to hold judgement when judgement has happened.


She pleaded guilty.


Yes, it was serving the community!


But the aides were cutting a Dholl Puri in 6 pieces, that a crime on the frail and feeble.


The center can no longer do business with the Dept of Aging.


The owner has bought over this prime location  for $M and has acquired prime location along Liberty Ave but the frail and feeble continued to be frail and feeble


Look at its payroll and see who was paid. Then pass judgement.


What are we trying to cover up. The NYS AG statement is as follows:


Look Auntyman,


Where in that whole lang belly story do you see that it states that Chan pocketed any money or converted any to personal use?


The Department of the Aging paid $50,000 of excess funds to the Senior Citizen Center because of invoices deemed to be "fake."


You wish you had the brains to walk in Chan's shoes you mangy daag you.


Chan successfully did something. There is zero hint of personal gain here. Unlike your two dollar scams which are all about making Salty a couple hundred dollars richer.


Dis good fuh cold and Fuh caff! So Fuh caff!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Look Auntyman,


Where in that whole lang belly story do you see that it states that Chan pocketed any money or converted any to personal use?


The Department of the Aging paid $50,000 of excess funds to the Senior Citizen Center because of invoices deemed to be "fake."

ahmmm . . . rite hay:


"The indictment also outlines a kickback arrangement in which the owner of Sonny's Roti Shop, Steven Rajkumar, 57, of Queens, received payments for the inflated invoices and then kicked a portion of those payments back to Chan Jamoona . . ."

Originally Posted by Vish M:

It is for sometime now that i was waiting to say something about this entity.


I was awaiting judgement.


It happened.


It is so hypocritical for so many to ask to hold judgement when judgement has happened.


She pleaded guilty.


Yes, it was serving the community!


But the aides were cutting a Dholl Puri in 6 pieces, that a crime on the frail and feeble.


The center can no longer do business with the Dept of Aging.


The owner has bought over this prime location  for $M and has acquired prime location along Liberty Ave but the frail and feeble continued to be frail and feeble


Look at its payroll and see who was paid. Then pass judgement.


What are we trying to cover up. The NYS AG statement is as follows:

A.G. Schneiderman Announces Arrest Of Three People Accused Of Stealing From Nonprofit Senior Lunch Program

Directors Of Queens Nonprofit And Caterer Stole At Least $50K In Overbilling And Kickback Scheme

Schneiderman: My Office Will Prosecute Those Who Defraud Vital NY Programs To The Fullest Extent Of The Law


NEW YORK - Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman joined New York City Department of Investigation (DOI) Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn today in announcing the arrest of three individuals accused of stealing more than $50,000 from a lunch program for senior citizens run by the nonprofit United Hindu Cultural Council of USA North America Inc. (UHCC). 

The 14 counts included in a felony indictment accuse two former UHCC executive directors of stealing over $50,000 from programs for New York seniors by receiving kickbacks from another defendant, the owner of a Roti shop in Queens.

“By stealing from the senior center lunch program, the defendants put personal greed ahead of the basic needs of New York seniors,” Attorney General Schneidermansaid. “When it comes to services vital for our seniors, we cannot accept fraud as a cost of doing business. My office will prosecute fraud in critical New York programs to the fullest extent of the law.”

DOI Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn said, "Through fake invoices and phantom clients, these defendants systematically chiseled the City's taxpayers and shortchanged the seniors they were supposed to serve, according to the indictment. Their charged phony billing scheme was undone by meticulous fiscal analysis and old-fashioned surveillance. DOI was pleased to work with the New York State Attorney General's Office to hold these fraudsters accountable."

The indictment that was unsealed today accuses two former UHCC executive directors—Chan Jamoona, 66, of Queens and her daughter, Veda Jamoona, 28, of Manhattan and Queens—of perpetrating a long-running scheme in which the senior center operator inflated bills submitted to New York City’s Department for the Aging (DFTA). To carry out the scheme, the indictment alleges that the defendants directed UHCC workers to falsify invoices from the senior center’s caterer, Sonny's Roti Shop in Queens, and provide fake signatures on sign-in sheets.

The indictment also outlines a kickback arrangement in which the owner of Sonny's Roti Shop, Steven Rajkumar, 57, of Queens, received payments for the inflated invoices and then kicked a portion of those payments back to Chan Jamoona. Between 2007 and 2010, the defendants misrepresented the number of seniors served and overbilled the DFTA-administered senior center lunch program by at least $50,000.

The defendants are charged with Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree and Grand Larceny in the Second Degree. Chan Jamoona faces an additional eight counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree and four counts of Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree. Veda Jamoona faces an additional count of Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree. Steven Rajkumar faces an additional three counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree. If convicted, the maximum sentence for Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, the top count, is 5 to 15 years imprisonment.

Defendants Chan Jamoona, Veda Jamoona and Steven Rajkumar were arraigned today in New York State Supreme Court in Queens County as investigators this morning executed a search warrant at UHCC for documents and computers that are evidence of the scheme. 

The case is being prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Jihee G. Suh, under the supervision of Public Integrity Deputy Bureau Chief Stacy Aronowitz, Chief William E. Schaeffer and Executive Deputy Attorney General for Criminal Justice Kelly Donovan. The joint investigation between the Attorney General's Office and DOI began after referrals from DFTA and the New York State Office for the Aging.

Attorney General Schneiderman and DOI Commissioner Gill Hearn thanked DFTA and the New York State Office for the Aging for their assistance provided during the investigation. They also recognize the diligent work of OAG staff, including Legal Support Analyst Kerry Ann Rodriguez; and, from the Investigations Bureau, Investigator Gerard Matheson and Investigative Analyst Brian Selfon under the supervision of Supervising Investigator Michael Ward, Deputy Chief John McManus and Chief Dominick Zarrella; and DOI staff, including Inspector General Chanterelle Sung, Director Ivette Morales and Investigator Nicole Clyne. 

The charges are accusations and all defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

Anyone with additional information on this matter or any other public corruption is encouraged to contact the Attorney General’s Office at 1-800-996-4630.



I guess when Mr Ed gets his turn, the same group will also ask to "hold" judgement.




Vishnu I hear what you say but sometimes honest business people just get caught off guard. 

 Shaitaan no matter what you say the ball starts and stops unfortunately with  the owner.


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