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Row between EU, Guyana Gov’t continues over funds

January 24, 2015 6:29 am Category: latest news A+ / A-



Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh.

Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh.

[] – The government of Guyana has challenged the European Commission (EU) to explain to Guyanese the real reason behind its decision to withhold funds for the country’s sea defences and sugar sectors.

On Friday, January 23, the EU in a statement confirmed that it is withholding funds for the sectors until all “eligibility criteria, inter alia budget oversight, are satisfactorily addressed.”

However, government released a September 8, 2014 correspondence from the Head of Cooperation, Delegation of the European Union in Guyana, Ewout Sandker to Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh informing him that the local mission has recommended to its headquarters in Brussels that €25,858,025 be disbursed.

“In light of the Delegation’s attached written confirmation of Guyana’s qualification for disbursements totaling €25,858,025, the Delegation might now wish to correct the misinformation contained in the press release it issued earlier today [January 23] and also explain to the people of Guyana what exactly accounts for the failure to disburse the sums since September 8, 2014, especially bearing in mind that Parliament was not prorogued until November 10, 2014,” government said in its statement.

Recently, Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh noted that the reasons provided to the Guyana government by the EU for withholding the funds were spurious and unreliable.

“We have an ongoing engagement with the EU… spurious reasons were provided, reasons that have no basis,” he told Reporters on, January 19 at a press conference.

He said Guyana has met it obligations with respect to budget support payments due from the EU and now qualifies for a recommended €25 million.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

EU confirmed compliance with grant conditions since September 2014


THE Government of Guyana has noted with concern a press release purportedly issued by the European Union (EU) Delegation in Guyana claiming that the EU had “temporarily put on hold” certain budget support grants “until all eligibility criteria, inter alia budget oversight, are satisfactorily addressed”. 


“Government now wishes to make publicly available the attached communication from the same EU Delegation, dated September 8, 2014, indicating clearly that Guyana had met the eligibility criteria required to qualify for disbursements totalling €25,858,025, and that the same Delegation had recommended disbursement of this sum to the EU Budget Support Steering Committee in Brussels which was due to meet on September 17, 2014,” a statement from the Government said yesterday.

It added: “In light of the Delegation’s attached written confirmation of Guyana’s qualification for disbursements totalling €25,858,025, the Delegation might now wish to correct the misinformation contained in the press release it issued earlier today, and also explain to the people of Guyana what exactly accounts for the failure to disburse the sums since September 8, 2014, especially bearing in mind that Parliament was not prorogued until November 10, 2014.”

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

EU confirmed compliance with grant conditions since September 2014


THE Government of Guyana has noted with concern a press release purportedly issued by the European Union (EU) Delegation in Guyana claiming that the EU had “temporarily put on hold” certain budget support grants “until all eligibility criteria, inter alia budget oversight, are satisfactorily addressed”. 


“Government now wishes to make publicly available the attached communication from the same EU Delegation, dated September 8, 2014, indicating clearly that Guyana had met the eligibility criteria required to qualify for disbursements totalling €25,858,025, and that the same Delegation had recommended disbursement of this sum to the EU Budget Support Steering Committee in Brussels which was due to meet on September 17, 2014,” a statement from the Government said yesterday.

It added: “In light of the Delegation’s attached written confirmation of Guyana’s qualification for disbursements totalling €25,858,025, the Delegation might now wish to correct the misinformation contained in the press release it issued earlier today, and also explain to the people of Guyana what exactly accounts for the failure to disburse the sums since September 8, 2014, especially bearing in mind that Parliament was not prorogued until November 10, 2014.”

Is who dat is the beggar again....can they be choosers? The EU follows its own protocol and by september there were chimes in the wind that there will be a no confidence vote. The suspension of parliament only hardened the position of the EU that they better wait. The PPP would be throwing all of that money at their elections campaign. They are bare faced that way!


PPP loudmouth rice-eater Raja "sovereign" Lunchmeat barking on 01/15/2015:

"Sinisterly and conspiratorially he [High Comm. Ayre] revealed the EU and the "UK’s handiwork in the recent EU dishonoring of its agreement with the government on budget support.

Folly? Yes. But his attempts to damage Guyana’s credibility and its economic prospects are considered by Cabinet to be unpardonable. The sentiment is he needs to be accorded the status of a pariah and his departure eagerly awaited by the government of Guyana.”


PPP beggar-in-chief Ashnee whining on 01/19/2015:

“We have an ongoing engagement with the EU… spurious reasons [for witholding of aid funds] were provided, reasons that have no basis,” he told Reporters on, January 19 at a press conference.

He said Guyana has met it obligations with respect to budget support payments due from the EU and now qualifies for a recommended €25 million.


these big-mouth PPP bandits with begging cup at the ready have no shame


who's the "pariah" now Roger?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:

Like a disgruntled beggar, the Government of Guyana regard the holding back of funds as spurious and unreliable.



A sign that a political party has gotten old, tired and arrogant.  The EU has enough problems of their own with Greece and other impoverished members.


They have NO obligation to give to Guyana ONE CENT.


Why does the PPP scream as if they did something to earn it!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The specific issue relates to Guyana and EU regarding the disbursement of funds, Stormborn.

Tell me something.  Is it that Guyana exported some goods or services to the EU, so is entitled to get paid?  NO!


These are funds that the EU decided to give Guyana, and they can just as easily claim that changing economic circumstances (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Portugal) as well as an Ebola crisis in three West African nations with which they have close ties (possibility of Ebola infection) and the refugee crises in Syria mean that Guyana no longer is a priority.


Can some one tell the PPP this?  This low class screaming like a ho who cannot get a fare is not doing Guyana any good.

Originally Posted by redux:

PPP loudmouth rice-eater Raja "sovereign" Lunchmeat barking on 01/15/2015:

"Sinisterly and conspiratorially he [High Comm. Ayre] revealed the EU and the "UK’s handiwork in the recent EU dishonoring of its agreement with the government on budget support.

Folly? Yes. But his attempts to damage Guyana’s credibility and its economic prospects are considered by Cabinet to be unpardonable. The sentiment is he needs to be accorded the status of a pariah and his departure eagerly awaited by the government of Guyana.”


PPP beggar-in-chief Ashnee whining on 01/19/2015:

“We have an ongoing engagement with the EU… spurious reasons [for witholding of aid funds] were provided, reasons that have no basis,” he told Reporters on, January 19 at a press conference.

He said Guyana has met it obligations with respect to budget support payments due from the EU and now qualifies for a recommended €25 million.


these big-mouth PPP bandits with begging cup at the ready have no shame


who's the "pariah" now Roger?

So if the EU is so bad why scream to get welfare and wail when the EU decides how much, when and how Guyana will get it?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The specific issue relates to Guyana and EU regarding the disbursement of funds, Stormborn.

Tell me something.  Is it that Guyana exported some goods or services to the EU, so is entitled to get paid?  NO!


These are funds that the EU decided to give Guyana, and they can just as easily claim that changing economic circumstances (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Portugal) as well as an Ebola crisis in three West African nations with which they have close ties (possibility of Ebola infection) and the refugee crises in Syria mean that Guyana no longer is a priority.


Can some one tell the PPP this?  This low class screaming like a ho who cannot get a fare is not doing Guyana any good.

Understanding the EU agreements would negate your comments.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

The specific issue relates to Guyana and EU regarding the disbursement of funds, Stormborn.

Tell me something.  Is it that Guyana exported some goods or services to the EU, so is entitled to get paid?  NO!


These are funds that the EU decided to give Guyana, and they can just as easily claim that changing economic circumstances (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Portugal) as well as an Ebola crisis in three West African nations with which they have close ties (possibility of Ebola infection) and the refugee crises in Syria mean that Guyana no longer is a priority.


Can some one tell the PPP this?  This low class screaming like a ho who cannot get a fare is not doing Guyana any good.

Understanding the EU agreements would negate your comments.

So why you doan go tell the scummy PPP people dem you know better and that the white people dem cyan hold back their own money. Go, go tell dem.

You stupid person you.


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