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[] – Public Relations Officer of the Mayor and City Council, Royston King was today charged with a forgery related offence before Magistrate Judy Latchman.


He was not required to plead to the charge and was granted $70,000 bail. He is slated to return to Court on September 16.

King of South Ruimveldt Park, is accused of writing a letter to the Beacon Foundation and signed same stating that he was the Acting Town Clerk.

He was represented by Attorney – at – Law, Kendacie Rodney in association with Nigel Hughes. In a brief bail application, the court heard that the defendant is a father of six with the youngest being 14 –year – old.

The Prosecution which was led by Police Inspector, Joel Ricknauth did not object to bail.

APNU stands in solidarity with King

Meanwhile, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) says it stands in solidarity with King.

In a statement issued to the media, the Party noted, “APNU strongly condemns the harassment of Mr. King by agents of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic Administration. The people of the city of Georgetown want and demand local government elections.”

Royston King

Royston King

According to the APNU statement, “Georgetown needs elections and not politically motivated arrest and calls on the PPP/C administration to bring to an end this type of political harassment.”

Information reaching iNews stated that King allegedly signed off in excess of $30 million in rates and taxes waivers for the Beacon Foundation, while purporting to be the Acting Town Clerk in July 2012.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

It is no wonder the City of Georgetown is all the mess it's in. It's because of the old thieves from the old era still running things. Sooba is fighting the great force of corruption that has kept this city in dirt and poverty for the past five decades.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Nehru:

APNU says it is OK for it's MEMBERS to THIEF.

Did Guyanese not see how Granger stole the election for Leadership of APNU? Yes, the APNU is full of thieves and openly supports theft. The National Assembly is full of them from all parties including the Speaker.


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

No APNU says the thieves in the PPP need to call local government election. This is not north korea.

Opposition parties say Gov’t worried over no-confidence motion

August 25, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


…employs “delay tactics”

With the possible vote of “no confidence” against the incumbent People’s Progressive Party (PPP) government lingering, Opposition parties say they feel that all will be done to delay the holding of General Elections.  They are convinced that the government will go out of its way to set back the polls, “as much as they have delayed Local Government Elections.”Parliament Former Foreign Affairs Minister and People’s National Congress member, Aubrey Norton told Kaieteur News yesterday that there are several scenarios to be considered when assessing the country’s political situation. As it stands, the PPP-government is facing a majority vote-out by opposition members who have already pledged no-confidence in their manner of governance. Norton believes that the PPP will be embarrassed that in Guyana’s short post-independence history, it will be the first party forced out of office. He thinks that “delay tactics” will be employed by the government because ground response might not be in their favour. “The PPP is right now testing the ground, and I don’t think they like the response.” He told the newspaper that since the party no longer has a grip on the Guyana Elections Commission, it must be considered that the government, “although there is no basis, would still turn to the law where they believe they have more backing, to challenge the motion.” He said that with the release of former Chief Elections Commissioner Gocool Boodoo, the PPP has no “insider.” Also government’s claim that GECOM is not prepared to host elections is another delay tactic. Norton opined that the contradiction of information from government and GECOM “is another signal that the PPP is no longer in control after 28 years.” “The PPP is worried. There is a no-confidence motion, and no question that it will be addressed.” The opposition parties are unfazed by suggestion of a snap election. “The faster, the better, we just want them out!” was the response by Alliance for Change’s (AFC) General Secretary, David Patterson when asked about early polls. General Secretary of the PPP, Clement Rohee, and Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon have questioned the readiness of GECOM to hold any kind of elections. Rohee had stated that “the PPP is not confident this has been done thoroughly so as to ensure that every eligible voter will be correctly placed on his or her constituency list.” Kaieteur News was told that the Presidential Secretary had also inquired of the Parliament whether the no-confidence motion was legal. Inquires were also made as to why the motion should have one line. However with the provision of research documents and examples from other countries, it was explained that the motion was properly and legally worded.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It is no wonder the City of Georgetown is all the mess it's in. It's because of the old thieves from the old era still running things. Sooba is fighting the great force of corruption that has kept this city in dirt and poverty for the past five decades.

She is catching them criminals one by one.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

APNU says it is OK for it's MEMBERS to THIEF.

Did Guyanese not see how Granger stole the election for Leadership of APNU? Yes, the APNU is full of thieves and openly supports theft. The National Assembly is full of them from all parties including the Speaker.


Mr Balram Ral would be proud of you.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC is such a shameless and rotten bunch.

I hope rohee fat daughter sharing some rent with you since she alone got 8 properties renting to diplomats and chinees.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC is such a shameless and rotten bunch.

I hope rohee fat daughter sharing some rent with you since she alone got 8 properties renting to diplomats and chinees.

Kishan, Don't bring the man's daughter into this. It is not fair.


This is a conundrum created by the judge. No commission existed as demanded for a town clerk but the minister took it upon himself to appoint one rather than the people whose purview is running the city, the city council.


The PPP create another political quagmire with this malicious prosecution for political coin. Sooba is not legal nor is this gentleman given no mechanism exists to create either of them. The Judge already ruled the Minister could not appoint...somewhere the decision has to be who appoints valid clerks. Given the necessity for one and no mechanism exists for one to be installed the town council is the next logical entity to appoint the clerk.


This is another of those things that would have gone under the radar had the PPP still been allowed to act in god mode and do as they please.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

APNU says it is OK for it's MEMBERS to THIEF.


And endorsed by the AFC 100 percent.

Sir, sooba should be prosecuted since everything she did ( inclusive of some shady ones) is illegal since she was not legitimately appointed and the judge is not a political entity and cannot install a clerk as he did indirectly with his incomplete ruling.


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