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Is Guyana the Titanic, moving towards Marriott Hotel, the iceberg of decadence?

February 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Sir,
Let us move this detractor:”Titanic” out of the way.  As far as the ex-British Caribbean Colonies are concerned, Guyana is indeed a “Titanic” in respect to its size, compared to other English-speaking Caribbean countries.
If a people are committed to silence for a long period of time, those silenced will in time doubt their ability to have a voice to speak.
The hotel that is now being constructed in Guyana with the name of Marriott is a potential outpost of decadence in a programme which may be grooming Guyana to be the Hong Kong of Western Hemisphere.  The plan has been set in motion.  The “props” are being prepared. These acts of blatant disrespect for Guyanese are being acted out openly.  It is for Guyanese to be acquainted with the truth of this scheme, because our freedom may be at risk.
As a secondary thought, what is it that is being built within the structure of the Marriott, that the planners do not want the Guyanese masses to be aware of?
That the Chinese and Guyanese Government are spending millions of dollars valued to the American Dollar,  to build a 190-plus bed hotel in a city that in visual appearance, and in nasal incident is a gigantic filthy rubbish dump, should throw up a great deal of “red flags.”
However the Marriott Hotel is just one piece in the jigsaw of decadence.  .The other pieces of the jigsaw are an upgraded airport that is able to service international traffic, a bank that has specific functioning, and a communication network.
In the final analysis the completed Marriott Hotel in Georgetown will initially or shortly be a 24-hour gambling institution for international clientele.  The international clientele will be brought in by air transportation made possible as a result of the upgrading of the Timehri Airport.
Those clientele will be the sources of the laundering of money, trafficking of drugs, especially of heroin, the product mostly from Afghanistan.  To make the services of the Marriott visible would necessitate a medium with national and international outreach, hence the 24-hour television station licence given to the Chinese, that would serve a viewing area larger than that served by all television stations of Guyana, except one pseudo Government television station. To complete the puzzle, a Chinese bank must be opened.
The haste to complete the building of the Marriott Hotel is not to accommodate the citizens of Guyana.  The hotel is not being built to accommodate a tourist population that is crying out for services.  In the final analysis, the hotel will be an oasis of currency in a “desert” of a currency-starved populace.
In the final analysis Guyanese, will be pawns to be used in every corrupt and criminal schemes: from prostitution of our men and our women and facilitating the movement of drugs, to the assassination of those who fell afoul of the operators of the various money laundering and drug distribution schemes.
Guyanese who at present are fed on diets of “hope” instead being presented with opportunities, will be reduced to occupiers of drug houses (modern day opium dens), and petty drug pushers.  Have we not learned anything from the tragedy of Jonestown?
Our slide along the slippery slope of decadence has started.
Enough!  Guyanese workers want opportunity not hope.  All origination of job opportunities in Guyana must place the needs of the Guyanese workers as paramount. Now is the time to act. Demand now that all jobs originating in Guyana must have a majority labour force of Guyanese; that the Government should not negotiate in secret any project that uses the resources of Guyana; that the Government and its officials must be subjected to one hundred percent (100%) transparency in all their negotiations involving the resources and finances of Guyana.
Dr. Rudi Guyan

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