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Former Member

In his quest for publicity (to hock his self published book?), Ruel Johnson feels compelled to revive the infant terrible role even though he’s so long in the tooth. The last time he tried it, he was pitching for the post of editor with the Guyana Press – at a price of $3 million a month.


He evidently thought – by some reverse psychology process – that by cussing out the Culture Minister Dr Frank Anthony, who would’ve been his boss, the fella would hire him. He thought wrong. So he’s throwing another hissy fit once again. But then we shouldn’t be surprised – they do say that you can’t teach old dogs new tricks, don’t they?  He also decided to move up the ladder and cuss out Dr Anthony’s boss – President Donald Ramotar. And what’s twisted his bukta into a knot this time?  “Ramotar isn’t fit to attend Nelson Mandela’s funeral,” he hissed. He didn’t take issue with those who wanted the prezzie to take along Opposition Leader David Granger with him.


Granger, it’s said, is the inheritor of Forbes Burnham’s mantle, and Burnham’s right up there as one of the liberators of South Africa. So Granger should’ve gotten a free ride. Well, let’s talk about Granger, Ramotar and South Africa. Ramotar is the inheritor of the mantle of Dr Cheddi Jagan…first as general secretary of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and then as president of Guyana. Dr Jagan, we have to remember, was honoured by South Africa with its highest civilian award: the Order of the Friends of O R Tambo. This was awarded posthumously for Dr Jagan’s “exceptional contribution to the struggle against racial oppression and colonial exploitation”. The award, as a matter of fact, had been accepted by no other than Ramotar himself…in a ceremony that also conferred the honour to non-aligned giants, India’s Jawaharlal Nehru and Indonesia’s Sukarno (born Kusno Sosrodihardjo).


Burnham, as Ramotar’s critics disingenuously pretend to forget, was denied the same award. Most credible Pan Africanists raised the not inconsequential matter of Burnham’s role in the assassination of Dr Walter Rodney. Johnson should take the plank from his eye when he says the president’s not fit to attend Mandela’s funeral because he hasn’t walked in Mandela’s shoes. Has Granger? Even Barack Obama admitted he fell short. Mandela was a man who preached that we cannot keep on stirring up old hatreds. In this regard, Granger has been most egregious – witness his creation this year of a monument to the victims of Sun Chapman.


Is this what Mandela would’ve done? Johnson should be ashamed for ignoring the foisting of Granger, the disciple of the discredited Burnham, into the final rites for the man who will go down in history as the “great forgiver”.

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It is the same shit over again...we do get the fact the PPP operational paradigm is firmly investing in fostering loyalty through patronage. It does not mean the rest of the world operates the same way. That you vile creatures see all criticism of the authority as emergent from some inability to be patronized is quite understandable. You are mentally deformed and completely oblivious to concepts as duty and obligation.


It is the gentleman's duty to write his mind. His pursuit in excellence for which he was awarded a high national prize is not now to be converted into a dishonorable thing because he questions the government. Writing a book, good or bad is no easy thing. It takes effort and single minded pursuit to achieve the end. That he published it by himself is also no crime. Self published works does not mean inferior works. The world saw its greatest selling books by EL James only because it was first self published.


And who says Granger inherits Forbes or any other person's mantle if not the muckraking dark arts crew infesting the nether world of Freedom house? Again this is a mark of the completely petrified leadership offered by the PPP being expressed. They have not made an iota of mental shift in the entire 20 years in office ( recycling the same misfits over and over) so there is no culture of reaching out and finding a conversation zone where one can mediate conflicts and encourage communal problem solving If the leadership "hardware" apt personnel is not in place there is no "software", ie culture of solution seeking, possible from the PPP. They will always seek to denigrate or co opt the God mode operational strategy and come out with divine edicts and think it is all right.


This misuse of Mandela again to leverage political bile simply illustrates the depth of dysfunction in our political system. It is about our complete and utter abandon of a strategy of adaptive leadership over the old concretion modes of the old soviet model to which these vestigial remnants from the cold war in the PPP still clings.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

It is the same shit over again...we do get the fact the PPP operational paradigm is firmly investing in fostering loyalty through patronage. It does not mean the rest of the world operates the same way. That you vile creatures see all criticism of the authority as emergent from some inability to be patronized is quite understandable. You are mentally deformed and completely oblivious to concepts as duty and obligation.


It is the gentleman's duty to write his mind. His pursuit in excellence for which he was awarded a high national prize is not now to be converted into a dishonorable thing because he questions the government. Writing a book, good or bad is no easy thing. It takes effort and single minded pursuit to achieve the end. That he published it by himself is also no crime. Self published works does not mean inferior works. The world saw its greatest selling books by EL James only because it was first self published.


And who says Granger inherits Forbes or any other person's mantle if not the muckraking dark arts crew infesting the nether world of Freedom house? Again this is a mark of the completely petrified leadership offered by the PPP being expressed. They have not made an iota of mental shift in the entire 20 years in office ( recycling the same misfits over and over) so there is no culture of reaching out and finding a conversation zone where one can mediate conflicts and encourage communal problem solving If the leadership "hardware" apt personnel is not in place there is no "software", ie culture of solution seeking, possible from the PPP. They will always seek to denigrate or co opt the God mode operational strategy and come out with divine edicts and think it is all right.


This misuse of Mandela again to leverage political bile simply illustrates the depth of dysfunction in our political system. It is about our complete and utter abandon of a strategy of adaptive leadership over the old concretion modes of the old soviet model to which these vestigial remnants from the cold war in the PPP still clings.

Ruel is this you?

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

It is the same shit over again...we do get the fact the PPP operational paradigm is firmly investing in fostering loyalty through patronage. It does not mean the rest of the world operates the same way. That you vile creatures see all criticism of the authority as emergent from some inability to be patronized is quite understandable. You are mentally deformed and completely oblivious to concepts as duty and obligation.


It is the gentleman's duty to write his mind. His pursuit in excellence for which he was awarded a high national prize is not now to be converted into a dishonorable thing because he questions the government. Writing a book, good or bad is no easy thing. It takes effort and single minded pursuit to achieve the end. That he published it by himself is also no crime. Self published works does not mean inferior works. The world saw its greatest selling books by EL James only because it was first self published.


And who says Granger inherits Forbes or any other person's mantle if not the muckraking dark arts crew infesting the nether world of Freedom house? Again this is a mark of the completely petrified leadership offered by the PPP being expressed. They have not made an iota of mental shift in the entire 20 years in office ( recycling the same misfits over and over) so there is no culture of reaching out and finding a conversation zone where one can mediate conflicts and encourage communal problem solving If the leadership "hardware" apt personnel is not in place there is no "software", ie culture of solution seeking, possible from the PPP. They will always seek to denigrate or co opt the God mode operational strategy and come out with divine edicts and think it is all right.


This misuse of Mandela again to leverage political bile simply illustrates the depth of dysfunction in our political system. It is about our complete and utter abandon of a strategy of adaptive leadership over the old concretion modes of the old soviet model to which these vestigial remnants from the cold war in the PPP still clings.

Ruel is this you?

 I will be whomever you want me to be if it means being present to dispose of your incessant me Ishmael!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its amazing to see how low some folks in society may stoop to attract a ray of limelight, in the cause of Mr.Johnson it speaks volume.

Bannas, GNI packed with HOES. For the right PRICE they will turn any direction.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its amazing to see how low some folks in society may stoop to attract a ray of limelight, in the cause of Mr.Johnson it speaks volume.

Again with the stupid patronage is about civic obligation in light to the usual opacity of vision and lack of sensitivity that guyana is a divided society with identities aligned and power on either side hangs on a thread.


It is about prudence at a precipitous moment in history to present a united face to the world. After all, the PNC did show public support for Mandela when he was in prison and suffered badly through Regan's sanctions for it among other perceived anti American stances.


Jabba the Hutt ramotar representing us is a sham. The leader of the opposition should also be there. But I guess the fact that they are a minority government still has not sunk in. That we are in need of a national reconciliation has not penetrated his thick skull. Pretend this is not a slight at your own perfidy.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its amazing to see how low some folks in society may stoop to attract a ray of limelight, in the cause of Mr.Johnson it speaks volume.

Bannas, GNI packed with HOES. For the right PRICE they will turn any direction.

who.res  and plumbs your skill set not ours.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its amazing to see how low some folks in society may stoop to attract a ray of limelight, in the cause of Mr.Johnson it speaks volume.

Bannas, GNI packed with HOES. For the right PRICE they will turn any direction.

who.res  and plumbs your skill set not ours.

You always seem ready to dis out a good cuss down lol

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its amazing to see how low some folks in society may stoop to attract a ray of limelight, in the cause of Mr.Johnson it speaks volume.

Bannas, GNI packed with HOES. For the right PRICE they will turn any direction.

who.res  and plumbs your skill set not ours.

You always seem ready to dis out a good cuss down lol

I do not mind cussing if I have to because I am quite confident I would not be perceived to do so for lack of tools for the communication of my disgust. In any event, the idea of his whoring is his own story line. He will affirm his expertise since he has been unashamed to say so in the past.

Last edited by Former Member

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