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THE ruling People’s Progressive Party at a press conference today was critical of the opposition over its attempts to manipulate the staffing of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

Minister of Local Government and senior PPP functionary, Ganga Persaud today said that GECOM is allowing political manipulations and political sun dancing to determine the extension of the contract of the Chief Election Officer, Goocool Boodoo.

“I have read public disclosure by a political party saying they’re not supporting the extension of the contract. I don’t know how much such a position will benefit the credibility of such a position and enhance public confidence, Guyanese confidence in the electoral system and the work of the Guyana Elections Commission if political parties can dictate who they want to be here and who they don’t want to be there,” Persaud said.

Persaud explained that GECOM is an entity which should function independently, and that the PPP government will be happy with any decision it takes in relation to staffing the organization.

“It is disturbing for the government that political parties are seeking to determine what should be done and who should be employed. It is for that reason that the PPP is seriously against political parties seeking to determine and dictate who should be employed and who should be appointed.”

Persaud is of the view that if this bears fruition then the PPP should have a say in the staff selection process as well.

Last Thursday, the AFC called for the removal Boodoo and joined the PNC's APNU in opposing Boodhoo's retention. We had earlier also reported that GECOM Chairman Steve Surujbally made a deal with the two opposition parties which would result in his vote in favour of undercover APNU operative Calvin Benn being appointed C.E.O.

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“It is disturbing for the government that political parties are seeking to determine what should be done and who should be employed. It is for that reason that the PPP is seriously against political parties seeking to determine and dictate who should be employed and who should be appointed.”


“It is disturbing for the government that political parties are seeking to determine what should be done and who should be employed. It is for that reason that the PPP is seriously against political parties seeking to determine and dictate who should be employed and who should be appointed.”

Persaud is of the view that if this bears fruition then the PPP should have a say in the staff selection process as well.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

“It is disturbing for the government that political parties are seeking to determine what should be done and who should be employed. It is for that reason that the PPP is seriously against political parties seeking to determine and dictate who should be employed and who should be appointed.”

Persaud is of the view that if this bears fruition then the PPP should have a say in the staff selection process as well.


Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

"raymond" your post speaks volumes of your IQ, pity on your soul

SO your cut and paste is evidence of a high IQ I guess...what ah moron!

Deman pity your soul an you call deman a moron, banna you bad

Originally Posted by Conscience:

THE ruling People’s Progressive Party at a press conference today was critical of the opposition over its attempts to manipulate the staffing of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).

Minister of Local Government and senior PPP functionary, Ganga Persaud today said that GECOM is allowing political manipulations and political sun dancing to determine the extension of the contract of the Chief Election Officer, Goocool Boodoo.

“I have read public disclosure by a political party saying they’re not supporting the extension of the contract. I don’t know how much such a position will benefit the credibility of such a position and enhance public confidence, Guyanese confidence in the electoral system and the work of the Guyana Elections Commission if political parties can dictate who they want to be here and who they don’t want to be there,” Persaud said.

Persaud explained that GECOM is an entity which should function independently, and that the PPP government will be happy with any decision it takes in relation to staffing the organization.

“It is disturbing for the government that political parties are seeking to determine what should be done and who should be employed. It is for that reason that the PPP is seriously against political parties seeking to determine and dictate who should be employed and who should be appointed.”

Persaud is of the view that if this bears fruition then the PPP should have a say in the staff selection process as well.

Last Thursday, the AFC called for the removal Boodoo and joined the PNC's APNU in opposing Boodhoo's retention. We had earlier also reported that GECOM Chairman Steve Surujbally made a deal with the two opposition parties which would result in his vote in favour of undercover APNU operative Calvin Benn being appointed C.E.O.

Bhoodoo has to go. His "error" would have given the PPP the majority if he was not caught. They fix was in.


Also, for a party that implanted Jaya Manickchand as a leech on the commission  you need to quit shouting about manipulation. You skunks are the biggest manipulators.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What matters is whether the opposition has the constitutional right to dictate who is hired by and runs gecom.  

They do, by virtue of their majority. Boodhoo, which means an old fool in hindi, has questionable math skills.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Bhoodoo has to go. His "error" would have given the PPP the majority if he was not caught. They fix was in.


Also, for a party that implanted Jaya Manickchand as a leech on the commission  you need to quit shouting about manipulation. You skunks are the biggest manipulators.

You mean his diligence would have caused them to win. Remember there was a recount and the PNC/AFC could not substantiate their claims. How quickly you folks try to rewrite history, you should at least wait 20 years before you start peddling these lies. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Bhoodoo has to go. His "error" would have given the PPP the majority if he was not caught. They fix was in.


Also, for a party that implanted Jaya Manickchand as a leech on the commission  you need to quit shouting about manipulation. You skunks are the biggest manipulators.

You mean his diligence would have caused them to win. Remember there was a recount and the PNC/AFC could not substantiate their claims. How quickly you folks try to rewrite history, you should at least wait 20 years before you start peddling these lies. 

Bugurd, why don't you quit being an ass?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Bhoodoo has to go. His "error" would have given the PPP the majority if he was not caught. They fix was in.


Also, for a party that implanted Jaya Manickchand as a leech on the commission  you need to quit shouting about manipulation. You skunks are the biggest manipulators.

You mean his diligence would have caused them to win. Remember there was a recount and the PNC/AFC could not substantiate their claims. How quickly you folks try to rewrite history, you should at least wait 20 years before you start peddling these lies. 

What lie is being pedaled except the one that just came from your mouth you sick piece of shi.t. Boohoo supposedly made a mistake and declared the winner to be the PPP. They celebrated on their website and sent out press releases saying they won a majority.  Robert Persaud was on the news saying that.


It was later agreed that they won by virtue of a constitutional quirk that locked out the majority parties from forming a coalition after the election. Everything I say here can be confirmed from examining the record. You on the other hand is as usual being a lying skunk.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

What lie is being pedaled except the one that just came from your mouth you sick piece of shi.t. Boohoo supposedly made a mistake and declared the winner to be the PPP. They celebrated on their website and sent out press releases saying they won a majority.  Robert Persaud was on the news saying that.


It was later agreed that they won by virtue of a constitutional quirk that locked out the majority parties from forming a coalition after the election. Everything I say here can be confirmed from examining the record. You on the other hand is as usual being a lying skunk.

You are the liar, the PPP won the majority but was robbed seats when the pnc/afc agents in gecom cooked the books and opposition threaten to riot if the PPP ordered a recount of the 4 region.  When the Gecom provided the scanned copy of votes to the afc/pnc they suddenly turn quiet when they noticed that the ppp won in the aforementioned regions. No more talks of riots were heard as these creatures quiet down. 


Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission(GECOM), Steve Surujbally abandoned all pretense of being politically neutral and has returned to the bosom of the People's National Congress(PNC). Surujbally recently made a deal with the devil in which he chose to sacrifice his deputy, Chief Elections Officer Gocool Boodhoo, in order to save his own skin. After its loss at the 2011 elections the PNC's APNU needed scapegoats and saw two in the form of Surujbally and Boodhoo.

The fact that they were of Indo Guyanese ethnicity made it even better and we know that PNC never shies away from riding the ethnic wave. So the riling up of the supporters began post-elections 2011 and PNC supporters were told that Boodhoo and Surujbally cheated them out of the elections.  The homes of both of these official were picketed and a campaign of intimidation was launched.

The PNC wanted heads to roll at GECOM and what did Surujbally do?

Well Surujbally has a very close personal friend in the form of Granger's deputy, Dr Rupert Roopnarine.   Roopnarine was able to negotiate a deal which will see Surjbally joining the opposition commissioners in a vote against Boodhoo's retention upon the expiration of his contract. The commission has 7 members, 3 nominated by the combined opposition, 3 by the government and the chairman- in this case Surujbally. When Boodhoo's retention is not approved by the commission PNC mole and Bodhoo's current deputy, Calvin Benn will be made Chief Elections Officer and Surujbally gets to keep his job as Chairman. By the way, Surujbally was nominated by former PNC and opposition leader Desmond Hoyte. He was always favoured by the PNC, hence his return home to Congress Place.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is what the PNC/AFC is gearing up for:



They have to gear up for all that hard work because what I'd heard was, if the people were to depend on the PPP nothing would be moved they are a bunch of weaklings they cannot move the boxes, hence the use of the forces to do the work for them as seen in the pics.


You guys think you're soooo smart by pulling up pics and putting your own spin on it, nice going you dam  PPP cons.


The PPP/C fought for free and fair elections, and for votes to be counted at polling stations, the SOP's (statement of polls) gives a true reflection of the votes in each constituency

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission(GECOM), Steve Surujbally abandoned all pretense of being politically neutral and has returned to the bosom of the People's National Congress(PNC). Surujbally recently made a deal with the devil in which he chose to sacrifice his deputy, Chief Elections Officer Gocool Boodhoo, in order to save his own skin. After its loss at the 2011 elections the PNC's APNU needed scapegoats and saw two in the form of Surujbally and Boodhoo.

The fact that they were of Indo Guyanese ethnicity made it even better and we know that PNC never shies away from riding the ethnic wave. So the riling up of the supporters began post-elections 2011 and PNC supporters were told that Boodhoo and Surujbally cheated them out of the elections.  The homes of both of these official were picketed and a campaign of intimidation was launched.

The PNC wanted heads to roll at GECOM and what did Surujbally do?

Well Surujbally has a very close personal friend in the form of Granger's deputy, Dr Rupert Roopnarine.   Roopnarine was able to negotiate a deal which will see Surjbally joining the opposition commissioners in a vote against Boodhoo's retention upon the expiration of his contract. The commission has 7 members, 3 nominated by the combined opposition, 3 by the government and the chairman- in this case Surujbally. When Boodhoo's retention is not approved by the commission PNC mole and Bodhoo's current deputy, Calvin Benn will be made Chief Elections Officer and Surujbally gets to keep his job as Chairman. By the way, Surujbally was nominated by former PNC and opposition leader Desmond Hoyte. He was always favoured by the PNC, hence his return home to Congress Place.

Boodoo made a mistake that could have caused us severe strife. He was hasty, overly enthusiastic to declare the PPP the winner by a majority without doing his "sums" properly. That makes him a liability not a scape goat. He has to go since the opposition has no confidence in him. They matter since they represent the majority voice among the Guyanese people if the plebiscite is a measure of it.


You are quick to play the race card without apprehending the reciprocal of the argument. If Surujbally and Boodoo are opposed because of their color what makes them being supported by the PPP not on account of their color as well? You cannot have your cake and eat it. You need to find a middle ground. The PPP clearly play the race and party card when the installed Jaya Manickchand there ( obviously some hick coo.le from Mibicuri would not do but a pedigreed Party knee bender was necessary here)


You folks, because of this idea of paying the race card and because of not seeking the best argument will always be on the loosing side. The same will happen again in the pending elections.


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