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Ruling PPP/C leads APNU & AFC in popular support -according to latest NACTA pollPDFPrintE-mail
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Monday, 20 May 2013 22:43

AN opinion survey conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) earlier this month found that the ruling party (PPP/C)  holds a slight lead over the combined opposition in popular support in the event a snap election were to be held to resolve the parliamentary impasse of the Opposition holding a majority.



Vishnu Bisram

The poll also found that people are split on whether there is a resurgence of anti-Indian racism, with many saying there is palpable racial tension that is being promoted by some race baiters in the media and in Parliament.


The poll randomly interviewed 600 voters to yield a demographically representative sample of the population (44% Indians, 30% Africans, 16% Mixed, 9% Amerindians, and 1% other races). The poll was conducted in face-to-face interviews, and was coordinated by Vishnu
Bisram, a pollster, newspaper columnist, and an educator in New York.

The results of the poll were analysed at a 95 per cent significance level, and a statistical sampling error of plus or minus four percentage points was found. Sampling results based on subgroups (such as Indians or Africans) have a larger sampling error, of about 5%.
Asked if they feel there is a resurgence of anti-Indian racism, 40% of those interviewed said ‘yes’, with 35% saying ‘no’ and 22% saying they were not sure. Almost three-fourths of the Indians interviewed answered in the affirmative, while some two-thirds of those Africans and

Mixed races interviewed answered in the negative, with some saying ‘yes’ and the rest of those interviewed offering no response. Two-thirds of the Amerindians interviewed offered no response to the question, and the others were split 50-50 (yes-no). Many Indians complained about palpable racial tension, saying they can “feel the racial animosity around them.” They complained that the media and certain politicians were promoting racial division.
Asked if an election were called, how they would vote, 45% said PPP, 36% PNC (APNU), 6% AFC, and less than 1% others; with 12% saying they were undecided.


Do you think there has been a resurgence of anti-Indian racism?
Yes     No      Not Sure
40      35       25

Support for Parties
Parties         %
PPP             45
APNU            36
AFC               6
Others             1
Undecided     12

The poll was conducted by Vishnu Bisram for NACTA, a New York-based group with no affiliation to any political party. NACTA has been conducting polls prior to the 1992 elections in Guyana and throughout the Caribbean. Vishnu Bisram has been conducting surveys in Guyana and internationally for almost 25 years.

He has extensive experience in writing and conducting research surveys and polls, and in analysing politics, with direct experience in political affairs, having himself been elected to various positions (including president) in student government over several years.
In addition, he has worked on American Presidential, Gubernatorial, City Council, NY State legislative, Congressional, and mayoral elections in New York since 1984. Mr. Bisram is said to be the holder of several undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in the natural and social sciences and in educational administration, obtained from different universities.
He has taught a variety of subjects in NY, and has been a frequent guest lecturer at educational institutions in Fiji, Mauritius, India and Trinidad.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Prince:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Vishnu has no credibilty. No polls in Guyana is reliable.

Was any poll conducted by (Vishnu Bisram) prior to the 2011 elections?

Yes! He placed the PPP to win with a large majority of votes and the AFC to scrape by with 2 seats. I exposed his bias when I posted his letter to Janet begging for a job.

Originally Posted by Prince:

If Vishnu poll indicated that APNU will win if election is called today, would anyone believe?

The great "sage" Dick Morris once predicted a majority for AFC and that the AFC will form the govt.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
The great "sage" Dick Morris once predicted a majority for AFC and that the AFC will form the govt.

Wishful thoughts by Dick Morris and the AFC.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The results of that poll, must be sending shock-waves in the camps of the joint opposition

Why would it?  ONly 45% will vote PPP, based on the poll.  The PNC always under polls in NACTA's polls.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Prince:

If Vishnu poll indicated that APNU will win if election is called today, would anyone believe?

The great "sage" Dick Morris once predicted a majority for AFC and that the AFC will form the govt.

Why is his name Dick when he wears Panties.


The Guyanese populace has experience the blunt of the joint opposition vendetta against the state, as such will grasp at any opportunity to gag the joint opposition through the polls


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