Could you believe a kullie chap beat his mother and broke her finger and blame it on rum? Yes, it happened in Guyana recently. When the poor old mother can't take it anymore for the third time, she reported it and the son had to appear in court. After the judge heard the case, he gave the drunkard to choose how much time he wanted to spend in jail. You hear that?
The judge said to the drunkard chose from 18 months and under. The drunken bastard said nine months. Case close. Between Judge and the drunken bastard and the victim, I don't know who is worst. It's a lot of ****erey is happening in Guyana that makes you wonder.
There is another twist to the case. People said this chap is a supporter of the AFC because the AFC has many lawyers who can get him off for beating his mother who fed and housed him even though he's a big man. Well, something didn't work as planned. What you guys think, is this case politically motivated or simply the rum is an an evil spirit?