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@Totaram posted:

An editorial in the Guyana Chronicle today suggests that the Returning Officers for Regions 3 and 6 tried to flee the country.  Wonder why?  


You are a full blown idiot...peddling false information..,and violating GNI norms for not posting the source of your information. 

Here is the actual words from the Chronicle (Source: see 5/5/2020  editorial) :

..."returning officers.....wanted to resign and probably run for the border"

"tried" and "probably" are not equivalents.

Besides the Chronicle is a government rag (for the PNC "jim jones cool aid drinkers")...its like this now and it was like this when the PPP controlled it. 

If you take your head out of the sand and look at the other newspapers, you would know that Guyana also rejected the Carter Center request to return for the vote count. You and the coalition supporters know that the coalition will find discrepancies in the ballots (used, unused, spoilt, etc) to eventually drag this process out , then call for a new election. 


@VishMahabir You are an incompetent fool and must be from the same outfit at Freedom House that tabulated the election results before the election because you cite a source dated May 5, 2020.  When I last checked it is still May 3 in Guyana. 

About those two ROs : "Could it be that they were afraid that their attempts to rig Guyana’s elections would be revealed by a full recount and audit? Were they afraid of criminal charges?"  Of course ,there will be discrepancies :  there is strong statistical evidence of that.  Moreover, the PPP lawyer Nandlall has already admitted that when he argued for only the votes to be recounted and not all the contents of the ballot boxes scrutinized.  He, you, and the crooks at Freedom House and Pradoville know what happened and are now in panic mode.  Maybe those ROs could seek asylum at the Canadian High Commission before Chatterjee is recalled.  

As for the Carter Center:  Jimmy Carter is a man of integrity but can one bequeath integrity to his grandson?  The Center is probably still accredited and if they satisfy all requirements could return for the all expenses paid trip to Guyana, compliments of the Canadian taxpayers.  However, Jason Carter's outfit cannot dictate GECOM's schedule.  Is GECOM expected to wait for the Center's representatives to arrive before starting the recount.  The CARICOM folks are the ones tasked with "overseeing" the recount and they are already in Guyana, again compliments of the Canadian taxpayers. Boy, those Canadian taxpayers are a generous lot! 

@Totaram posted:

@VishMahabir You are an incompetent fool and must be from the same outfit at Freedom House that tabulated the election results before the election because you cite a source dated May 5, 2020.  When I last checked it is still May 3 in Guyana. 

About those two ROs : "Could it be that they were afraid that their attempts to rig Guyana’s elections would be revealed by a full recount and audit? Were they afraid of criminal charges?"  Of course ,there will be discrepancies :  there is strong statistical evidence of that.  Moreover, the PPP lawyer Nandlall has already admitted that when he argued for only the votes to be recounted and not all the contents of the ballot boxes scrutinized.  He, you, and the crooks at Freedom House and Pradoville know what happened and are now in panic mode.  Maybe those ROs could seek asylum at the Canadian High Commission before Chatterjee is recalled.  

As for the Carter Center:  Jimmy Carter is a man of integrity but can one bequeath integrity to his grandson?  The Center is probably still accredited and if they satisfy all requirements could return for the all expenses paid trip to Guyana, compliments of the Canadian taxpayers.  However, Jason Carter's outfit cannot dictate GECOM's schedule.  Is GECOM expected to wait for the Center's representatives to arrive before starting the recount.  The CARICOM folks are the ones tasked with "overseeing" the recount and they are already in Guyana, again compliments of the Canadian taxpayers. Boy, those Canadian taxpayers are a generous lot! 

Ok...source is today's GC...noted.

You must be a new one here...I hold no brief for the PPP/C...but "he, you and the crooks at freedom house"...??you must have a crystal ball to know where my alliance lies...

...the real crooks here are Lowenfield and Mingo, who in front of the world attempted to steal an election (with an incompetent and senile Chairperson)...

...and, you and the crooks at Congress Place and at GECOM would have been happy if the Mingo mangled declarations were made...and accepted...and declared by the Chair...and not a squeak would have been raised about the count in the other districts, the numbers of which is unlikely to sway the results based on counts from Region with you and the Chronicle yapping about people possibly trying to run for the border...this sounds like the propaganda coming from Hughes and Ramjattan about Russians hacking into the "electronic system" trying to sway the election for the PPP/C.

it does not matter where your political loyalties lie...but only a blind knucklehead will not be able to decipher right from wrong...and the fact that this government is clearly determined to attract sanctions from the international community.

Regarding Carter..."Jimmy Carter is a man of integrity but can one bequeath integrity to his grandson"...this is how foolish you are...jason Carter is a representative of the Carter Center...integrity comes with his representing and speaking on behalf of the Center (not himself), and the fact that the Center has been involved in this election, as well as the one in 1992. For your information, the Center has been asking for permission to come...which has been denied so far.

@VishMahabir posted:

Ok...source is today's GC...noted.

You must be a new one here...I hold no brief for the PPP/C...but "he, you and the crooks at freedom house"...??you must have a crystal ball to know where my alliance lies...

...the real crooks here are Lowenfield and Mingo, who in front of the world attempted to steal an election (with an incompetent and senile Chairperson)...

...and, you and the crooks at Congress Place and at GECOM would have been happy if the Mingo mangled declarations were made...and accepted...and declared by the Chair...and not a squeak would have been raised about the count in the other districts, the numbers of which is unlikely to sway the results based on counts from Region with you and the Chronicle yapping about people possibly trying to run for the border...this sounds like the propaganda coming from Hughes and Ramjattan about Russians hacking into the "electronic system" trying to sway the election for the PPP/C.

it does not matter where your political loyalties lie...but only a blind knucklehead will not be able to decipher right from wrong...and the fact that this government is clearly determined to attract sanctions from the international community.

Regarding Carter..."Jimmy Carter is a man of integrity but can one bequeath integrity to his grandson"...this is how foolish you are...jason Carter is a representative of the Carter Center...integrity comes with his representing and speaking on behalf of the Center (not himself), and the fact that the Center has been involved in this election, as well as the one in 1992. For your information, the Center has been asking for permission to come...which has been denied so far.

I am quite familiar with the work of the Carter Center.  My remark about Jimmy Carter bequeathing integrity to his grandson obviously went over your head and I don't have time to explain it to you.  The Center has not been denied accreditation for the recount.  If they are having trouble getting permission to come on a particular flight that is a whole different matter.  BTW, there would be numerous observers at the recount and the Carter Center people will not make much of a difference.   

@Totaram posted:

I am quite familiar with the work of the Carter Center.  My remark about Jimmy Carter bequeathing integrity to his grandson obviously went over your head and I don't have time to explain it to you.  The Center has not been denied accreditation for the recount.  If they are having trouble getting permission to come on a particular flight that is a whole different matter.  BTW, there would be numerous observers at the recount and the Carter Center people will not make much of a difference.   

"The Center has not been denied accreditation for the recount."  ??


Dont be coy banna...try reading other newspapers besides the propaganda might learn something...

AND if you are familiar with the Center, you would know that they are probably the most credible of all the observers...particularly since the coalition wants to stop the impending sanctions, and have spent millions on  a dossier (riddled with mis-statements) to convince the US that the opposition is a communist outfit and that the opposition rigged the election...what better way to convince the US that the election was not rigged if the Carter center says the count was accurate and verifiable...?

So before you open your mouth again and let nancy story fall out, read this... 

Guyana govt refuses to approve return of Carter Centre observers


@VishMahabir posted:

"The Center has not been denied accreditation for the recount."  ??


Dont be coy banna...try reading other newspapers besides the propaganda might learn something...

AND if you are familiar with the Center, you would know that they are probably the most credible of all the observers...particularly since the coalition wants to stop the impending sanctions, and have spent millions on  a dossier (riddled with mis-statements) to convince the US that the opposition is a communist outfit and that the opposition rigged the election...what better way to convince the US that the election was not rigged if the Carter center says the count was accurate and verifiable...?

So before you open your mouth again and let nancy story fall out, read this... 

Guyana govt refuses to approve return of Carter Centre observers


Here is what Dave posted on another thread.  It is from a senior Canadian civil servant.  Read it and note that what he says about accreditation. You have to be daft to believe I read only the Chronicle.  

"From the Assistant Deputy Minister for the Americas at Global Affairs Canada. @CanadaFP @stabroeknews @GYChronicle @GYTimes @knewsonline @demwaves @iNewsGuyana @gomoseley @CarterCenter @CarterGuyanaEOM @AmbLynchGuyana @CARICOMorg @CNewsService @DPI_Guyana @newsroomgy

We continue to watch the situation in Guyana. Glad the CARICOM mission has returned but President Granger should also immediately approve return of the Carter Center. They are duly accredited & want to complete their observation mission. @CanAmbGuyana"

@Totaram posted:

Here is what Dave posted on another thread.  It is from a senior Canadian civil servant.  Read it and note that what he says about accreditation. You have to be daft to believe I read only the Chronicle.  

"From the Assistant Deputy Minister for the Americas at Global Affairs Canada. @CanadaFP @stabroeknews @GYChronicle @GYTimes @knewsonline @demwaves @iNewsGuyana @gomoseley @CarterCenter @CarterGuyanaEOM @AmbLynchGuyana @CARICOMorg @CNewsService @DPI_Guyana @newsroomgy

We continue to watch the situation in Guyana. Glad the CARICOM mission has returned but President Granger should also immediately approve return of the Carter Center. They are duly accredited & want to complete their observation mission. @CanAmbGuyana"

Like I should be reading other newspapers...and Dave (whoever he is) should not be your source:

 Chatterjee: I hope Guyana will allow them to return to complete their task.
@CarterCenter has earned the respect of Guyanese citizens & political parties for decades. 
@VishMahabir posted:

Like I should be reading other newspapers...and Dave (whoever he is) should not be your source:

 Chatterjee: I hope Guyana will allow them to return to complete their task.
@CarterCenter has earned the respect of Guyanese citizens & political parties for decades. 

Here is the link jackass.  I read many newspapers.  Your problem is that you can't or don't read properly.  The Carter Center in already accredited.  How one or several of its reps get to Guyana for the Wednesday start of the recount is a different matter.   

@Totaram posted:

Here is the link jackass.  I read many newspapers.  Your problem is that you can't or don't read properly.  The Carter Center in already accredited.  How one or several of its reps get to Guyana for the Wednesday start of the recount is a different matter.   

Dufus...lets try this one last your words...then go very letter at a trime...

"If they are having trouble getting permission to come on a particular flight that is a whole different matter.  BTW, there would be numerous observers at the recount and the Carter Center people will not make much of a difference. "....

Carter Center blocked from returning to observe recount


Stupidee, you read headlines and make conclusions.  And, you read headlines from PPP news outlets. What a fool! You need to take a course in comprehension.  Nincompoop, The Carter Center was accredited to observe the election and that accreditation stands.  They are not blocked.  Wheteher or not they could make it for Wednesday's start of the recount is obviously dependent on several logistical issues.  Maybe the  Canadian taxpayers will fund their corona virus tests and Trudeau will loan them a plane. 



"The Carter Center was accredited to observe the election and that accreditation stands.  They are not blocked."


Banna...go to sleep, your brain looks tired...your cuss down and attempt to create a straw man for your statement flies in the face of the evidence...

Knucklehead...before you say something more stupid...

Here try this one, its not a PPP news outlet...ask Django if it is...

I will continue to expose your that you got my attention

US, Canada ratchet up pressure on Guyana for return of Carter Centre observers


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