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Russia mulls investing in hydropower in Guyana

Russia is exploring the possibility of investing in the development of hydropower stations in Guyana.
In restating its commitment to contribute to the economic growth of the Guyanese economy, Russia noted that another possible area of bilateral cooperation is that of renewable energy.

This proclamation comes at a time when Russia and Guyana have enjoyed 45 years of diplomatic relations.
“Forty-five years is an age when everything just begins,” the Russian Embassy noted in a statement.

Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov shaking hands after signing of the bilateral visa waiver agreement in September

Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov shaking hands after signing of the bilateral visa waiver agreement in September

The Embassy disclosed that a Russian company, MNTO INSET has plans to build mini-hydropower stations in Guyana, which will contribute to the country’s green energy development initiative. To discuss specific projects, both sides are preparing for the first meeting of the bilateral Working Group on cooperation in the field of geology, as was agreed between the Ministries of Natural Resources of Russia and Guyana in 2014.

In addition to hydropower plants, Russia said it stood ready to exchange mining knowledge; explore new relations and market opportunities; teach and train more students and policemen; host special courses for Guyanese diplomats at the Russian Diplomatic Academy; and to generally continue to contribute to the growth and development of the Guyanese economy.

It was explained that countries have the ability to accomplish more when working together, and this was the direction Russia foresaw for the relationship between itself and Guyana.

“We are looking forward to signing agreements on promotion and reciprocal protection of investments, mutual recognition of diplomas and cooperation between law enforcement agencies including counter-drug investigation and cooperation,” the statement noted.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) commonly called the Soviet Union was among the first States to recognise Guyana after it gained independence in 1966.

The political cooperation between the Soviet Union and the newly independent South American nation developed rapidly throughout the years.
Guyana’s then Prime Minister Linden Forbes Burnham paid an official visit to Moscow in April 1978. Late President Dr Cheddi Jagan travelled to the Soviet Union more than once.

The Delegation of the Supreme Soviet visited Guyana in 1988.
Throughout the 1970-1980s a number of bilateral agreements were signed, covering cooperation in the fields of trade, economy, culture, science and fishing.

Under these agreements on trade and technical cooperation, the Soviet Union exported machinery to Guyana including three Mi-8 helicopters and four Tu-154 jet planes for the national air carrier “Guyana Airways”.

On January 8, 1992, Guyana officially recognised the Russian Federation as the USSR’s successor. In 1995, the bilateral protocol on political consultation between the Foreign Ministers of both countries was signed. Since then, several rounds of talks have taken place, the latest – in October this year.
In 2004, Russia and Guyana concluded the intergovernmental agreement on the settlement of Guyanese debts, which resulted in the Russian Federation cancelling US$16.2 million, without any political preconditions and requirements. In 2013, the remainder of the debts – US$266,000 – was written off.
This beneficial arrangement for Guyana was reached after a meeting between former President Bharrat Jagdeo and President Vladimir Putin in Moscow in 2003.

Although bilateral trade is relatively small, Russian investments are quite significant, exceeding US$150 million. The Russian company, RUSAL, a major global aluminium producer, has contributed to Guyana’s economic growth since 2004 after setting up a joint venture enterprise. The company employs more than 500 Guyanese. Despite the current difficulties on the world market, the company continues bauxite exploration in Guyana. During 2013-2015, it invested US$90 million in the industry and started new exploration in Region 1 (Upper Demerara-Berbice).

During this time, RUSAL has been pursuing a socially responsible policy, providing water and television transmission in Kwakwani, Aroaima and Hururu, bus service to schoolchildren as well as computers; grants to teachers; professional heavy machinery training to young workers. RUSAL also provided a number of scholarships to the prestigious People’s Friendship University in Moscow. Other Russian companies have also invested in exploration of mineral resources in Guyana, including gold mining.

Additionally, the Russian Federation grants scholarships to Guyanese students in various fields on an annual basis. More than 200 Guyanese graduated from Russian universities as doctors, engineers and diplomats.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Rusal is a private company that the PPP got involved with. The Russian government is dealing with a new Guyanese government. You are far too quick to assume that the incompetence of the PPP when dealing with the Russians is the benchmark of what can be achieved by the AFC. Who in the PPP negotiated the Rusal contract? Now, there is your answer why it went belly up.

Mr.T posted:

Rusal is a private company that the PPP got involved with. The Russian government is dealing with a new Guyanese government. You are far too quick to assume that the incompetence of the PPP when dealing with the Russians is the benchmark of what can be achieved by the AFC. Who in the PPP negotiated the Rusal contract? Now, there is your answer why it went belly up.

Quote "Throughout the 1970-1980s a number of bilateral agreements were signed, covering cooperation in the fields of trade, economy, culture, science and fishing."unquote

T, I thought that in 1970 - 1980's the PNC was governing Guyana when these agreements were signed, by the PNC,  wasn't that so? Guyana was in the doldrum then........worst off than Haiti.

asj posted:
Mr.T posted:

Rusal is a private company that the PPP got involved with. The Russian government is dealing with a new Guyanese government. You are far too quick to assume that the incompetence of the PPP when dealing with the Russians is the benchmark of what can be achieved by the AFC. Who in the PPP negotiated the Rusal contract? Now, there is your answer why it went belly up.

Quote "Throughout the 1970-1980s a number of bilateral agreements were signed, covering cooperation in the fields of trade, economy, culture, science and fishing."unquote

T, I thought that in 1970 - 1980's the PNC was governing Guyana when these agreements were signed, by the PNC,  wasn't that so? Guyana was in the doldrum then........worst off than Haiti.

That is the motive of the article to highlight the days of the PNC rule under Burnham,the young ones in Guyana don't know that name,so the Guyana Times(PPP mouth piece)is on a mission to educate them,look out for more articles on Burnham,will it be effective the result will be in 2020.

Last edited by Django
Mitwah posted:

Burnham dead 30 years ago. Dem young folks in Guyana don't know about those days under the PNC. Most of dem know of the days under de PPP/C.

All 13 yr old in May 2015 will attain voting age in 2020,so they will decide the faith of APNU/AFC,PPP can continue resurrect Burnham.

Last edited by Django

Wishful thinking. Russia has little excess capital to address its own internal needs. With sanctions on going it is being crippled financially. They did not diversify their economy and the total dependency on oil has them in a state of need that will continue for a long time.

Stormborn posted:

Wishful thinking. Russia has little excess capital to address its own internal needs. With sanctions on going it is being crippled financially. They did not diversify their economy and the total dependency on oil has them in a state of need that will continue for a long time.

That's the Western propaganda. Russia is the world's largest oil exporter and has been propping up the Syrian army financially. Russia's national debt is also far less than the US.


Russia might be moving next door to Venezuela. How will the Americans look at Russia expanding at their backdoor? Wasn't this why Jagan was overthrown and the PNC under Forbes was installed? The rest is history.

Mr.T posted:

Rusal is a private company that the PPP got involved with. The Russian government is dealing with a new Guyanese government. You are far too quick to assume that the incompetence of the PPP when dealing with the Russians is the benchmark of what can be achieved by the AFC. Who in the PPP negotiated the Rusal contract? Now, there is your answer why it went belly up.

HAHAHAHAHA  Well I guess suddenly these brain dead IDIOTS finally realize Russia is not all that bad.

Nehru posted:
Mr.T posted:

Rusal is a private company that the PPP got involved with. The Russian government is dealing with a new Guyanese government. You are far too quick to assume that the incompetence of the PPP when dealing with the Russians is the benchmark of what can be achieved by the AFC. Who in the PPP negotiated the Rusal contract? Now, there is your answer why it went belly up.

HAHAHAHAHA  Well I guess suddenly these brain dead IDIOTS finally realize Russia is not all that bad.

It do wonder sometimes if a jackass has a higher IQ than you .

Mr.T posted:
Stormborn posted:

Wishful thinking. Russia has little excess capital to address its own internal needs. With sanctions on going it is being crippled financially. They did not diversify their economy and the total dependency on oil has them in a state of need that will continue for a long time.

That's the Western propaganda. Russia is the world's largest oil exporter and has been propping up the Syrian army financially. Russia's national debt is also far less than the US.

We live in a modern world where one can see the store shelves in Moscow. Oil has gone through the floor so it alone cannot support russia. Russia is half the size of the us and its economy less than a tenth of the US.

Stormborn posted:
Mr.T posted:
Stormborn posted:

Wishful thinking. Russia has little excess capital to address its own internal needs. With sanctions on going it is being crippled financially. They did not diversify their economy and the total dependency on oil has them in a state of need that will continue for a long time.

That's the Western propaganda. Russia is the world's largest oil exporter and has been propping up the Syrian army financially. Russia's national debt is also far less than the US.

We live in a modern world where one can see the store shelves in Moscow. Oil has gone through the floor so it alone cannot support russia. Russia is half the size of the us and its economy less than a tenth of the US.

And you think the Russian government is showing you the pictures of their shelves? I bet the Russians see the ghettos of LA on their news.

Mr.T posted:
Nehru posted:
Mr.T posted:

Rusal is a private company that the PPP got involved with. The Russian government is dealing with a new Guyanese government. You are far too quick to assume that the incompetence of the PPP when dealing with the Russians is the benchmark of what can be achieved by the AFC. Who in the PPP negotiated the Rusal contract? Now, there is your answer why it went belly up.

HAHAHAHAHA  Well I guess suddenly these brain dead IDIOTS finally realize Russia is not all that bad.

It do wonder sometimes if a jackass has a higher IQ than you .

Keep wondering you illiterate shit Head IDIOT!!! Here is the FACTS, you are nothing but a brain dead FOOL!!!!!!

Stormborn posted:

Wishful thinking. Russia has little excess capital to address its own internal needs. With sanctions on going it is being crippled financially. They did not diversify their economy and the total dependency on oil has them in a state of need that will continue for a long time.

Not sure what you mean, this will be all "organic" Russian, left pocket, right pocket and a nice performing Receivable!


FACT: In the entire English-speaking Caribbean, Russia chose Guyana to build its largest embassy during the previous PNC regime. The then Leader of the Opposition, Cheddi Jagan, said the Russian Embassy building was a "monument to Soviet-Guyanese friendship."

Today Russia maintains good relations with Guyana while having better relations with Venezuela. Russia is offering Guyana mini-hydropower plants while supplying Venezuela with fighter jets and helicopter gunships. Let's reflect on this.

Gilbakka posted:

FACT: In the entire English-speaking Caribbean, Russia chose Guyana to build its largest embassy during the previous PNC regime. The then Leader of the Opposition, Cheddi Jagan, said the Russian Embassy building was a "monument to Soviet-Guyanese friendship."

Today Russia maintains good relations with Guyana while having better relations with Venezuela. Russia is offering Guyana mini-hydropower plants while supplying Venezuela with fighter jets and helicopter gunships. Let's reflect on this.

Russians are chess players, they bombing the crap out of the Syrian opposition and leaving ISIS alone...for now.  They are good friends with the Chavistas yet offer to build a hydro plant in the middle of the disputed territory.  We in the US play muddled politics, they play"close to the chest" chess.

baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

FACT: In the entire English-speaking Caribbean, Russia chose Guyana to build its largest embassy during the previous PNC regime. The then Leader of the Opposition, Cheddi Jagan, said the Russian Embassy building was a "monument to Soviet-Guyanese friendship."

Today Russia maintains good relations with Guyana while having better relations with Venezuela. Russia is offering Guyana mini-hydropower plants while supplying Venezuela with fighter jets and helicopter gunships. Let's reflect on this.

Russians are chess players, they bombing the crap out of the Syrian opposition and leaving ISIS alone...for now. 

The West constantly puts it in the news that Russia is leaving isis alone. But that  is not the view of the isis backers like Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Russia destroyed around 1000 isis vehicles in about 24 hours just a month or so ago. Because we in the West have no credible means to verify who the Russians are bombing, we are being told all sorts of lies about their operation in Syria.

But irrespective of that, all the terrorists in Syria are bad guys. So bombing the lot of them makes sense.


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