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Russia sending large landing ship to Syrian coast: navy source


Russia’s landing ship Nikolai Filchenkov [file photo)

Russia is dispatching a massive landing ship carrying ‘special cargo’ toward the Syrian coast, a report says.

Russia’s Interfax news agency quoted an unnamed Russian navy official as saying that Nikolai Filchenkov will leave the Ukrainian port city of Sevastopol later on Friday.

“The vessel will dock in Novorossiysk, where it will take special cargo on board and head to the designated area of military service in the eastern Mediterranean,” the source said.

The source, however, did not elaborate on the nature of the cargo.

Russia has recently deployed other warships to the Eastern Mediterranean in an effort to beef up its naval grouping in the region amid the intensifying US war rhetoric against Syria.

On September 1, Moscow dispatched its Priazovye reconnaissance ship tasked with collecting information in the tense region, which will be operating separately from the naval unit.

Russian military sources said on September 4 that Moscow was sending three more naval ships, including a missile cruiser, to the Eastern Mediterranean. The missile cruiser is to be joined by two other vessels, a destroyer from Russia’s Baltic Fleet and a frigate from the Black Sea Fleet.

The war rhetoric against Syria intensified after Syria militants claimed the army had carried out a fatal chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus on August 21, which killed hundreds of Syrians.

Damascus has repeatedly said the attack was a false-flag operation carried out by the Takfiri groups in a bid to draw in foreign military intervention.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on September 3 that Moscow has its own plans to deal with a US military offensive against Syria.

“We have our own ideas about what we would do and how we would do it if the situation develops toward the use of force or otherwise,” Putin said.


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Russia sends four more warships to Mediterranean Sea near Syria


Russia sends four more warships to Mediterranean Sea.

A flotilla of four Russian warships is heading to the Mediterranean Sea near the Syrian waters, Russian Defense Ministry says.

The ministry said in a statement to Russian media on Tuesday that the four warships will join an escort ship and smaller vessels, which are currently on duty in the area.

Russia’s Ria Novosti news agency quoted a military source as saying that the main task of the deployed ships could be participating in a possible evacuation of Russian nationals from Syria.

"Even though the tasks of the warships has not been announced, it can be assumed that given the development of the situation in the region their main job will be taking part in a possible evacuation of Russian citizens from Syria," the source said, according to the Russian news agency.

Also on Tuesday, Russian Emergencies Ministry said it sent two planes to the Syrian port city of Latakia to transfer 46 tons of humanitarian aid for civilians in the Arab country.

A ministry spokesman also said the planes would evacuate any Russians wanting to return to Russia on the flight back.

Russia also deployed five landing ships, carrying military vehicles and hundreds of marines, as well as combat vessels in the eastern Mediterranean in January.

The diplomatic sources said at the time that the ships were deployed to participate in a naval drill and to deter any military intervention by the Western states in Syria.

In December, Russia also sent warships carrying a marines unit to Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartus, where Moscow has a naval base.



Russia sends warships to Mediterranean Sea


Russian Black fleet ships take part in a Russian military Navy Day parade near an important navy base in the Ukrainian town of Sevastopol, on July 31, 2011.

A new fleet of Russian warships is heading to the Mediterranean Sea near the Syrian waters, Russia's Defense Ministry announces.

The ministry said on Tuesday that the flotilla has left the Baltic port of Baltiysk and is sailing for the Mediterranean.

It said the flotilla includes the frigate Yaroslavl Mudry, the landing ships Kaliningrad and Alexander Shabalin as well as two other vessels.

The ministry said that the Russian naval ships would carry out training drill after replacing another fleet in the Mediterranean.

Citing military sources, the Interfax news agency reported last week that the flotilla could be used to evacuate the Russians living in Syria in case the situation in the country worsens.

Russia, a key ally of Syria, has a small naval maintenance facility at the Syrian port of Tartus in the Mediterranean Sea.


Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by asj:

On the brink of WW111?



The question is: Why is the House of Saud setting up this trap for America?

The House of Saud can only set Traps for Dummies like you.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

You are looking for attention or missed your medication

When you are young and virile attention always comes your way, unlike a grotesque crab-dog like you.


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