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Russia writes off G $56.7M of Guyana’s debt


Friday 01 February, 2013, Source


Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh and Russian Ambassador to Guyana Mr Nikolay Smirnov shake hands after signing the debt write-off.


Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Guyana; Nikolay Smirnov and Finance Minister; Dr. Ashni Singh exchanged official documents that conclude and bring into force the full cancellation of G $56.7M or US$277,490.24 outstanding debt to the former member of the Soviet Union.


The cancellation occur as a result of two loans that were contracted on October 23 and December 24, 1984 between the Guyana National  Cooperative Bank (GNCB) on behalf of the Guyana and a Russian Foreign Trade Agency; Avia Export.


Finance Minister; Dr. Ashni Singh expressed  gratitude on behalf of the government and people of Guyana to the ambassador Nikolay Smirnov and the Russian Government and people for their support throughout the years.


The Russian federation had previously provided debt relief to Guyana in December 22, 2004 by writing off 98.32% of Guyana’s debt, which was in excess of US $9M. The current write-off covers the remaining balance.


This agreement puts into effect the decision taken by the Russian federation in December 2006 to write off 100% of the debt of those countries who had reached completion point under the enhanced heavily indebted poor countries initiative by December 31 2006 including Guyana.


The funds are to be used by Guyana to finance projects in the areas of poverty reduction, environmental protection as well as the economic development.


The agreement was signed by the two governments to further develop cooperation and strengthen cordial friendship between the two countries to attain the millennium development goals.


In recent years, Russia and Guyana have been successfully cooperating in areas of economic and human capital investments including scholarships from the Russian Government and the bauxite company of Guyana incorporated which is subsidiary of Russia’s Aluminum Company (RUSAL).

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Russia cancels Guyana debts … Writes off 1984 helicopter $57M loans


February 2, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, makes a point to Russian Ambassador to Guyana, Nikolay Smirnov (at right), yesterday. At left is an official of the Russian Embassy


Russia has cancelled almost $57M in debt owed by Guyana. Yesterday, Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, and Nikolay Smirnov, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Guyana, exchanged official documents that concluded Guyana’s debt owed to Russia for US$277,490.24 or G$56.7M.

The cancelled debt originated from two loans contracted on October 23, 1984 and December 24, 1984 between the former Guyana National Co-operative Bank (GNCB) on behalf of the Government of Guyana and “Aviaexport”, a Russian foreign trade agency, for an amount totaling US$9,409,044.71 to purchase two military helicopters for the Guyana Defence Force (GDF).

The Russian Federation had previously provided debt relief to Guyana on December 22, 2004 by writing-off 98.32 per cent of the US$16,573,498.37 that was outstanding at that time. The current write-off covers the remaining balance.

According to the state-owned news agency, this agreement puts into effect the decision taken by the Russian Federation in December 2006 to go beyond the Paris Club Initiative and write-off 100 per cent of the debt of those countries who had reached completion point under the Enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative by December 31, 2006, including Guyana.

The funds are to be used to assist Guyana in financing projects in the areas of poverty reduction, environmental protection as well as economic development.

According to the joint statement, the agreement was signed by the two Governments with a view to developing cooperation, strengthening the cordial friendship between the two countries and striving together to attain the Millennium Development Goals as stipulated in the United Nations Millennium Declaration of September 8, 2000.

Russia and Guyana have been successfully cooperating in the areas of economic and human capital investments.

In recent years, a number of Guyanese students have benefited from scholarships from the Russian Government  and the Bauxite Company of Guyana Incorporated (BCGI), a subsidiary of RUSAL (Russia’s Aluminium Company), to attend universities in Russia.

In 2012, the five Guyanese students, who were sponsored by the Russian Government, returned to Guyana as specialists in the various areas, after having completed their course of study.

Another five students who were sponsored by BCGI in 2011 to study in Russia are yet to complete their studies.  Upon their return to Guyana, they would be hired to work for BCGI.

“BCGI is a flagship joint venture of successful economic cooperation and is a top bauxite producer with significant payments of royalties.

“The company has plans to increase production to 1.9 million tonnes in 2013 thereby bringing new jobs for Guyanese,” the statement said.

According to the government, RUSAL, throughout its local bauxite subsidiary, has spent close to $20M on various projects as part of its social commitment to the Region 10 community.

“Guyana continues to inspire Russian artists and to attract tourists. In October 2012, a Russian artist, Maya Lobova, employed by BCGI, presented her paintings at the Castellani House and received a warm welcome and positive responses from Guyanese as well as foreign visitors.”


Russia made the loan to Guyana and decided to write it off. Jagdeo and the PPP champion many debts write off which the PNC had never done. It shows who the world appreciate because only Indo Guyanese had studied in Russia. Blackman was too busy thieving and drownding in debt.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Russia made the loan to Guyana and decided to write it off. Jagdeo and the PPP champion many debts write off which the PNC had never done. It shows who the world appreciate because only Indo Guyanese had studied in RussiaBlackman was too busy thieving and drownding in debt.

That's exactly where commies study..Russia. Commie/Taliban/Terrorist lover you.


The last paragraph is just f$#@#ng stupid.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

.. only Indo Guyanese had studied in Russia.

Numerous Afro-Guyanese studied in Russia and many were employed at Guyana Bauxite Company, Guyana Geological Surveys, etc., etc..

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Russia made the loan to Guyana and decided to write it off. Jagdeo and the PPP champion many debts write off which the PNC had never done. It shows who the world appreciate because only Indo Guyanese had studied in Russia. Blackman was too busy thieving and drownding in debt.

pajama pants, most of Guyana are drowning in debts. It is only the indo thieves in the PPP that are prospering. BTW, Russia was not known for educating anyone. Its instruction camps were designed to mint new communists disciples for the third world.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
BTW, Russia was not known for educating anyone.

Really, Stormborn? 

If you meant minting communists then they did!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
BTW, Russia was not known for educating anyone.

Really, Stormborn? 

If you meant minting communists then they did!

It is your meaning, Stormborn .. not mine. 


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