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(CNN) [Breaking news alert, posted at 12:38 p.m. ET Monday]

In a video circulating on social media that shows the shooting of the Russian ambassador to Turkey, the shooter is heard shouting, "Allahu akbar (God is great). Do not forget Aleppo! Do not forget Syria! Do not forget Aleppo! Do not forget Syria!"
This is the problem that put Islam on trial in front of the world for shouting the name of Allah when you kill a man, woman or child. How can decent Muslim explain this nonsense? 
kp posted:

Why a "Breaking News" has to be a Muslim killing in the name of ALLAH. and in Berlin nine dead and several injured in the name of ISIS. I did not write this for reply from any "Terrorist Sympathizers"

The people who defend terrorists are those who bite off more that they can chew in these circumstances. In other words, they speak with authority to solve the world's problem, but in reality, they can hardly manage their home and daily lives. 

Prashad posted:

Getting rid of the secular government in Syria to replace it with a rebel government that you don't know much about is a dumb move that has clearly proved wrong in Iraq. I hope Trump sees the fantasy that was created in Syria by Obama and Hillary.

Yes Syria with Russia killing thousands of innocent babies is something that you must approve of.

I do in fact recall that a mere few months ago Trump was screaming at Obama for being soft and that he should have been bombing the hell out of Assad.

I guess Putin called him and said that he isn't authorized to do anything like that.

RiffRaff posted:
kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:
kp posted:

Who the cap fits ,let them wear it!!

are you afraid to name names

Is that a threat. I fear no one. you answered . 

What proof do you have?

I assume you are an intelligent person, but I have been wrong before.I wrote"I did not write this for reply FROM  any "Terrorist Sympathizers". And then low and behold you want me to show proof? proof of WHAT!! All I would ask of you is, are you a terrorist sympathizer???

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Getting rid of the secular government in Syria to replace it with a rebel government that you don't know much about is a dumb move that has clearly proved wrong in Iraq. I hope Trump sees the fantasy that was created in Syria by Obama and Hillary.

Yes Syria with Russia killing thousands of innocent babies is something that you must approve of.

I do in fact recall that a mere few months ago Trump was screaming at Obama for being soft and that he should have been bombing the hell out of Assad.

I guess Putin called him and said that he isn't authorized to do anything like that.

Don't worry Carib Trump is going to get you a job on the side to make dollar store products to complete with the China Chinaman dollar store products.It will give you a good small piece on the side.

Prashad posted:

Don't worry Carib

Don't worry about me. Worry about the fact that your wife is going to scream at you again for telling her kids that their mother has a vulgar pirate culture.

I bet you don't dare tell your wife to her face that she is a degraded cultural spawn of pirates.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

Yes Syria with Russia killing thousands of innocent babies is something that you must approve of.

There is no credible evidence to support those claims by the Islamists. The Western press have been quick to repeat those claims in the new post-truth era. I am shocked that you are so gullible. With all the men fighting or in captivity, as also claimed by these Islamists, how did all those women get pregnant for them to have babies?

Mr.T posted:
caribny posted:

Yes Syria with Russia killing thousands of innocent babies is something that you must approve of.

There is no credible evidence to support those claims by the Islamists. The Western press have been quick to repeat those claims in the new post-truth era. I am shocked that you are so gullible. With all the men fighting or in captivity, as also claimed by these Islamists, how did all those women get pregnant for them to have babies?

Passion of LOVE.

Prashad posted:

Carib I love the woman. The woman gave me two kids. I voted for Trump she voted for Clinton.  That is her choice. I don't influence her with her politics. I don't expect her to influence me.

Prashad, are you mental or sick? Why do you have Caribj on a daily basis insult you  in regards  your wife. Carib the so called black coolie boy choose to attack you in a personal manner and you encourage the insults. Maybe you should exchange digits so you don't have to display your personal life on GNI.

Prashad posted:

Carib I love the woman. The woman gave me two kids. I voted for Trump she voted for Clinton.  That is her choice. I don't influence her with her politics. I don't expect her to influence me.

You love this woman with her "degraded pirate culture".

Did you ever tell her this is what you think of her culture and belief system?  Or that you expect her to adapt a culture which doesn't reflect her heritage, and to encourage her kids to also refuse to accept what she is as part of their heritage?

Bet you didn't.  You can only play big man on GNI.

Mr.T posted:
caribny posted:

Yes Syria with Russia killing thousands of innocent babies is something that you must approve of.

There is no credible evidence to support those claims by the Islamists.

You are the gullible one swallowing Putin propaganda.  Pity that you endorse the slaughter of Syrian babies.  Every one knows that the other side gets no help as the USA has refused to help them, so clearly it is Russian bombs which do the killing.

I think that you need to absorb the fact that all of the ultra right wins racist groups in Europe and in North America see Putin as their hero. That ought to tell you something.   Plus the fact that Putin called Obama a "monkey".

. Carib the so called black coolie boy choose to attack you in a personal manner

I have received so many personal attacks on GNI so those who wail that I personally attack them show how weak they are.

Prashad screams that black Caribbean people are degraded and then has a black Caribbean wife (doesn't matter that she is red as culturally she is of the same culture as black Caribbean people and for that matter white Caribbean people are).

So he will be told what a hypocrite he is until he ceases his racist degradation of the culture of the creole Caribbean people.


And it is not I who insult Prashad's wife. It is prashad himself when he screams that his kids should embrace both their creole and Indo Caribbean heritages, and it is he who reduces his wife to being of a "vulgar pirate culture".

You know full well that he dare not tell his wife this as she doesn't seem the type to tolerate that disrespect for who she is and what she represents.

Last edited by Former Member

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