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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I think too many people are too uptight nowadays. People get pissed if someone wants to pray or not, what people eat and what they don't. How they dress and how they don't and how they party or not. I am in this photo taken by my wife and we have no problem with the "nasty wine" stuff that y'all are loosing sleep over. Live and let live. If it is not your cup of tea, order something different. Sheeeecccchhhhh.  


Kaz, I don't know if my eyes suddenly get cataract today, but I see 5 big-bubby gyals and me cyaant believe dat you among dem. You sure you in the photo?

I cut mehself from de picture bai. Don't want to get into trouble with the imam.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I think too many people are too uptight nowadays. People get pissed if someone wants to pray or not, what people eat and what they don't. How they dress and how they don't and how they party or not. I am in this photo taken by my wife and we have no problem with the "nasty wine" stuff that y'all are loosing sleep over. Live and let live. If it is not your cup of tea, order something different. Sheeeecccchhhhh.  


Kaz, I don't know if my eyes suddenly get cataract today, but I see 5 big-bubby gyals and me cyaant believe dat you among dem. You sure you in the photo?

I cut mehself from de picture bai. Don't want to get into trouble with the imam.  


Wow....a hypocrite fullahman. I just can't imagine


Do you also wash down your halal labba with a nice bud light?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Douglarization is driving fear into these racists.


This isn't about douglarization chap. This is about public simulations of sex and other vulgar disgusting displays unbecoming of a civilized people. Everyone has a bedroom for a reason (or seawall for those who need it).


This is a poor reflection of a nation for people to dress as idiots or whores and parade down the streets of the capital.

She wants us to march down the street like English people.


Sorry to inform you but Guyanese and other Caribbean people have been wining since they arrived from Africa and will continue to wine until global change kills us off.


Who vex, vex!

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Douglarization is driving fear into these racists.


This isn't about douglarization chap. This is about public simulations of sex and other vulgar disgusting displays unbecoming of a civilized people. Everyone has a bedroom for a reason (or seawall for those who need it).


This is a poor reflection of a nation for people to dress as idiots or whores and parade down the streets of the capital.

Please, y'all get a life. What do you expect people to do in a carnival? Read the Bible and sing Hymns? I bet she would not have called if it was tassa drums mekkin noise.

No if she heard that irritating mosquito music called Bollywood assaulting people's ears that would have been fine with her.


If she can show irritation at my culture I will definitely return the compliments.  This confounded nonsense where Indians are allowed to INSULT blacks must STOP!


If she objects to skimpy clothing that is one thing.  But she objects to the WHOLE thing!

Originally Posted by Mars:
It is much more than people making a lil bit of noise on a Mash night. Tell me that this woman is not living in fear of Douglarization and Mash is probably the biggest event that has her shitting herself. In her own words she is scared out of her wits of "the assimilation of Indians into the Black Creole Culture." She's the head of an organization which promotes cricket matches and other events "for Indians Only" in a multicultural society.

According to the association's president Ryhaan Shah, the GIHA is "really a lobbying group" that paradoxically arose to fight for "Indian rights in a country where Indians are the majority." The GIHA claims this was necessary because of the "marginalization of Indian culture, and the assimilation of Indians into the Black Creole Culture." As far as Ms Shah is concerned, the PPP/C allows this to happen and even "backs the idea of assimilation." She claims the government was never interested in Indian Culture:.......

And that is exactly her fear.  In Trinidad Indo racists like her are ditto. When Panday was dancing "nani wine down low"  (and unlike Ramotar and jagdeo, his wining skills are above par), no comments, but this year a young Indo female was caught wining on Rowley, the Leader of the Opposition.  Loud screams.


Yes an Indo female willingly wining on a black man has all of them running in panic.


The Indo female called all of them to quit being racist and told them to "go haul dey azz".


Yes she has a legitimate concern of the excessive use of skimpy costumes (largely done to keep costs low).  She can debate about a party in a residential area.  But you know if some Hindu party, extending for days was occurring and black neighbors objected she would call them racist.


If the woman is assaulted by Afro Caribbean culture she can gladly return to her ancestral home!



Originally Posted by Kari:

the excessive use of skimpy costumes (largely done to keep costs low).



That was the reason in Trinidad, and I don't see why it wouldn't be in considerably poorer Guyana.  People in Trinidad stopped being interested in saving for the entire year and starving to afford the elaborate costumes that they used to, so the string costumes arrived.  Much cheaper to produce.


Note that these costumes are usually individually produced, not factory made, so costs are fairly high.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Keeping costs and morals low, very low!


The young kindergartners are being socialized to accept vulgarity at an early age.


Burnham used to be condemned for forcing school children to go to those things, and here we have the PPP Rogues doing the same.  Sorry for those 4 little children who died.

Some of the most accomplished winers have always been the small kids, who lack the inhibitions that adults sometimes have.  I need to inform you that this was the case long before Mash.


As to skimpy costumes. I assume that you don't go to the beach.


The westerners have a way of describing underwear type clothing as "costumes."


Beware of such cultural distortions and cultural imperialism.


American TV has destroyed our people.  They see all this wickedness and they think that's what "cool" and "civilized" is all about.


The Bollywood new movies are complete sellouts of what used to be a decent culture.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The westerners have a way of describing underwear type clothing as "costumes."


Beware of such cultural distortions and cultural imperialism.


American TV has destroyed our people.  They see all this wickedness and they think that's what "cool" and "civilized" is all about.


The Bollywood new movies are complete sellouts of what used to be a decent culture.

Shut the Hell up! Who are you to tell anyone how they should live their life?


You religious nutjobs should just take a time machine back to the days of your prophet if you don't want to live in the modern world.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The westerners have a way of describing underwear type clothing as "costumes."


Beware of such cultural distortions and cultural imperialism.


American TV has destroyed our people.  They see all this wickedness and they think that's what "cool" and "civilized" is all about.


The Bollywood new movies are complete sellouts of what used to be a decent culture.

Like you dont like lil Punani pun the side???

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I performed on the stage at National Park for Mash..I was around 15

Because of my singing abilities, I was picked to perform at the National Cultural Center when it opened but refused because even as a teenager, I was not interested in entertaining Burnham.


I see you was one a dem bacha bazi bais

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I performed on the stage at National Park for Mash..I was around 15

Because of my singing abilities, I was picked to perform at the National Cultural Center when it opened but refused because even as a teenager, I was not interested in entertaining Burnham.


I see you was one a dem bacha bazi bais

Nah bai. I set clear limits about certain things. Those people in my posted pic are more my direction.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Actually, I played one of D2's people...

Who are D2 people?


Depends on the argument, time a day, subject, thread, or just how he feels that particular day

After-all, de man said the odda day that not all dragons are the same.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Actually, I played one of D2's people...

Who are D2 people?


Depends on the argument, time a day, subject, thread, or just how he feels that particular day

After-all, de man said the odda day that not all dragons are the same.


Was he speaking as a 1/33rd dragon or as a full blooded type dragon?


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