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Roger Jimenez

Sacramento Baptist preacher Roger Jimenez took to the pulpit hours after a mass shooting in Orlando, Florida that left 50 dead and dozens injured. But instead of words of comfort, Jimenez offered up praise for the killer and urged more killings of LGBT people.

“Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?” the pastor of Verity Baptist Church said in the sermon. “Um no, I think that’s great! I think that helps society. I think Orlando, Florida is a little safer tonight.”

“We don’t need to do anything to help. As far as I’m concerned, Orlando is a little bit safer tonight,” he said. “If we lived in a righteous government, they should round them all up and put them up against a firing wall, and blow their brains out.”

Local activist Sandrea Nelson, Pride director of the Davis-Phoenix coalition, gave a profound statement to the Sacramento Bee when asked about Jimenez’ comments from the pulpit.

“He’s not a man of God. He is not teaching religion,” he said.

Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson also condemned Jimenez’ statements in a post on Twitter.


Video of Jimenez’s “sermon” was quickly taken down by YouTube for violating the site’s hate speech policy. Watch a report from Sacramento’s CBS station on page two.


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People should not worried over Trump. Here we have a bigger problem on hand by a baptist preacher calling for more deaths on Gay/Lesbian. Now we are having a religious war against people that God created.



Orthodox Jew Posts Facebook Rant Celebrating Orlando Massacre: If An Arab Did This, Good For Him [VIDEO]


JMG reader Chaim Levin sends us the below clip in which Yosef Edery, a Brooklyn member of the Chabad Orthodox Jewish sect, celebrates the Orlando massacre. “People were killed in an act of terror. Fine. If an Arab did it, good for him! God hates sin. They deserved to die. I have no mercy for people that God has no mercy for.”

Facebook has removed the original clip but Levin captured it and posted it to YouTube. If Chaim Levin’s name is familiar to you, that’s because he was among the plaintiffs in the SPLC’s fraud lawsuit that brought down the Jewish ex-gay torture group JONAH. Levin is a member of the LGBT Chabad & Allies group.


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