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THERE SEEMS to be no dull moment in political antics, at times most bizarre, with retired GDF Brigadier David Ganger as leader of the People’s National Congress and chairman of what contested the last general elections as A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).Revealing signs as a political leader under stress, perhaps resulting from personality conflicts among party ‘comrades,’ Mr. Granger only recently came forward with the ridiculous statement to the media that he would do whatever possible within his power to defend the good name of the PNC.
That unsolicited assurance, incidentally, came against the background of the PNC’s refusal to appear before the current independent Commission of Inquiry into the killing of Dr. Walter Rodney on the night of June 13, 1980 amid the height of nation-wide political protests against what was known as the “dictatorship” of the Forbes Burnham-led PNC.
Evidently stunned by the decision of APNU’s junior partner, the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), to somersault on an earlier position to boycott the COI, as originally reported in the media, Granger was obviously growing increasingly worried over some of the very distressing, sensational information emerging from sittings of the Commission.
His option of a warning to do all that’s within his power to defend the PNC–apparently against the reported links being made with testimonies before the COI about the murder of Rodney, a co-leader of the WPA—remains a pathetic substitute for boycotting the independent probe currently underway into the circumstances of Rodney’s death. More on this later.
For now, without any known public provocation, the PNC’s Granger, who had won the party’s leadership by the narrow margin of merely 15 votes ahead of the 2011 general elections, told a press conference on Friday that his party has no intention of issuing any “blanket apology” for what he termed “alleged wrongdoings” during its 28 years in government.
Who made such a call, and when, for any “blanket apology”? The probe into the killing of Rodney, a courageous national hero of Guyana, is still unfinished business.
However, if the revelations coming out of the three-member COI are understandably too disturbing for Granger and the PNC, including linkages made with elements of the GDF and the notorious House of Israel, then his declaration against offering of any “blanket apology” for wrongdoings during the PNC’s 28 years in government is a matter entirely for resolution by the party he leads.
The PNC’s abysmal record in the mis-governance of Guyana, which it had reduced to the status of one of the poorest and most highly indebted nations of the world, cannot be expediently erased by the amusing political posturing of David Granger—whether speaking as PNC leader; APNU’s chairman, or Opposition Leader. There is too much of a credibility gap.
For, apart from its unique, shameful record of recurring electoral riggings to maintain state power for 28 years, the PNC simply cannot expect even otherwise informed segments among its declining membership to forget, or ignore, the organised waves of political criminality.
They included the documented infamous “X-13 Plan” and the wave of blood-letting disturbances during which period the best known victim—nationally, regionally and internationally- was Dr. Walter Rodney.
It is sad indeed to revisit that tragic, turbulent period in Guyana’s history. The preference, instead, should be for structured dialogue between the government and parliamentary opposition in Guyana’s national interest. We commend this approach for consideration by President Donald Ramotar and Opposition Leader David Granger, for a start.


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

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