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LETTER: Sad situation when persons with Degrees are robbing banks

A 25 year-old with a degree in agronomy was shot to death earlier today (Tuesday) as he attempted to rob Republic Bank’s Water Street Branch.

What a tragedy that our young people, even those with tertiary qualifications, are resorting to this type of activity. 70% of Guyana’s population is made up of persons 35 years and younger and it is no secret that feelings of hopelessness and despair are increasingly engulfing our youth. We have one of the highest youth suicide rates in the world.

What an indictment of this country and its leaders, past and present.

In May 2015, President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo deliberately misled the young people of Guyana when they campaigned on the promise of jobs for youths.  Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”. Only two months after being elected, President Granger made the following statement, “There is no magic wand. The government cannot provide jobs…”

Only true if you follow the failed neo-liberal, capitalist model of economic development. In a country as underdeveloped and broken as Guyana, the government must reject this model, must meaningfully engage in the economy, leading the charge to provide development and jobs.

There is surely something terribly wrong when a country with the potential to be the breadbasket for South America and the Caribbean is not only full of hungry people, but is also now a place where young people with agronomy degrees are robbing banks.

Whatever one thinks about this young man’s action –it is surely one of desperation. And of course, despite the fact that the police and a private security firm were engaged in a fire fight, I doubt that every effort was made to disable and disarm this young man. Instead, as usual, the police shot to kill, becoming not only a law enforcement agency but also judge and jury.  Already I have heard comments such as “he got what he deserved”.  25 year-olds make serious errors of judgement. All of us have children who do so all the time. Does this warrant the taking of their lives?

Crime amongst our youth will continue to rise, especially in an environment where they are deprived of opportunity and where they are constantly witnessing double standards, hypocrisy and the outright criminal activity of those at the highest echelons of this society. Their so-called role models – past and present government ministers, senior state functionaries and leading members of the private sector have provided our young people with nothing but countless examples of theft on a grand scale and skullduggery.

What a tragic state of affairs we find ourselves embroiled in.

In the words of Martin Carter: “All are involved, all are consumed”. None of us can escape responsibility for this state of affairs. The sins of a society are the sum total of the sins of all of its people.

Frantz Fanon said it best in The Wretched of the Earth: “The collective struggle presupposes collective responsibility at the base and collegiate responsibility at the top. Yes; everybody will have to be compromised in the fight for the common good. No one has clean hands; there are no innocents and no onlookers. We all have dirty hands; we are all soiling them in the swamps of our country and in the terrifying emptiness of our brains. Every onlooker is either a coward or a traitor.”


Gerald A. Perreira
Organization for the Victory of the People (OVP)

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LETTER: Sad situation when persons with Degrees are robbing banks

In May 2015, President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo deliberately misled the young people of Guyana when they campaigned on the promise of jobs for youths.  Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”. Only two months after being elected, President Granger made the following statement, “There is no magic wand. The government cannot provide jobs…”


Gerald A. Perreira
Organization for the Victory of the People (OVP)


“Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”


Probably means ...

"It's time for us to be in government."

Chief posted:

What a misguided bunch!

It's a sad state of affairs when there is despair among the educated. Charles Darwin was right: Battle for the survival of the fittest. A man with an agricultural degree cannot find a job in Guyana, a country that depends on agriculture for exports. May his soul rest in peace.
 Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

What a misguided bunch!

It's a sad state of affairs when there is despair among the educated. Charles Darwin was right: Battle for the survival of the fittest. A man with an agricultural degree cannot find a job in Guyana, a country that depends on agriculture for exports. May his soul rest in peace.
 Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”.

fool the man was working i know you getting old but read the article na man 

Demerara_Guy posted:

LETTER: Sad situation when persons with Degrees are robbing banks

In May 2015, President Granger and Prime Minister Nagamootoo deliberately misled the young people of Guyana when they campaigned on the promise of jobs for youths.  Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”. Only two months after being elected, President Granger made the following statement, “There is no magic wand. The government cannot provide jobs…”


Gerald A. Perreira
Organization for the Victory of the People (OVP)


“Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”


Probably means ...

"It's time for us to be in government."

now this is funny please my tummy hurts don makes me laugh 

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

What a misguided bunch!

It's a sad state of affairs when there is despair among the educated. Charles Darwin was right: Battle for the survival of the fittest. A man with an agricultural degree cannot find a job in Guyana, a country that depends on agriculture for exports. May his soul rest in peace.
 Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”.

fool the man was working i know you getting old but read the article na man 

Wha wuk de man bin doin? He gat wan degree. Nah becuz he gat wan degree, he gat wan job. He could have been a security guard at one of the banaff jails you built. Manicole wood is not really sturdy wood for a jail.

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

What a misguided bunch!

It's a sad state of affairs when there is despair among the educated. Charles Darwin was right: Battle for the survival of the fittest. A man with an agricultural degree cannot find a job in Guyana, a country that depends on agriculture for exports. May his soul rest in peace.
 Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”.

fool the man was working i know you getting old but read the article na man 

Wha wuk de man bin doin? He gat wan degree. Nah becuz he gat wan degree, he gat wan job. He could have been a security guard at one of the banaff jails you built. Manicole wood is not really sturdy wood for a jail.

bai the man was working for NARI but he want to go america maybe come get some lesson from you how to jump house and rob people 


Young bandits had good jobs, degree

Dead bandit, Elton Wray

THE three bandits involved in Tuesday morning’s attempted robbery at Republic Bank, Water Street branch were all regular men around the city and one of them- Elton Wray who was killed has a degree in Agronomy which he earned at a university in China.

Jamal Haynes was a mail clerk at the Republic Bank

Citizens have expressed outrage at the actions of the men, but many persons have told the Guyana Chronicle that Wray whose father holds a senior rank in the Guyana Police Force was a known robber. “He was involved in a lot of things…he was following friends,” source at Wray’s work place told this newspaper. The source said Wray 25, of Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD), a China-trained agronomist and former crop extension officer of the National Agricultural Research & Extension Institute (NAREI) was only on Friday last involved in a heated argument at NAREI. “He was requesting a transfer from his department since he is known for having problems with authority at work. He had received multiple negative appraisals at NAREI,” the sources said.

His accomplice, Jamal Haynes, is a staff of Republic Bank and it is believed that James was the one who set up of the robbery due to his inside knowledge of the bank’s operations. He was reportedly captured hiding in a stall at the Vendor’s Mall on Water Street. He ran from the scene with injuries and took off his disguise when the gunshots started. In a statement Republic Bank lauded law enforcement agencies and security personnel for foiling the robbery.

“The Bank extends gratitude to the law enforcement agencies and security personnel for their alert response, which prevented the situation from escalating further,” Republic Bank said in a statement. The Bank’s Managing Director, Richard Sammy, said, “All of our staff have been accounted for and, where required, have received medical treatment. The bandits were unsuccessful in their robbery attempt. Our greatest concern at this point rests upon the safety and well-being of our staff and customers. We have initiated trauma assistance processes for staff and shall continue to work with law enforcement officials in their investigations.”

The Bank has closed its Water Street Branch until further notice and advises all customers that their banking business can be conducted at all other branches.

Meanwhile, social media was abuzz with the incident all day with some expressing disappointment at the path chosen by the young men- at least two of whom had good jobs and careers. Journalist Gordon Moseley in a comment on his facebook page said: ”When all the noise is over, can we get back to talking to our young brothers and sons and friends about the need to be contented. Just this morning on my radio programme, I was talking about young people needing to enjoy life, needing to see the world, if you can’t afford the world, travel around this beautiful country. But do not get caught up in a hype, never believe you have to fit in and always be humble at the level you are at, as you work harder and honestly to achieve more. If you desire more, then be prepared to work more for it. If the one job not paying enough, then get two. But work hard and do it honestly and always remember that life is a sum of our choices.”

Public Relations Consultant, Christopher Chapwanya, also in a comment on his facebook page said “It’s amazing to see some folks playing the depressed youth card, the no jobs card, the poverty card, in a case where, according to reports, most, if not all of the alleged bandits were employed; one with a degree. Can we blame any of the circumstances above, in this case? Is it no longer fashionable to call simple greed and a desire to make fast money; greed and a desire to make fast money?”

Cultural Policy Advisor to the Minister of Education, Ruel Johnson, said “lessons from the robbery today. We live in a society of excess, inequity and impunity. If there is anything we’ve educated young people in over the past decade and a half is that greed is good, the larger you aim for the more you are likely to get away with, and we have a social and criminal justice system that is dysfunctional. For too many of us, the only true way to the good life is via a bad life. There are more examples of that at work than the old bootstrap bullshit.”

Back in May a US$64M Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) was launched. The project is aimed at reducing youth involvement in crime and violence. The YES initiative was launched under the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative with the intention of reducing youth involvement in crime and violence in 10 Caribbean countries. Guyana has been chosen to be one of the three “focus group” countries together with St. Lucia and St. Kitts/Nevis.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan had explained that here in Guyana, the necessary interventions will be provided to correct the incidence of crime in Corriverton, East La Penitence, Sophia, Lodge and East Ruimveldt. “These communities were selected based on the findings of studies, which show that they have the highest representations of high-risk behaviours such as incarceration, high levels of youth involvement in crime and violence, teenage pregnancy, youth unemployment, high numbers of drop-outs and significant use of drugs, among others,” the Finance Minister explained. It was noted that this new intervention will build on the achievements made by the Skills for Knowledge and Youth Employment (SKYE) Programme, which assisted significantly in creating alternative opportunities for Guyanese youths who were at risk of becoming involved in a life of crime and violence.


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Public Relations Consultant, Christopher Chapwanya, also in a comment on his facebook page said “It’s amazing to see some folks playing the depressed youth card, the no jobs card, the poverty card, in a case where, according to reports, most, if not all of the alleged bandits were employed; one with a degree. Can we blame any of the circumstances above, in this case? Is it no longer fashionable to call simple greed and a desire to make fast money; greed and a desire to make fast money?”

Cultural Policy Advisor to the Minister of Education, Ruel Johnson, said “lessons from the robbery today. We live in a society of excess, inequity and impunity. If there is anything we’ve educated young people in over the past decade and a half is that greed is good, the larger you aim for the more you are likely to get away with, and we have a social and criminal justice system that is dysfunctional. For too many of us, the only true way to the good life is via a bad life. There are more examples of that at work than the old bootstrap bullshit.”

Nehru posted:

It shows the level of incompetence of the Govt. The LIES told to the Guyanese people by the PNC and the Namakaram Crabdaag will not be forgotten!!

shut up fool you too stupid for your own good

warrior posted:
Nehru posted:

It shows the level of incompetence of the Govt. The LIES told to the Guyanese people by the PNC and the Namakaram Crabdaag will not be forgotten!!

shut up fool you too stupid for your own good

The banna should heed my advice and clamp 'e batty shut to stop his brains from runnin out.

cain posted:
warrior posted:
Nehru posted:

It shows the level of incompetence of the Govt. The LIES told to the Guyanese people by the PNC and the Namakaram Crabdaag will not be forgotten!!

shut up fool you too stupid for your own good

The banna should heed my advice and clamp 'e batty shut to stop his brains from runnin out.

Both of you FILTH HEADS can be packaged as RAW SEWAGE!!!

cain posted:

Public Relations Consultant, Christopher Chapwanya, also in a comment on his facebook page said “It’s amazing to see some folks playing the depressed youth card, the no jobs card, the poverty card, in a case where, according to reports, most, if not all of the alleged bandits were employed; one with a degree. Can we blame any of the circumstances above, in this case? Is it no longer fashionable to call simple greed and a desire to make fast money; greed and a desire to make fast money?”

Cultural Policy Advisor to the Minister of Education, Ruel Johnson, said “lessons from the robbery today. We live in a society of excess, inequity and impunity. If there is anything we’ve educated young people in over the past decade and a half is that greed is good, the larger you aim for the more you are likely to get away with, and we have a social and criminal justice system that is dysfunctional. For too many of us, the only true way to the good life is via a bad life. There are more examples of that at work than the old bootstrap bullshit.”

Why don't you stop with the slop can excuses and admit that the PNC have failed their constituents. Whyou else would the man turn bank robber if not from a sense of hopelessness under the pnc?

Drugb posted:

Good thing ppp lose is your mantra.

Live with it at least for the next 6 yrs. Maybe by then another party comes along and upturn the cart. Or the PPP finally throw out the rot and replace them with others of higher calibre and morally sound.


Who said educated people cannot be kleptos? It's common to have thieves on compuses.  There is one mighty poster on this forum who is yet to acknowledge that he stole stuffs on campus on a number of occasions.

Billy Ram Balgobin
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

What a misguided bunch!

It's a sad state of affairs when there is despair among the educated. Charles Darwin was right: Battle for the survival of the fittest. A man with an agricultural degree cannot find a job in Guyana, a country that depends on agriculture for exports. May his soul rest in peace.
 Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”.

Aye ypu old dog, like you kont getting stupid in your old days.

THE man was working he held a job with NARI.

Drugb posted:

Why don't you stop with the slop can excuses and admit that the PNC have failed their constituents. Whyou else would the man turn bank robber if not from a sense of hopelessness under the pnc?

I see someone working in the bank with enough knowledge to plan the operation is hopeless?

Druggie some people are just greedy and rotten. Accept that fact.  No different from the white collar criminals who steal millions.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Why don't you stop with the slop can excuses and admit that the PNC have failed their constituents. Whyou else would the man turn bank robber if not from a sense of hopelessness under the pnc?

I see someone working in the bank with enough knowledge to plan the operation is hopeless?

Druggie some people are just greedy and rotten. Accept that fact.  No different from the white collar criminals who steal millions.

The 25 year old college grad from Chinese university was not working in the bank. His accomplice was. Let us concentrate on why a black 25 year old college educated person has to turn to crime and ketch his death under the black pnc administration. 


Even the dumbest bank robber get more street smarts than police. When Granger announced to run away Guyanese to return and invest in Guyana, we have to ask what kind of investments are available. Quick and easy money worth more than a degree.

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

What a misguided bunch!

It's a sad state of affairs when there is despair among the educated. Charles Darwin was right: Battle for the survival of the fittest. A man with an agricultural degree cannot find a job in Guyana, a country that depends on agriculture for exports. May his soul rest in peace.
 Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”.

fool the man was working i know you getting old but read the article na man 

Wha wuk de man bin doin? He gat wan degree. Nah becuz he gat wan degree, he gat wan job. He could have been a security guard at one of the banaff jails you built. Manicole wood is not really sturdy wood for a jail.

bai the man was working for NARI but he want to go america maybe come get some lesson from you how to jump house and rob people 

Show me in the original article where the writer stated the man was working for NARI.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

What a misguided bunch!

It's a sad state of affairs when there is despair among the educated. Charles Darwin was right: Battle for the survival of the fittest. A man with an agricultural degree cannot find a job in Guyana, a country that depends on agriculture for exports. May his soul rest in peace.
 Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”.

Aye ypu old dog, like you kont getting stupid in your old days.

THE man was working he held a job with NARI.

I would not stoop to your level. Your bar is too low, probably buried beneath the ground.

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

What a misguided bunch!

It's a sad state of affairs when there is despair among the educated. Charles Darwin was right: Battle for the survival of the fittest. A man with an agricultural degree cannot find a job in Guyana, a country that depends on agriculture for exports. May his soul rest in peace.
 Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”.

fool the man was working i know you getting old but read the article na man 

Wha wuk de man bin doin? He gat wan degree. Nah becuz he gat wan degree, he gat wan job. He could have been a security guard at one of the banaff jails you built. Manicole wood is not really sturdy wood for a jail.

bai the man was working for NARI but he want to go america maybe come get some lesson from you how to jump house and rob people 

Show me in the original article where the writer stated the man was working for NARI.

I thought Guyana is the only English speaking country in South America but I see you guys speak it but cannot read it, you fellas should take English for Dummies.

Two of these guys had work that many in Guyana would love to have:

The source said Wray 25, of Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD), a China-trained agronomist and former crop extension officer of the National Agricultural Research & Extension Institute (NAREI) was only on Friday last involved in a heated argument at NAREI. “He was requesting a transfer from his department since he is known for having problems with authority at work. He had received multiple negative appraisals at NAREI,” the sources said.

His accomplice, Jamal Haynes, is a staff of Republic Bank and it is believed that James was the one who set up of the robbery due to his inside knowledge of the bank’s operations.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

What a misguided bunch!

It's a sad state of affairs when there is despair among the educated. Charles Darwin was right: Battle for the survival of the fittest. A man with an agricultural degree cannot find a job in Guyana, a country that depends on agriculture for exports. May his soul rest in peace.
 Their campaign poster actually read “Youths – it’s time to vote for jobs”.

fool the man was working i know you getting old but read the article na man 

Wha wuk de man bin doin? He gat wan degree. Nah becuz he gat wan degree, he gat wan job. He could have been a security guard at one of the banaff jails you built. Manicole wood is not really sturdy wood for a jail.

bai the man was working for NARI but he want to go america maybe come get some lesson from you how to jump house and rob people 

Show me in the original article where the writer stated the man was working for NARI.

I thought Guyana is the only English speaking country in South America but I see you guys speak it but cannot read it, you fellas should take English for Dummies.

Two of these guys had work that many in Guyana would love to have:

The source said Wray 25, of Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD), a China-trained agronomist and former crop extension officer of the National Agricultural Research & Extension Institute (NAREI) was only on Friday last involved in a heated argument at NAREI. “He was requesting a transfer from his department since he is known for having problems with authority at work. He had received multiple negative appraisals at NAREI,” the sources said.

His accomplice, Jamal Haynes, is a staff of Republic Bank and it is believed that James was the one who set up of the robbery due to his inside knowledge of the bank’s operations.

hey goady head, this article was written on July 5, the original article written on July 4, did not mention that the man was gainfully employed. Check your source again. Stop fingering that silicone robot and read the article on July 4.


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