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Donald Trump is pulling ahead of Hillary Clinton in one big way

Trump's new campaign boss: Polls will tighten during next two weeks   6 Hours Ago|05:09|CNBC

Donald Trump still has an uphill battle in this election. But when it comes to controlling the news cycle in this election, he's running unopposed.

Consider the recent pivot in the Trump campaign. It began with a speech expressing his regrets for his past hurtful comments, followed by a visit to flood ravaged Louisiana. And it continued this weekend with a meeting with Latino supporters where he signaled a desire to temper his immigration policies and shift away from his previous support for mass deportations.

If this were any other candidate in any other election year, it would hardly be newsworthy and certainly not electorally beneficial for a candidate to move to be less offensive in his comments and join the mainstream position of his own party on immigration. But this is the year of Trump and Trump has spent most of this year setting the bar so low for his own candidacy that these kinds of shifts are both newsworthy and politically beneficial. Some polls have already shown a favorable Trump trend, and you can expect that to continue in the coming days.

And all of this is the result of a dangerous mistake by the Clinton campaign. It's fallen into a trap that's allowed Trump and his behavior to dominate the news coverage and the direction of the polls. Long ago, the Clinton campaign clearly decided to put all its work into attacking Trump and thus abdicating any serious efforts to promote their candidate and her policies. It's almost like the Clinton campaign would like us to forget about them entirely, as evidence by the forgettable choice of Tim Kaine as Hillary Clinton's running mate and her decision to basically take a few weekends off over the summer.

And Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook doubled down on that strategy over the weekend during an interview on CNN by spending far more time talking about Trump than his own boss. Even the mostly Clinton-supportive news media has long abandoned any effort to trumpet her candidacy in favor of an almost religiously fervent barrage of anti-Trump material day after day. And Clinton herself has seemed so relatively absent and quiet that perhaps the real question her campaign should be focusing on is not who they'll find to play Trump in the debate preparations but who they're going to find to play Hillary Clinton.

Trump's recent pivots won't convince any of his most ardent detractors and Clinton's biggest fans to change their minds, but there are still a good number of undecided voters out there who might. And then there's the traditional Republican voters who have been a little embarrassed by Trump, who will now be able to point to the plausible excuse of Trump's "maturing process" to vote for and more publicly support him.

"The fact that Trump’s getting all of this media attention must be maddening to team Clinton in the same way that the traditionally failing student who all of a sudden becomes a B student often gets more praise and attention from parents and teachers than the kid who’s earned A’s her whole life."

But the biggest trap associated with allowing an election to become completely about your opponent is that it guarantees that everything he or she does will be amplified exponentially. For weeks, that's helped the Clinton cause as everything Trump says or does that isn't 100-percent benign has had its negative aspects blown way out of proportion. But now that he's doing some things that are positive, or at least a little more acceptable, they're getting the kind of extreme coverage that most candidates could only dream of. Think about it: What did it cost Trump to issue mild regrets in a speech, visit Louisiana, or hold a meeting with Latinos who already supported him? Not much, of course. But the attention each garnered was pure gold for the Trump campaign in an arena Hillary Clinton seems to have exited long ago.

All of this has to be infuriating for Hillary Clinton and her campaign, which has made caution and restraint its mantra for years. Unlike the fly-off-the-handle Trump, it often seems like Clinton doesn't do anything on the campaign trail before it's edited by a dozen speechwriters, vetted by 15 lawyers, and presented to at least six or seven focus groups.

The candidates' Twitter feeds are probably the best example of that contrast. Clinton's's feed is filled with professionally-produced entries, all with clever graphics and videos while Trump's tweets are still dominated by statements that sure seem like he's typing them too late at night in his pajamas.

She's done everything safely and the "right" way, and the undisciplined Trump is still in striking distance and likely to keep making it closer in the coming days. The fact that Trump's getting all of this media attention must be maddening to team Clinton in the same way that the traditionally failing student who all of a sudden becomes a B student often gets more praise and attention from parents and teachers than the kid who's earned A's her whole life. Speaking of that kind of praise, the Democratic Governor of Louisiana said Sunday that Donald Trump's trip to his state was "helpful" in getting the country's attention on the devastating flooding around Baton Rouge. That quote is like poison for the Clinton campaign and her "duck and cover" campaign strategy.

If this keeps up, Clinton will have to find some way to wedge herself back into the narrative. Considering the tepid attendance at her rallies and the fact that so many of her supporters still can't really identify her core policies, that won't be so easy. Sure, it's been a good bet all summer that Trump would make the kinds of mistakes that justified handing him control of the news cycle. But in the last few days, those odds have diminished considerably and Clinton may be out of time if she ever needs to get our attention again.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

ba$eman posted:

Sails Ahoy...Trump...Trump all the way to Triumph!!


Donald Trump is pulling ahead of Hillary Clinton in one big way, Trump's new campaign boss: Polls will tighten during next two weeks, 6 Hours Ago|05:09|CNBC

Indeed, Trump will be living at Triump far away from and dreaming of his desires to be in the White House.

 Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, he is unable to focus on political issues but is profoundly able to stick to his guns as if he is still on his personal TV programmes.

Mr D_G, when the Trump locomotive re-gathers momentum, you will be lost for words, even these few words you say will be a monumental effort to conjure up!!

I agree, it's an uphill task, but I would not be over confident.  Hillary is a very tarnished candidate!

ba$eman posted:
 Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, he is unable to focus on political issues but is profoundly able to stick to his guns as if he is still on his personal TV programmes.

Mr D_G, when the Trump locomotive re-gathers momentum, you will be lost for words, even these few words you say will be a monumental effort to conjure up!!

I agree, it's an uphill task, but I would not be over confident.  Hillary is a very tarnished candidate!

Most Honourable Baseman ... Trump is stuck way down in his self-created swamp trying desperately to get out to then reach the top of the hill.

ba$eman posted:

Donald Trump is pulling ahead of Hillary Clinton in one big way

Trump's new campaign boss: Polls will tighten during next two weeks   6 Hours Ago|05:09|CNBC

Donald Trump still has an uphill battle in this election. But when it comes to controlling the news cycle in this election, he's running unopposed.



Hillary wants the media to focus to Trump. The more he speaks the more he confuses all but the bigots.

This was NOT a good news week for Hillary, but thanks to Trump we didn't notice it.

The media has decided that Trump is a bigoted buffoon and every news item reflects that.  He doesn't even know how to pretend that he wants black support.  Screaming that blacks are lazy and that they should vote for him, when he doesn't tell them why they should (they can stay home if they don't like the Dems) fools no one.  So those suburban whites still think that he is a fool, and his recent "pivot" fools no one.

Next item to be discussed is why Pence is releasing his tax returns on Trump is afraid to release his.  Who cares about the VP.  Since Nixon no VP has replaced a sitting president within memory (for most its JFK, and for very few Eisenhower).

Trump will block the news with chatter about what he is trying to hide.  Sorry that audit doesn't fool any one as he can release his tax returns with the proviso that these are being audited by the IRS. 

Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, he is unable to focus on political issues but is profoundly able to stick to his guns as if he is still on his personal TV programmes.

Trumo reveals that he has the attention span of a millennial teenager.  Lochte must be his hero.

ba$eman posted:
.  Hillary is a very tarnished candidate!

And in the eyes of the US public Trump is tarnished even more.  Only illiterate white men and racists love Trump.  Others will vote Trump only because they fear what she will do to he Supreme Court.

We await the debates.


Trump is indeed gaining momentum since his apology. It would increase even more if he apologizes directly of Muslim Americans.

He is doing the right thing by reaching out to Latinos and African Americans.

Hilary has a lot of dirty baggage, she is an easy candidate to beat as long as Trump does not allow himself to be baited.

His new campaign team is indeed making a huge difference.

The Donald Train is taking off once again. 

Watch out Democrats, here comes the Trump Train !

Last edited by Former Member

Quote from the article:

"If this keeps up, Clinton will have to find some way to wedge herself back into the narrative. Considering the tepid attendance at her rallies and the fact that so many of her supporters still can't really identify her core policies, that won't be so easy. Sure, it's been a good bet all summer that Trump would make the kinds of mistakes that justified handing him control of the news cycle. But in the last few days, those odds have diminished considerably and Clinton may be out of time if she ever needs to get our attention again."

The Hillary Train wheels are slowly falling off. She is hopping mad.


Kari posted:

So the lil kid breaks every thing in the room. The father gets angry. The kid apologizes (stuff's still broken) and he gets a medal and extra allowances. That father is Yugi.

Doan forgit Uncles Baseless an' Siggy last but not least, GodFadda Cobraski.

Last edited by cain
yuji22 posted:

His new campaign team is indeed making a huge difference.

The Donald Train is taking off once again. 

Watch out Democrats, here comes the Trump Train !

To crash yet again in the hinterland while trying to find the main road.

Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:

His new campaign team is indeed making a huge difference.

The Donald Train is taking off once again. 

Watch out Democrats, here comes the Trump Train !

To crash yet again in the hinterland while trying to find the main road.


Just because your candidate is doing well, you are poking fun at us. Ok man, today for you, tomorrow for me.

Kari posted:

So the lil kid breaks every thing in the room. The father gets angry. The kid apologizes (stuff's still broken) and he gets a medal and extra allowances. That father is Yugi.


You guys are having a field day with us, we are down but not out. The election ain't over yet. 

Yes, Trump's chances are slim but we are talking about America. If Bush could win two successive terms, anything is possible.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
.  Hillary is a very tarnished candidate!

And in the eyes of the US public Trump is tarnished even more.  Only illiterate white men and racists love Trump.  Others will vote Trump only because they fear what she will do to he Supreme Court.

We await the debates.

Caribj, I really don't care, Dems of Reps, baseman does just fine.  And so does most of my Indo bros, so whether they are for or against, they will do fine also.  They are hard-working and self-starters, the type of personalities Trump love.

yuji22 posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
yuji22 posted:

His new campaign team is indeed making a huge difference.

The Donald Train is taking off once again. 

Watch out Democrats, here comes the Trump Train !

To crash yet again in the hinterland while trying to find the main road.


Just because your candidate is doing well, you are poking fun at us. Ok man, today for you, tomorrow for me.

And Yuji, Hilary Clinton will continue to advance as time progress.

There will always be a today while tomorrow is just a dream.

yuji22 posted:

Trump is indeed gaining momentum since his apology.

And Jagdeo won the election in 2015.  Then you woke up when "blackman" won.

Well when Trump loses your screams will be equally loud.  I guess this time it will be big strong white lesbo Dem women with supercyats that will have you in hiding.

yuji22 posted:
. If Bush could win two successive terms, anything is possible.

Except that Trump is Sara Pallin with a little penis instead of two big breasts.  He isn't going to win, though there is a remote possibility that Hillary might lose.  Hillary is polling higher among whites than Obama did in 2012, and we know how that election ended up. 

She is polling higher among Latinos than Obama, did and what should really upset you is that she is likely to get a higher% of the black vote than even Obama did. 

Not that she is preferred by blacks over Obama. Is just that blacks, really, really hate Trump.   That David Duke stunt and all the endorsements from the KKK just don't make them think that a Trump presidency will be healthy for blacks.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
  They are hard-working and self-starters,

Speak for Asian Indians, NOT Indo Guyanese.   Their poverty rates are just like that of any immigrant group, and their self employment rates are LOW!  BLACK Jamaicans are more likely to be self employed than Guyanese Indians.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
. If Bush could win two successive terms, anything is possible.

Except that Trump is Sara Pallin with a little penis.....

Ain't that something, especially coming from a Blackman.  How does anyone know that unless they accommodated it in their hands, or somewhere else?

ba$eman posted:
 Demerara_Guy posted:

Perhaps, he is unable to focus on political issues but is profoundly able to stick to his guns as if he is still on his personal TV programmes.

Mr D_G, when the Trump locomotive re-gathers momentum, you will be lost for words, even these few words you say will be a monumental effort to conjure up!!

I agree, it's an uphill task, but I would not be over confident.  Hillary is a very tarnished candidate!

Hope it's not the one Burnham sold.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
. If Bush could win two successive terms, anything is possible.

Except that Trump is Sara Pallin with a little penis instead of two big breasts. 

He isn't going to win, though there is a remote possibility that Hillary might lose.  Hillary is polling higher among whites than Obama did in 2012, and we know how that election ended up. 

She is polling higher among Latinos than Obama, did and what should really upset you is that she is likely to get a higher% of the black vote than even Obama did. 

Not that she is preferred by blacks over Obama. Is just that blacks, really, really hate Trump.   That David Duke stunt and all the endorsements from the KKK just don't make them think that a Trump presidency will be healthy for blacks.


ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
. If Bush could win two successive terms, anything is possible.

Except that Trump is Sara Pallin with a little penis.....

Ain't that something, especially coming from a Blackman.  How does anyone know that unless they accommodated it in their hands, or somewhere else?

Trump displays all the signs of some one with a small penis. We saw his reaction to Rubio.  A confident man would have simply ignored that taunt. Trump had to go on and on about it for weeks.  No wonder a little penis Trump rubber doll is being put up in many sites.


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