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Former Member

Salary increase for PPP Parliamentarians in “special bank account”

By Admin On Nov 8, 2017

Two years later, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is yet to make a decision on how it will spend the salary increases their Parliamentarians had rejected.

General Secretary of the Party and Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo told reporters during a news conference Wednesday that the parliamentarians are still putting the increases away in a special bank account.

He could not say exactly how much money is in the account nor could he say which bank it is being kept. Jagdeo also expressed that the PPP has not decided how it will spend the savings over the last two years.

“It’s a requirement that I know our MPs are deducting the money and sending it to that bank account … we have not decided as yet (what we’re going to do) but not a cent has been spent,” he stated.

 In 2015, the annual salaries of all parliamentarians increased from $2M to $2.4M.  The PPP had heavily criticised the government for implementing such steep salary increases so soon after assuming office and had vowed to reject the increases.



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I hope the PPP will do the right thing and donate the increased salary to charity if they don't need it. They should do it annually to schools, hospitals, and to poverty stricken communities. 

Last edited by Former Member

Come 2020, the PPP will need plenty money for its election campaign. The logical thing to do, in my view, is to grow that special bank account which, with accumulated interest, will come in handy for a vigorous campaign.

Zed posted:
warrior posted:

nehru want some  to drink rum

This comment is so unacceptable! Did he tell you this, or is this a joke between the row of you? 

The brother has displayed a long history of mentally retarded comments on GNI.  Just leave him alone. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Zed posted:
warrior posted:

nehru want some  to drink rum

This comment is so unacceptable! Did he tell you this, or is this a joke between the row of you? 

The brother has displayed a long history of mentally retarded comments on GNI.  Just leave him alone. 

We all know Warria. I don't get pissed at him anymore; I just feel sorry for him. He in a league of his own.


This shows you how the PPP can save money and compare that to the Big Big Spending Fete and wine down by the PNC.

This is a classic example in which racist people like Hinds and others can learn a thing or two about saving and spending.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:



Thanks for showing this chart. From it I gather that most years under review salaries of ministers matched those of public servants in percentage terms. The anomalies are the years 2000 and 2006 when President Jagdeo's salary skyrocketed to 25% and 273% respectively. Frankly, that was unreasonable and indefensible.

Looking at the total comparison as of the end of 2014, the salaries of ministers and president were way higher than those of public servants. So, the then opposition APNU+AFC were justified in condemning the anomaly.

But I still cannot fathom why only one month after the 2015 election APNU+AFC ministers appropriated up to 50% pay increases for themselves, thus increasing the gap between themselves and public servants when the Coalition Manifesto had promised public servants a big increase but said nothing about ministers' pay.

In this forum Gilbakka had opened a very critical thread on the matter, and time has shown that it is still haunting and hurting APNU+AFC's image among the masses.




The year 2006,the bicycle riders dig deeply in the Gov't coffers.

Jaggy the poor boy set himself up nicely with the big fat raise.

Currently the Presidential increase should be rescinded,a bunch of political thieves roaming the homeland.

Django posted:

Currently the Presidential increase should be rescinded,a bunch of political thieves roaming the homeland.

You really mean that? Beware, you will make powerful enemies in the APNU+AFC camp. Those people are currently applauding you for bashing Jagdeo and frowning upon Indians who complain about racial discrimination and about being crime victims.

In a jiffy those same people will turn against you for calling them "political thieves". Tread softly, chota bhai. Me nah want yuh get hurt.

Django posted:

The year 2006,the bicycle riders dig deeply in the Gov't coffers.

Jaggy the poor boy set himself up nicely with the big fat raise.

Currently the Presidential increase should be rescinded,a bunch of political thieves roaming the homeland.

What was the raise that the current president received? It was minimal if I remember well. The 50% increase only applied to a few MP's. The PPP are making a lot of hay out of this issue when they were a lot worse in their time. 89.5 % for MP's and 273 % for the president in one year and they have the nerve to make a whole lot of noise.


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