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Salary increases will rise as Guyana’s economy progresses - President Jagdeo

Published on Monday, 05 September 2011 22:50
Written by Super User

Public servants can look forward for an increase in wages and salaries for 2011, this was the assurance given by President Bharrat Jagdeo. The President promised that his administration will not depart from the annual increases granted to workers as the economy is in a better position.

In response to a question posed by the media on a possible increase in salaries for public servants, the president replied in the affirmative. He however pointed to the fact that Guyana is one of the few countries in the Caribbean who has afforded to grant increase in salaries and wages annually.

While Guyana is doing this many other Caribbean countries are cutting salaries and wages and cutting the workforce. This is testimony to a strong and prudent management of Guyana’s economy.

“I anticipate it will grow as we become more prosperous, and things that we have to work now and in the future is to become too populace to do things that we can’t sustain because we have been able to manage things carefully we add to our wealth” President Jagdeo said.

The Guyanese leader further went on to say “If you do the popular things in one year then you can destroy the foundation leading to high inflation and which heats up into fixing income earners”

According to the president, as the Economy grows citizens can expect their earnings to grow as well. Over the years the government has maintained its track record in revisiting wages and salaries and recently the tax threshold has been raised.

Only recently Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh tabled the half year report on the performance of the economy in parliament which indicated that the economy has grown by 5.9 percent and is expected to grow by another 5.1 percent. Even in the face of the worst global financial crisis Guyana has managed to keep the economy under control unlike many other countries in the Caribbean.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Salary increases will rise as Guyana’s economy progresses - President Jagdeo

Published on Monday, 05 September 2011 22:50
Written by Super User

Public servants can look forward for an increase in wages and salaries for 2011, this was the assurance given by President Bharrat Jagdeo. The President promised that his administration will not depart from the annual increases granted to workers as the economy is in a better position.

In response to a question posed by the media on a possible increase in salaries for public servants, the president replied in the affirmative. He however pointed to the fact that Guyana is one of the few countries in the Caribbean who has afforded to grant increase in salaries and wages annually.

While Guyana is doing this many other Caribbean countries are cutting salaries and wages and cutting the workforce. This is testimony to a strong and prudent management of Guyana’s economy.

“I anticipate it will grow as we become more prosperous, and things that we have to work now and in the future is to become too populace to do things that we can’t sustain because we have been able to manage things carefully we add to our wealth” President Jagdeo said.

The Guyanese leader further went on to say “If you do the popular things in one year then you can destroy the foundation leading to high inflation and which heats up into fixing income earners”

According to the president, as the Economy grows citizens can expect their earnings to grow as well. Over the years the government has maintained its track record in revisiting wages and salaries and recently the tax threshold has been raised.

Only recently Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh tabled the half year report on the performance of the economy in parliament which indicated that the economy has grown by 5.9 percent and is expected to grow by another 5.1 percent. Even in the face of the worst global financial crisis Guyana has managed to keep the economy under control unlike many other countries in the Caribbean.





PPP will never give the poor man more than 5% wages increase since that will take away from the billions they promise BABBY and the rest of them dhall belly Indians in Freedom House.

Originally Posted by Manishman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the man sound like he living in the 10 century

whatever warrior, Guyanese are better off than those slaving in NA, you know this


Is that why you ungrateful dogs are always begging for handouts and western union largesse?

Originally Posted by warrior:

that is why people in north america keep supporting their family in guyana.madman you is a little boy now run along and wash kwame batty

hi dummy that is what families do for each other, ask them when they come for vacation they do not want to go back to the slave ship

Originally Posted by Manishman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

that is why people in north america keep supporting their family in guyana.madman you is a little boy now run along and wash kwame batty

hi dummy that is what families do for each other, ask them when they come for vacation they do not want to go back to the slave ship

Someone needs to write a "common sense for dummies" book and dedicate it to this damn functionally illiterate fool. He use to choke and rob people in GT.

Originally Posted by warrior:

what happen skeltonman you crawl under the bed and crying.come out like a man and fight,you get one left jab and you hiding

The reason you did not get to rob her is because when you choked her, she kicked you between your legs. She thought that because you seem to have a large loot, you let her go. Little did she realised that you had your other warria buddy down there.


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