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Originally Posted by Chief:

Today Cheddie Jagan legacy lives on, a pack of thieves at Freedom House.


Cheddie Jagan was the architect for the destruction of Guyana.



Chief, you and I crossed swords on this matter a few years ago when I was posting as Bookman.

Whatever may be the reason for your personal hatred of the Jagans, only you know.

But, in saying today that Cheddi Jagan was the architect for the destruction of Guyana is far-fetched and doesn't square up with reality.

Like Forbes Burnham, the Jagans had flaws, they weren't perfect. But fact is fact and truth is truth and in fact and in truth the Jagans made significant contributions to improve the living standards of the working poor in Guyana.

And, Chief, to say Jagan's legacy lives on in the thieves at Freedom House is not fair. Dr Jagan's legacy includes his idea of lean and clean government.

Some people value principles and ideas above money. I do, and that's why I have remained poor.

Those thieves at Freedom value fast and big money more than Jagan's ideas and principles. The proverbial money changers have taken over the temple that Jagan built at 41 Robb Street, G/T. They could never have done that while Jagan was alive. Remember how quickly he dispensed with Finance Minister Asgar Ally after discovering a conflict of interest.

I assure you that Dr Jagan would have quickly dispensed with Bharrat Jagdeo too if he had lived to see what Jagdeo did.

Whatever your reasons for disliking Dr Jagan, Chief, at least show the minimum respect as I have consistently done to Forbes Burnham. Salaam.


 From a very early age I could remember at PYO meetings we were told that most to the PNC doings including the nationalizing of Bookers and bauxite companys were Cheddi's  plans  that  Burnham stole. One cannot deny that Cheddi's social experiment that his commie witch force him to use ignorant coolies in Guyana is still haunting Guyanese to this day....

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

 From a very early age I could remember at PYO meetings we were told that most to the PNC doings including the nationalizing of Bookers and bauxite companys were Cheddi's  plans  that  Burnham stole. One cannot deny that Cheddi's social experiment that his commie witch force him to use ignorant coolies in Guyana is still haunting Guyanese to this day....

Many of the ideas that Mr. Burnham implemented such as Free Education, the continued development of the University of Guyana, The Guyana School of Agriculture, the Agricultural Bank, the nationalizing of Bookers, the nationalizing of the bauxite companys and the development of state owned banks were the original ideas of the PPP party when Burnham was Chairman of the party and Jagan was its leader.  For example the Guyana School of Agriculture was Dr.Jagan's idea implemented by Mr Burnham.  I would not use the word stole but instead the word influenced

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Chief always get cranked up when he hear about mr & mrs Jagan.

We know Cheif is a old Burnham man.  LOL

Chief shows balls  by saying what he feels here.  As a man of the left I take it as an insult at some of the things he says against socialist ideas.  Nevertheless, he has the courage to stand up for his ideas unlike many others. 

Originally Posted by sachin_05:

 From a very early age I could remember at PYO meetings we were told that most to the PNC doings including the nationalizing of Bookers and bauxite companys were Cheddi's  plans  that  Burnham stole. One cannot deny that Cheddi's social experiment that his commie witch force him to use ignorant coolies in Guyana is still haunting Guyanese to this day....

Here again it goes to show that Burnham beat Cheddi at his own game.


I maintained that Burnham outsmarted Cheddie in every which way!! The rest is history!!


There is no such thing as outsmarting when it comes to Burnham and Jagan.  The two men had a respect for each other and the two men needed each other. 


Like I said before Burnham was a deep strategic thinker.  Would he as a strategic thinker prefer Dr Jagan as opposition leader or a person such as a Rai, Mrs J, Rodney or Bhagwan as opposition leader


When it comes to Rai, Mrs J, Rodney or Bhagwan there is no compromise. 


Also like I said before Dr Jagan and Mrs Jagan were not stupid people.  They would not enter a rigged election (where there was a possibility of them getting no seats) unless there was some type of understanding that the party would not be shut out in the rigged election.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:


Burnham not only rigged the 1973 elections he stole it from Dr J. What happened next Jagan turned around  and tell Burnham ok I will give you critical support, in other words he was saying "it was okay to bugger me".

Chief, believe me, no buggering was involved, nor was there any insinuation by Cheddi Jagan that he wanted a buggering from Burnham.

This is what happened: From 1970 onwards Burnham was taking concrete steps to distance himself from the United States which had put him in power only 6 years before.

Burnham established diplomatic relations with Cuba and the Soviet Union and started playing a significant role in the Non-Aligned Movement. He also established diplomatic relations with communist China, North Korea and Eastern European states.

Burnham officially named the country Cooperative Socialist Republic of Guyana which he bragged was the world's first.

He nationalized American, British and Canadian bauxite and sugar companies and commercial banks.

From the day the republic was born, 23 February 1970, Cheddi Jagan told a special sitting of parliament that cooperative socialism was a sham and would fail.

When Burnham nationalized the foreign companies Jagan gave support but warned that nationalization could lead to state capitalism instead of socialism. He urged Burnham to allow greater workers' participation in management and dispense with high-salaried bureaucracy.

By 1975 there were clear indications that the US was getting impatient with Burnham.

The Soviets and Cubans picked up vibes of a possible American move to halt Burnham in his tracks and restore Guyana to their camp.

Fidel Castro urged Jagan in Havana to support Burnham and present a united front internationally to thwart the American plan.

Thinking about Guyana's future in terms of his socialist vision, Jagan gave Burnham not full support but qualified support which he termed critical support.

No buggering took place between Burnham and Jagan.

Instead, Burnham decided to bugger MPCA President Richard Ishmael and conduct a poll in the sugar estates before 1975 even ended.

Jagan's union GAWU won and Ishmael was brutally and ungraciously buggered, the same Ishmael who helped put Burnham in power with CIA help.

Last edited by Former Member

Pragmatism has every solution to problems. Those two soviet slaves were more theoretical than Theoretical Physicists.


I understand, Cheddie went complaining to Forbes about prejudices against indoes. Forbes reply to him was, "Come come now comrade Cheddie, yuh know in a socialist state, racism does not exist. We have only class struggles."


Anyone on this BB ever hear Cheddie talk of Racism in Guyana. That stupidee azz had communism up his baxside suh hard that it pain him even to recognize the plight of the Indoes. That fool din give one iota about no Guyanese-he was just like Jagdeo. Travelling the world of the Communists. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Chief:


Burnham not only rigged the 1973 elections he stole it from Dr J. What happened next Jagan turned around  and tell Burnham ok I will give you critical support, in other words he was saying "it was okay to bugger me".

Chief, believe me, no buggering was involved, nor was there any insinuation by Cheddi Jagan that he wanted a buggering from Burnham.

This is what happened: From 1970 onwards Burnham was taking concrete steps to distance himself from the United States which had put him in power only 6 years before.

Burnham established diplomatic relations with Cuba and the Soviet Union and started playing a significant role in the Non-Aligned Movement. He also established diplomatic relations with communist China, North Korea and Eastern European states.

Burnham officially named the country Cooperative Socialist Republic of Guyana which he bragged was the world's first.

He nationalized American, British and Canadian bauxite and sugar companies and commercial banks.

From the day the republic was born, 23 February 1970, Cheddi Jagan told a special sitting of parliament that cooperative socialism was a sham and would fail.

When Burnham nationalized the foreign companies Jagan gave support but warned that nationalization could lead to state capitalism instead of socialism. He urged Burnham to allow greater workers' participation in management and dispense with high-salaried bureaucracy.

By 1975 there were clear indications that the US was getting impatient with Burnham.

The Soviets and Cubans picked up vibes of a possible American move to halt Burnham in his tracks and restore Guyana to their camp.

Fidel Castro urged Jagan in Havana to support Burnham and present a united front internationally to thwart the American plan.

Thinking about Guyana's future in terms of his socialist vision, Jagan gave Burnham not full support but qualified support which he termed critical support.

No buggering took place between Burnham and Jagan.

Instead, Burnham decided to bugger MPCA President Richard Ishmael and conduct a poll in the sugar estates before 1975 even ended.

Jagan's union GAWU won and Ishmael was brutally and ungraciously buggered, the same Ishmael who helped put Burnham in power with CIA help.

Bookman has got it right here.  Burnham did try to implement Dr.Jagan's worker participation in management idea in several state owned corporations.  But the top down British colonial style of management that had influenced Guyana's businesses acted a barrier to real  and meaningful worker participation in management.

Last edited by Former Member

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