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Sam Hinds is “the man for the job” – PM on Ambassador to US post

Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, has said that former Prime Minister and President of Guyana, Samuel Hinds O.E. will make an excellent Ambassador to the United States of America.

The Former Prime Minister yesterday paid a courtesy visit to the Senior Government Official at his office on Camp Street.

Prime Minister Phillips congratulated Mr Hinds on his position, during their discussions. He later said that the former Prime Minister has a wealth of knowledge and experience which is a major asset going into his new role.

“Samuel Hinds is the man for the job….I know that coming from his years of experience and knowledge of governance in Guyana, he is well-positioned to guide Guyana’s interaction with the United States of America”.

The sitting Prime Minister underscored the need to have someone with such experience in the position, since the United States is a major development partner.

“As you know the United States of America is one of the main development partners for Guyana, especially at a time now where we have a new investment from Exxon in Guyana, and other forms of investment coming to Guyana as a result of the country now becoming an oil and gas producing state.”

Former Prime Minister Hinds, said that his meeting with the sitting Prime Minister isn’t an isolated occurrence. He said that over the coming weeks he will be meeting with several Ministers of the Government to get a better understanding of the Administration’s agenda, so that he can efficiently function in his role.

“I’ll be meeting with other Ministers over the next two weeks, to establish contacts and to learn of what interests they might have in my job coming up”.

Mr Hinds said that upon assuming office, among his priorities will be to build a stronger relationship with the Guyanese Diaspora in the USA.

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@Former Member posted:

Why do you ask? Has he done something to offend the US government?

Just wondering why the delay in approval.His wife and Son had some problems with US Law.

PM’s wife in midst of child custody battle

Nov 08, 2011 News

…Leaves US with grandson despite court ordered stay


Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Will the US clear Sam Hinds ?

Why wouldn't the US clear Sam Hinds?  Look whom we are dealing with.

Donal Trump and  Biden's sons are alleged crooks. In the US people are given second chances, if not, there would be nobody left to run the Country.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Why wouldn't the US clear Sam Hinds?  Look whom we are dealing with.

Donal Trump and  Biden's sons are alleged crooks.

In the US people are given second chances, if not, there would be nobody left to run the Country.

So Sam will get second chance ? what nonsense you are talking about ? nobody left to run the US.

@Django posted:

So Sam will get second chance ? what nonsense you are talking about ? nobody left to run the US.

When did I say that Sam will get a second chance? All I said that we are dealing with people who were given second chances. So why wouldn't the US clear Sam Hinds? What were you referring to? Just because he is from the PPP, you think he is a crook?

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

When did I say that Sam will get a second chance?

All I said that we are dealing with people who were given second chances. So why wouldn't the US clear Sam Hinds? What were you referring to? Just because he is from the PPP, you think he is a crook?

How second chances mentioned in your post ,relates to approval of foreign country Ambassador to the US.

His family had run in with US LAW.


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