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Brian Teekah posted:


Former N.Y. State Sen. John Sampson Sentenced to Five Years

Convicted of obstruction of justice and lying to investigators during a probe of embezzlement

Former New York state Sen. John Sampson was sentenced Wednesday to five years in prison for obstruction of justice and lying to investigators during a probe of corruption.



This man was once the Senate minority leader.  Don't get ketch in Uncle Sam because yuh cark duck afta dat.  When will this happen in Guyana??

You know many of the attorneys that work for Preet could make multiple times more in the private sector but they are committed to fighting corruption.

Preet for Governor!


I knew Senator Sampson on professional  level and he sincerly cared  for Guyanese and always wanted to see them better themselves . 

It is dissapointing and sad that Ed Ahmad set up this Senator all to save his ow skin. Ed action will cause folks not to trust Guyanese.

I wish Senator Sampson all the best in the years that he will be behind bars.He will be out soon and hopefully he will pick up the pieces and continue with his wonderful self.

Chief posted:

I knew Senator Sampson on professional  level and he sincerly cared  for Guyanese and always wanted to see them better themselves . 

It is dissapointing and sad that Ed Ahmad set up this Senator all to save his ow skin. Ed action will cause folks not to trust Guyanese.

I wish Senator Sampson all the best in the years that he will be behind bars.He will be out soon and hopefully he will pick up the pieces and continue with his wonderful self.

How can a man set up a Senator.  Get real!!

Nehru posted:

Dat Indian Banna dont play. You do the crime, he catch yuh Baxside.

What nonsense is this. Mr. Neemakaram Nehru didn't I say on the board that Preet does not go after people with real power

Show me the mafia godfathers that Preet went after

.Show me the ultra orthodox jews that Preet went after. 

Not to mention the Russian underworld who.will handle Preet in a heartbeat.

Those are the people with real power

Preet is nowhere to be seen when it comes to real power


Last edited by Prashad
Chief posted:

I knew Senator Sampson on professional  level and he sincerly cared  for Guyanese and always wanted to see them better themselves . 

It is dissapointing and sad that Ed Ahmad set up this Senator all to save his ow skin. Ed action will cause folks not to trust Guyanese.

I wish Senator Sampson all the best in the years that he will be behind bars.He will be out soon and hopefully he will pick up the pieces and continue with his wonderful self.

Sampson may be a stupid man. He got merciless out played by Ed.  The man I am sorry for is Noel. He  was a victim of this case.

Last edited by Prashad

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