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Same Gun Was Used to Kill Two Critics of Hindu Nationalists in India;pgtype=sectionfront

A vigil in New Delhi for the journalist Gauri Lankesh after she was killed in September. CreditTsering Topgyal/Associated Press

By Maria Abi-Habib
June 8, 2018

The gun that was used last year to kill a prominent journalist critical of the Indian government was the same weapon employed in the murder of a scholar with similar ideological leanings, the local news media said Friday, citing a forensic report.

The apparent link suggests an organized — if local — campaign to silence critics of the Hindutva movement, the far-right Hindu nationalists who overwhelmingly support the governing Bharatiya Janata Party. The journalist, Gauri Lankesh, was killed last September, just over two years after the death of the scholar, M.M. Kalburgi.

Ms. Lankesh and Mr. Kalburgi, who were both accused by right-wing groups of insulting Hinduism, were killed at their homes in the southern state of Karnataka.

Although one of the suspects in Ms. Lankesh’s murder was arrested earlier this year and does not have an apparent link to the Bharatiya Janata Party, the current government has been accused of tolerating its supporters’ use of violence to intimidate critics and stoke sectarian tension.

The Indian Express newspaper reported the contents of the forensic report, detailing that the same 7.65-millimeter gun had been used in both murders.

Officials investigating the case were not immediately reachable.

In March, the police arrested Naveen Kumar, the founder of the far-right group Hindu Yuva Sena, on suspicion of his involvement in Ms. Lankesh’s murder. Mr. Kumar later confessed to supplying bullets to a right-wing Hindu nationalist who said he intended to use them to kill Ms. Lankesh because she was “anti-Hindu.”

Mourning M.M. Kalburgi, a scholar and critic of Hindu nationalists, during his funeral in Dharwad in 2015.
CreditAgence France-Presse — Getty Images

The forensic report was part of the charge sheet against Mr. Kumar presented to the court by investigators late last month.

Both Ms. Lankesh and Mr. Kalburgi were known as “rationalists,” a term used in India to describe those who oppose the use of religion in politics. During her career, Ms. Lankesh, 55, had been sued several times, accused of defamation by leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party.

The day before she was killed, Ms. Lankesh shared a Facebook post written by someone else that accused the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the ideological parent of the Bharatiya Janata Party, of being a “terrorist organization.”

Mr. Kalburgi, 76, was a vice chancellor of Kannada University and had frequent run-ins with Hindu nationalist groups. In 2014, a year before his death, several right-wing groups staged protests and threw bottles and stones at his residence after he criticized idol worship in Hinduism.

When the Bharatiya Janata Party rose to power in 2014 with the election of Narendra Modi as prime minister, such right-wing groups connected to his party vowed to transform India into a “Hindu nation.” Since the election, intolerance has worsened throughout the country, sometimes leading to violence against religious minorities.

Last month, New Delhi’s archbishop warned against rising intolerance and urged Indian Christians to pray ahead of the 2019 elections, though he did not criticize or endorse any political party. Nevertheless, leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party and other right-wing Hindu nationalist groups sharply criticized the archbishop.

In April, the government proposed a media law that threatened to cancel the accreditation of journalists who peddled “fake news,” but backed down 24 hours later after a massive outcry. Critics said the law was too broad and vague, allowing the government to go after detractors.

Hari Kumar contributed reporting from New Delhi.


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Replies sorted oldest to newest

What people like Kalburgi and his buddy Lankesh may not have realized is that it is not a matter of religion or some man in the sky.  People like Prashad do not give a damn about some man in the sky if he exists or not.  It is about the cultural and linguistic survival of a people.  It is about the true identity of your ancestors and their interactions with their environments.  There is more to life than adopting some other people identity, history and their interaction with their environment and calling it your own.  No matter how good that philosophy or way of life may look on paper.  No matter how much you tell yourself that it is a part of you.  It will never truly be your own because it was never a result of your ancestors' interaction with their environment.  

Prashad posted:

What people like Kalburgi and his buddy Lankesh may not have realized is that it is not a matter of religion or some man in the sky.  People like Prashad do not give a damn about some man in the sky if he exists or not.  It is about the cultural and linguistic survival of a people.  It is about the true identity of your ancestors and their interactions with their environments.  There is more to life than adopting some other people identity, history and their interaction with their environment and calling it your own.  No matter how good that philosophy or way of life may look on paper.  No matter how much you tell yourself that it is a part of you.  It will never truly be your own because it was never a result of your ancestors' interaction with their environment.  

there are some interesting aspects to your post

however, wtf does all that have to do with Hindutva craziness, the murder of these two people and the implications?


India is a democratic nation or so they want us to believe, and people of all religions must be able to speak for and against Hindus and should not be threatened or killed for their opinions. A Nationalist Hindu leader cannot heal the nation when they are part of the problems.

Prashad, your comment is outlandish coming from you.

ronan posted:
Prashad posted:

What people like Kalburgi and his buddy Lankesh may not have realized is that it is not a matter of religion or some man in the sky.  People like Prashad do not give a damn about some man in the sky if he exists or not.  It is about the cultural and linguistic survival of a people.  It is about the true identity of your ancestors and their interactions with their environments.  There is more to life than adopting some other people identity, history and their interaction with their environment and calling it your own.  No matter how good that philosophy or way of life may look on paper.  No matter how much you tell yourself that it is a part of you.  It will never truly be your own because it was never a result of your ancestors' interaction with their environment.  

there are some interesting aspects to your post

however, wtf does all that have to do with Hindutva craziness, the murder of these two people and the implications?

A muslim is permitted to have several wives in India. In one year, a mussulman can have 5 children. It is the way to change the population of Hindus, simply sex(f,u,c,k) the way out of a hindu majority. It is the plan of the muslims living in India, cannot even be considered Indian muslims because they have no allegiance to a State.  The Buddhist next to door to India should be aware of their immigrants.




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