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The APNU+AFC has managed to do something which has not been done for 28 years. They have managed to unite the country’s opposition parties.
Six opposition parties – People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), The New Movement (TNM), the United Republican Party (URP), A New and United Guyana (ANUG) and Change Guyana (CG) – have joined forces to condemn the declaration of the Region Four’s elections results.
It is very much like the situation in 1985 when the opposition parties linked up to form the Patriotic Coalition for Democracy (PCD) to fight for democracy and free and fair elections following the rigging of the 1985 elections. The PCD united the then opposition parties for close to seven years.
The six parties did not amalgamate prior to the elections. But they have now found a reason to come together in order to prevent the theft of the elections by the APNU+AFC.
They have made it clear, according to a report in INEWS Guyana, that international sanctions would be instituted should David Granger be sworn in as President. The six parties have called for restrictions of movement and the freezing of overseas assets and oil revenues. They want these to be kept in escrow until the problems with the votes tabulation is resolved.
One year ago, the United States imposed personal sanctions against electoral officials of the Democratic Republic of Congo. These officials were accused of obstructing and delaying the holding of credible elections. The United States slapped sanctions against the men.
The United States government did the same thing two weeks ago against Iranian officials. These officials were complicit in blocking the participation of thousands of candidates for elections.
The European Union had imposed sanctions last October on 85 individuals in Zimbabwe. This includes government officials for transgressions which include electoral offences. Zimbabwean officials have been subject to international sanctions for more than 15 years and it is beginning to hurt many of them and their families.
Canada is part of a number of countries, which have imposed economic sanctions against Venezuela and its government officials for human rights violations and for alleged problems with elections. Canada has gone as far as spearheading a regional grouping, which included Guyana and is called the Lima Group, in order to isolate Venezuela within the Region and to bring pressure to bear on Maduro.
The United Kingdom has also imposed financial sanctions on individuals. It has done so over the illegitimate elections in Donbass in Ukraine. These sanctions have been in place for more than five years.
The sanctions often involve the freezing of assets, travel restrictions in the first instance. These personal sanctions aimed at top officials are usually extended to apply further pressure on recalcitrant regimes to change for illegal regimes to step aside.
No one therefore is in any doubt that the Americans, British, Canadians and the European Union have fallback positions should there be any attempt to deem lawful the unverified Guyana elections results. The ABC countries along with the European Union, the Commonwealth, the Caribbean Community, the Carter Centre and the Organization of American States are in no doubt as to who won the 2020 general elections in Guyana.
They have come out and said so because they are pressing for the lawful procedures to be followed. But you can bet that they know who won the elections.
If they discover that electoral officials were complicit in elections fraud, they will have no other alternative but to impose sanctions on those persons. They will be obligated to do the same if they assess that there is an illegitimate government.
It is difficult to see how, if David Granger is returned to office, as a result of discredited results, how the ABC countries and the European countries can refuse to impose financial sanctions on his government and on election officials. With the six opposition parties now forming a front to defend democracy, it is hard to see how the West can refuse to apply sanctions.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

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With sanctions it is too bad the citizens of Guyana will hurt but those in government will surely find ways to ride it through. If it is true APNU did cheat I would hope all opposition parties along with their constituents do as in the US, get out into the streets by the thousands, they should also shut down business, fight these bullies their way  be the frigging bullies. 

Last edited by cain

The six parties have called for restrictions of movement and the freezing of overseas assets and oil revenues. They want these to be kept in escrow until the problems with the votes tabulation is resolved.

I hope this is done as soon as Granger is sworn in.

This reminds me of a campaign meeting Forbes held at a community center at #78 village in 1968. He said that the PNC will win the elections because all the returning Officers will be PNC and you can take that in your pipe and smoke it.
We have seen Granger done about the same. The spirit of Guyana's dictator still lives on in Granger a disciple of a racist demagogue and despot Burnham.


Last Monday PNC hired a lobby/PR firm to work their case in Washington. PNC will use Meeks and other Black leaders to head off anything other than a slap on the wrist. Ayuh run and dance behind them and help them cuss Trump.


Base, I cuss PNC like I cuss the Republican party. If it is wrong, I'll cuss. I am an equal opportunity cussing dem Fudda Muckers. Thursday I contributed $50.00 to Biden For President(ActBlue).


This is a sad day for Guyana. I cannot believe that in the year 2020 this could occur with all the technology we have at our disposal.The entire world was watching, the honourable Chief Justice orders were clear and yet they decided to continue with their plan to rig. These guys are bare faced thieves. 

They will have their party, however, what comes next. There will be sanctions. The shelves in the stores will be empty. It will be difficult to get medicines for the young and elderly. Expect water shortages and more blackouts. Freedom will be under attack. A lot of people will be arrested for opposing this illegal regime. Guyana will go backward not forward

This is not about race or political parties, this is about decency, fairness, freedom and democracy. Every vote must be counted. The will of the majority must prevail. A new struggle has begun. Guyanese should not take the bait and attack each other. Stand together and oppose this dictatorship. Be united , come together. Your victory will come. Peace and love.

Long live the Guyanese people.

Long Live Democracy.




Good keep it up!!   Blackman fuh Blackman!  Beg Obama to save our coolies rass!!

PNC ain’t going anywhere.  Black Americans will ensure they stay!  Meeks hoodwinked Granger and coolies didn’t even get it!

Now carry on, and recruit Priya to help you cuss!  She good at it, better than you!

Jagan coolies are as stupid as ever!


I ain’t in no frocking chair. Just had oil change, went to Apna Bazaar fuh mi favorite basmati and other stuff. Looong line rass.  Dem out of mi mango lassee! 

Now sipping coffee and playing with me p.uss.y cyat, then off to car wash.


Base, let me explain your rocking chair. You can cuss me down if you want.
Some days you praise the PPP when you think they are in a good position of defeating the PNC. Lately, after the elections, you pack pepper on the PPP and the coolies. Make up your mind and don't give me this "objectivity".


I think it is time we start compiling a list of names, or positions etc of those individuals who played a role in destroying democracy in Guyana in 2020. For example: Those individuals/candidates on the current list of APNU/AFC.; the Commissioner of Police, and all those involved in the Force for giving unlawful orders to those below their ranks; identified activists who are not listed as candidates, Mingo, Claudette Singh, APNU/AFC Commissioners and staff of GECOM; anyone who in any way, shape or form assisted, be it contractors, suppliers etc, in the rape of Guyana’s democracy. That list should be forwarded to the the appropriate people in the combined political parties to send to the ABCE countries to apply the appropriate sanctions. Everyone should get involved in compiling this list. You can, if allowed, do it through this forum.


The Chief Justice statements after this matter proceeded contrary to her decision would be of interest to know either on or after Monday, May 16, 2020 and most importantly after the election results are officially made directly under the presence and direction of the Chairman of GECOM.


This is a sad day for Guyana. I cannot believe that in the year 2020 this could occur with all the technology we have at our disposal.The entire world was watching, the honourable Chief Justice orders were clear and yet they decided to continue with their plan to rig. These guys are bare faced thieves.


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