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Demerara_Guy posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:

Probably, they are digging way down in the bowels of the earth trying desperately to find anything that remotely reflects a speck of evidence.

Ya mean ... like Indiana Jones?  

Unrelated to the topic.

EXPLANATION: Dr Henry Walton 'Indiana' Jones was a fictional archaeologist. In one of his adventures, "Raiders of the Lost Ark", Indiana Jones is hired by the government in 1936 to locate the Ark of the Covenant. Something very hard to find. In another adventure, "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade", Jones attempts in the 1930s to recover an ornamental cross belonging to Francisco Vasquez, a 16th century Spanish conquistador. And, in yet another adventure, "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", Jones races against Russian agents through the US, Peru and Brazil to find a crystal skull. So, as you can see, Indiana Jones is always searching high and low, far and wide, for rare objects. Just like SARA and SOCU doing right now.

BTW, in this thread Gilbakka chose the topic and knows what's related or not.


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