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Saraswatie Vidya Niketan CXC top students meets President


Rafena Mustapha, one of the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) top performer, whose 15 distinctions earned her the Caribbean award in humanities was astonished and honoured to meet President Donald Ramotar as much as she was about her achievements.


The Saraswatie Vidya Niketan student met the Head of State in the company of her principal Swami Aksharananda and mother Shamwattie Monilall and recounted the investments she made to reach where she is today.


“I spent many nights, slept late, it was hard work… I would give credit to the teachers they are a very hardworking bunch of people, they are dedicated. They do more than what is required of them for the students,” Mustapha said in a comment to the Government Information Agency (GINA).


President Donald Ramotar greets CXC top performer Rafena Mustapha from the Saraswatie Vidya Niketan in the company of Principal Swami Aksharananda

President Donald Ramotar greets CXC top performer Rafena

Mustapha from the Saraswatie Vidya Niketan in the company

of Principal Swami Aksharananda


She joins the list of brilliant minds that the Saraswatie Vidya Niketan would have produced over the years, and also stands testimony to the rewards that the country has been receiving from the investments made in the education sector.


Swami Aksharananda regarded her performance and the other students that have done remarkably well at CXC as an indication of the positive direction in which education is headed in Guyana.


“The middle group is also moving up. A good indication of that is what’s happening at Anna Regina. If 54 percent of their students matriculated, getting five subjects and more with English and Maths, and if that same pattern is happening across the country, it’s really exciting,”Swami Aksharananda said.


CXC top performer Rafena Mustapha with President Donald Ramotar, Principal Swami Aksharananda and mother Shamwattie Monilall

CXC top performer Rafena Mustapha with President Donald

Ramotar, Principal Swami Aksharananda


Zimeena Rasheed’s record 20 passes and Yogeeta Persaud’s 18 grade ones coupled with the other impressive performances have made Guyana the envy of the Caribbean. Recently it was announced that the country copped five of the eight CXC awards.


Both students hail from Anna Regina on the Essequibo Coast. They follow Sarah Hack from Abraham’s Zuil who copped 16 grade ones in 2012.


Mustapha was described by Swami Aksharananda as a “specially dedicated” student who was diligent and never allowed facebook, cell phone and other luring devices to distract her.


Saraswatie Vidya Niketan which is nearing completion of its expansion project hosted a recent graduation ceremony for 53 of its students, 45 of whom passed with 10 or more subjects including English and Mathematics. 

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