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SARU will drive away investors – Jagdeo warns

as agency targets high-rise buildings

The latest decision by Government’s illegitimate anti-corruption body to scrutinise owners of high-rise buildings in the country has great potential to drive away investors, former President and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has warned.saru

Director of the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) Dr Clive Thomas said the agency, which is currently without legal framework, is in the process of mapping all the high-rise buildings with the aim of investigating their owners for tax evasion and money laundering.

According to media reports, Dr Thomas wants to ensure that the money used to construct the buildings was clean, that the building is not a shell company, that the owners are paying their taxes, that the building is not being used as a conduit for corrupt activities, and that even the land was lawfully obtained.

Dr Thomas contended that there is an underground economy in Guyana and Government is hell-bent on identifying the individuals involved.

He said once SARU, which will be renamed the State Assets Recovery Agency (SARA), gets it legal framework, it will spare no time in going after these individuals.

But the Leader of the Opposition warned that such actions will destroy the country’s economy as it will act as a repellent to investors.

“These loose mouthed people are damaging our economy,” he said, referring to Dr Thomas. “The business community and ordinary people operate on government signals. If the entire government speaks as if it hates investment and investors, and if you put up a building, you’ll be subjected to a whole range of scrutiny by the Government, then investors are just going to withdraw, no one will want to invest,” Jagdeo explained.

He also contended that there is absolutely no logic in targeting high-rise buildings in trying to track down tax evaders and money launderers.

“What’s the logic? Let’s assume you have one five-story building and another person have 50 one-story building… he’s going to map the one five-story building and you’re subjected to investigation and another person has 50 properties around the city, but you won’t be going after that person. What’s the logic?” he highlighted.

The former President cautioned that businessmen and even the ordinary citizenry act on government signals, and if government gives the impression that it is against investment, then investors and the ordinary man will respond in accordance – by withholding their money.

“Sometimes you can get everything right. but if the signals are wrong about your intent then people act on signals; investors do so, as well as ordinary citizens and so we. I don’t have much hope that they would listen because of the arrogance,” Jagdeo lamented.

Reports indicate that SARU already did an inventory of over 100 buildings in Guyana.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Very good point by Jagdeo.   

“What’s the logic? Let’s assume you have one five-story building and another person have 50 one-story building… he’s going to map the one five-story building and you’re subjected to investigation and another person has 50 properties around the city, but you won’t be going after that person. What’s the logic?” he highlighted.


One cannot give in to every thing this PNC wants, you have to question it's transparency . SARA if allowed to expand will lead to full government control as to how much wealth one can accumulate, starting with how much property one can own. This is a page from communism book, soon they will seize without question, the next will be media control, presently foreign currency control. Look out this year ,due to the lack of foreign currency lots of imports will be off the shelves , just like Venezuela.

kp posted:

One cannot give in to every thing this PNC wants, you have to question it's transparency . SARA if allowed to expand will lead to full government control as to how much wealth one can accumulate, starting with how much property one can own. This is a page from communism book, soon they will seize without question, the next will be media control, presently foreign currency control. Look out this year ,due to the lack of foreign currency lots of imports will be off the shelves , just like Venezuela.

That's wan good insight,

lets wait and see,

I still believe some imports like "milk and fruit juices" can be produced in the homeland and of better quality,even cheese can be produced.

they import diluted milk from Baharain,the consumers real stupidy.

Django posted:
kp posted:

One cannot give in to every thing this PNC wants, you have to question it's transparency . SARA if allowed to expand will lead to full government control as to how much wealth one can accumulate, starting with how much property one can own. This is a page from communism book, soon they will seize without question, the next will be media control, presently foreign currency control. Look out this year ,due to the lack of foreign currency lots of imports will be off the shelves , just like Venezuela.

That's wan good insight,

lets wait and see,

I still believe some imports like "milk and fruit juices" can be produced in the homeland and of better quality,even cheese can be produced.

they import diluted milk from Baharain,the consumers real stupidy.

Django, don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. Can you not see the days of food lines and food shortage on the horizon? It's your beloved, kool aid mixer PNC on the war path again.

skeldon_man posted:

Django, don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. Can you not see the days of food lines and food shortage on the horizon? It's your beloved, kool aid mixer PNC on the war path again.

So far free market prevails,thanks to Hyote,you living too much in the past,

be optimistic nah man,every morning i wake i think positive since i am getting older.

well if that happens Indos getting more rich.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. Can you not see the days of food lines and food shortage on the horizon? It's your beloved, kool aid mixer PNC on the war path again.

So far free market prevails,thanks to Hyote,you living too much in the past,

be optimistic nah man,

well if that happens Indos getting more rich.

Is free market "tax the poor and feed the rich"? As far as Indos getting rich, there will be no more well to do Indos who will be willing to brive dem niggro customs.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. Can you not see the days of food lines and food shortage on the horizon? It's your beloved, kool aid mixer PNC on the war path again.

So far free market prevails,thanks to Hyote,you living too much in the past,

be optimistic nah man,

well if that happens Indos getting more rich.

Is free market "tax the poor and feed the rich"? As far as Indos getting rich, there will be no more well to do Indos who will be willing to brive dem niggro customs.

Show the taxes and let us talk,

alyuh fail to mentioned all the zero rated items.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Django, don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. Can you not see the days of food lines and food shortage on the horizon? It's your beloved, kool aid mixer PNC on the war path again.

So far free market prevails,thanks to Hyote,you living too much in the past,

be optimistic nah man,every morning i wake i think positive since i am getting older.

well if that happens Indos getting more rich.

Shut yuh rass.  It's the IMF who pushed Hoyte to liberalize the economy.  "Free" market is not a good model as it leads to "animal farm" mentality.  What is needed is private economy with a measured dose of Public/Private Partnership involvement.


The heading is missing two words in front of "investors" ...(drug running) Is like Jagdeo doan like hear anything about clamping down on corruption, that sleazebag thinks investing in drug runnings is good for the country. Good he rass in opposition for the rest of his sleazyrass life.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:

The heading is missing two words in front of "investors" ...(drug running) Is like Jagdeo doan like hear anything about clamping down on corruption, that sleazebag thinks investing in drug runnings is good for the country. Good he rass in opposition for the rest of his sleazyrass life.

Every building in Guyana should be subject to the same "inventory" if so be the case. The rich alone should not be targeted. Lots of shady deals among colluding PNC operatives in govt agencies involving land transfers over the years. 


Previous and current government fail the legitimate businessmen by not stopping contraband. The government lost lots of taxes to smuggling. 

To survive, the legitimate businesses then negotiate corrupt practices with their suppliers .

They will reduce the quantity from 16 oz to 14 oz.... as an example.

The government needs to do more to stop Smuggling/ Corruption . Lots of custom officers are involved in importation - as a side job . They are the ones who reports these bad apple and would have their work mates go after these cases . 

 When custom officers allow a container to fly by , his  wife will visit the business man home to collect the bribe . 



Potential Investors already lost interest in the country. Yesterday was the future and it is gone.  Their tomorrow will never come if they continue to harass indo_Guyanese  developers and invertors.


Guyana has never produced an Indo dictator, never.

Those who talk nonsense about the PPP are talking shyte. Prove it or just shut up.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Afro Guyanese Presidents have a very poor track record of governing Guyana including three dictators.

All over the world. Mugabe, Burnham, Hoyte, Idi Amin, Sudan.....

Drugb posted:

Notice the coCainE man will not address the PNC incompetency. He continue to bask in the satisfaction that the PPP were robbed at the polls.' is good ting they LOST

Which brings us back to what this thread is about SARU..putting the brakes on illegal deals.

Last edited by cain

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